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Posts posted by Greymouser

  1. After seeing the smaller brother, here on this terrible thread, I looked into them, was impressed and got this:
    ( Not sure my marriage will cope with the temptation from this thread... )



    OOOPS, second pic is a little stretched, will try to fix that maybe.

    Anyway, whilst it is a little heavy, it seems to be very strong, with wheels and three handles; four catches.  I hope to get quite a lot in it!

    Here is the link if you fancy a look: ( Not the cheapest, but much cheaper than what I intend to put in it! :smiley: )

    • Like 8
    • Haha 2
  2. I have two long achromat refractors, and I guess it makes no sense to keep both, so I need to decide...


    Bresser AR 127 L and AR 102 L. Even though the 102 is longer, I think it will be staying, the other going. The sky is clear and even though it is still light, the moon is in prime position. :smiley:

    ( Maybe I am overloading the Skytee here...:rolleyes2: )

    • Like 6
  3. 11 hours ago, Oakbeard said:

    I have a relatively nice darker spot near my big city, so tonight being clear I loaded up the car and off I went. It was really dark there and I must say that I chickened out... Clear nights dont come often round these parts but it is what it was. Surely I cant be alone in some last minute psychological self inflicted drama. So I hope this "report" can maybe offer a little consolation to some and a frustation outlet for me. 

    This has occurred to me several times and a solution that came to my mind, is a big dog with me! Something like an Old English Mastiff? You may need a van to transport it around, but I doubt anyone will bother you with one around. Saw two in Cornwall once, one was 19 stone the other 21 stone and in no way overweight. Lovely and very friendly, but I think the owner said they were descended form Roman War dogs... :rolleyes2:

  4. Second little session in a week, tonight! In fact not many more for the whole of the last 12 months. Anyway...


    The Skytee 2, with a Bresser 127L and the little 72EDF as a finder! I cannot make up my mind about the 127L, there is some CA, but not as bad as I imagined possible, a contrast booster filter sorted it, but left everything looking a little odd in another way. The Skytee 2 handled the scope just fine, better than it did the Bresser 102L the other night. That is lighter, but even longer at F13.2 and the clutch only just held things steady, with the longer scope. If I do decide to keep the scopes and mount, I will need to adjust things a bit I think. Certainly much longer, more flexible slo mo cables will be a must! At least vibration was minimal.


    The Altair 72EDF is a really good scope and handled magnification better than the 127L, I think. I also had a proper trial of the 7mm Delite, comparing it directly to the 7mm OVL Nirvana. I am not sure it is that much better... I think I have a lot to think about. :smiley:

    • Like 7
  5. 17 hours ago, James1967 said:

    Can I ask what maximum true FOV you can see using the reducer (and with what eyepiece, focal length, apparent FOV)?

    You can ask, but I cannot tell you!

    I am a simple fellow, who knows what he likes and that is that. I in no way get bogged down on the numbers, other than magnification and F numbers, but rather judge things on the view I get. I have never liked very wide angle views, not sure why, but prefer things down at the lower end of FOV. My favourite eyepieces are the Bader Classic orthos and 62 degree Explore Scientifics for instance and just do not get on with even 82 degrees. ( At least so far! :grin: )

    You need to find someone more inteligent than me , I am afraid. :wink:

    Of course all this may change as I explore my refractors more...

    • Thanks 1
  6. Yes, the mount is really excellent, but in my opinion, not quite large enough to hold the 9.25. ( Yes, I have one. ) I think the mount itself is the same one as with the 8" one. I would very much advise limits on where the mount can go, to avoid any unfortunate collisions with the mount! :shocked: I cannot remember where I have the limits, but it is easy to do, so no problem, just be careful until you get to grips with it. I would also advise using the hand controller, it is much easier because of the tactile direction buttons. Also I have found it annoying when the app crashes, ruining night vision as my tablet returns to the home screen. Many have no problems with the mount and the 9.25, having it very far forward on the vixen, but that makes me very nervous, so I am extra careful, even though it is still very near the end. ( I may experiment with a longer dovetail if such is available, at some point... ) I agree, there is no pount to the starsense as the mount works so well. :smiley:

    It is though an excellent scope, even better with the reducer, even for just visual. It gives two scope in one basically.  I have the 2" visual back, but do not use it much, prefering the reducer. I would say to get a small refractor to go with it for the wide FOV, as the 9.25 is just not going to do it imo.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  7. I have been watching this thread with a little interest.

    I am not trying to to totaly crush your expectations, but having had a very similar telescope, to the one you propose, in the past, I strongly advise you against you getting one! I just cannot imagine trying to use one on a balcony, it will be a nightmare. Maybe, just maybe that scope on an alt az mount, but no way an EQ mount. your frustration will make you howl! I am surprised no one has said this, unless they did and I missed it... :rolleyes2:

    I would strongly suggest a refractor or a mak on an alt az mount. Very much so. Anything else from a balcony is going to drive you mad.

    Whatever you decide, good luck. :smiley:


    • Like 3
  8. Because of various reasons, not least the weather, I am hardly using my C9.25. I did ponder selling it, but know I will regret it in the future, I will end up just not replacing it, so will lose it. Therefore I think I will put it aside in the spare room, until my circumstance changes. The thing is, I seem to remember someone saying that it it is best to get it out every few months, or so and run the focusser all the way from one end to the other, to prevent isues with the focuser. Is this true?

    Any other tips on taking care of a SCT, or other scope in longer term storage would be apreciated. I already use a desiccant cap thing, in the end, of all my scopes.


  9. I am getting a liitle annoyed with the standard of packaging offered by some companies. Today I got a parcel from Amazon, which consisted on one little plastic bottle of stuff for my wife, packed in a box way to big leaving the bottle to rattle around. Luckily it was inrtact, but why? A little while ago I got an eyepiece from Harrisons, packed in a Jiffy bag, totaly inadequate in my opinion. Luckily it seems to be fine, but it makes no sense. There have been so many recently, I have pretty much given up on Amazon and trying to give delivery feedback, as it just seems to be ignored. Other compoanies are guilty of it too and it is just mad.

    It is totaly illogical though, at best a false economy. Except of course it must be costing Amazon more, to send much bigger boxes, never mind the damages that must happen from inadequate packing. Never mind being a waste of the earths resources, just how much is wasted because of this poor practice?

    I doubt I am the only one who has thought this, indeed I am not, having sen several posts about it. Can anyone explain the logic to me though?

    • Like 1
  10. This last week I got a few things, including an eyepiece from Harrisons sent in a Jiffy bag! What's that all about?   The other things were from FLO and far better packed.


    The synscan is for my AZGTi, not because I am hoping it will operate better without the app, ( my mount can be tempramental... ) but because I like the tactile control offered by the arrow buttons. I am also hoping that it will mean I can dispense with the app crashing and ruining my night vision.  This is just the tip of the iceberg, with other things incoming, so I expect it will be weeks before I get to test things. :rolleyes2:


    • Like 6
  11. I was looking for a 32mm eyepiece, just to see if I liked the size or not. I thought a fairly cheap, but decent one was a good idea, ( at first, ) so wanted a Celestron Omni 32mm. I went to FLO first of course, but their price was going haywire, to almost twice normal! So I looked elsewhere and saw that Harrison Telescopes had it in stock at the old price. I ordered one.

    It came fast, their response to my question was fast, however their packaging was woeful! Is it just me or is it in no way adequate to send an eyepiece, even a cheap one in a Jiffy Bag, ordinary post, by Royal Mail? Well to me it was/is. I raised the issue with them, to be told they had been using such packaging for cheaper stuff for ten years, without negative feedback. Maybe not, but to me it has now put them off my list of potential suppliers of anything. This even if the eyepiece arived in one piece.

    Perhaps I am over reacting, but expect better really. I would suggest careful thought before buying from Harrisons. :undecided:



  12. That is very bad luck and a great shame it is discontinued. However Widescreen Centre may have it in stock, not sure how their stock system works. Could be worth a phone call?

    This is the one I got, but have never used the mount, the tripod is good though and gets use elsewhere. :smiley:

    As for the Astro Fi, I have read it is not a very good mount, but the OTA is the same as the other C5 I believe, ( hopefully! ) so perhaps buy it and sell on the mount for a little bit. Asuming you can find that in stock anywhere!
    Here, is a review of the Astro Fi.

    There again, it seems to be in stock from Amazon!

    • Like 1
  13. That looks the same eyepiece, expected I guess.

    The price has just changed on FLO again! Yesterday or the day before £39, today £69, now just changed to £51!!!!

    What's going on?


    Not helped by the fact that the FLO website is no longer reliable on my tablet...

    Edit: Oh and the Stella Lyra 30mm is 2".

  14. There is vlaiv, but I think it is 2", and as I want to keep things as small as possible for now, not suitable for me. :smiley:

    @Colinhunter thank you, nice to see it is still offered, but too late now, ordered elsewhere. First time order with them too, only the fourth supplier used so far, with FLO taking the vast bulk of my business.

    Edit: I am trying very hard to not think about how much I have spent with FLO too, else I might have a break down... :rolleyes2:

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