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Posts posted by Fieldsy

  1. 7 minutes ago, Adam J said:

    or for that matter just keep going at the current settings get 100 frames like that and something will pop out, this is ha yes?

    I’m all set up and running now 

    gain 200

    10 darks at 60sec ,60 light pollution filered 60 sec,60 red 60sec, 60 green 60sec,60 blue 60 sec, 100 H 60 sec,

    prob all wrong but the 🌓  is just poking up 🤨

  2. 1 hour ago, Adam J said:

    Was thinking more like the centre of the heart nebula. Ic1805 so even if you miss that then you can't help but land on some ha. 60 - 120s subs with gain 200. Bin 2x2 if you can't see it in a single sub your doing something wrong. 

    Not seeing anything 120 sub @200 gain bin2 h filter 🤯



  3. 18 minutes ago, Adam J said:

    It might help if you shared your raw data on here that way people can take a look and see if they can either get something out of it or  failing that make a suggestion on what to try.

    With a target like ic 5146  you should have seen something in a 60second Ha Sub. 


    I think that may be my prob I'mnot taking long enough subs I'm worried about cam getting to warm  as it's an uncooled

  4. 2 hours ago, Adam J said:

    Lol no idea what most of that meant.  :)

    Let us see how it turns out. 

    Hi Adam

    🤯 true to form cant seem to find anything just a few stars so went dss and tried to sort  and stack ended up with a lovely grey pic 😠 so I tried stacking M2 that I had 30-40 images used as a tester and that worked very well after stacking I had a nice black screen 😵 😭😭😭😭😭.

    That's it I'm going back to martial arts at least when frustrated u can choke some one lol .

  5. 3 minutes ago, Stub Mandrel said:

    Can't be that important for two reasons:

    1   On my HEQ5  Pro the handset sits in a holder on the tripod spreader with no such earth point


    2   The handset is designed to be use out of the holder and in your hand...

    The handset doesn’t have the metal on the back it’s just the power and eqmod box

  6. 1 hour ago, jadcx said:

    I’m reading this thread in both excitement and fear. I’m currently not ‘allowed’ to build an observatory, so having to set up and break down every night.  Maybe stupidly, I hadn’t considered leaving my ‘temporary’ setup outside.  It would obviously be a game changer if the approaching dark skies could be enjoyed more often. 

    But... what about theft? My gear isn’t as expensive as some on here of course, but if it was stolen I doubt my insurance would cover it when it transpires that I left it in the garden for a few weeks. Maybe I’m worrying unnecessarily?

    Yeah I’m the same If the scope is already setup for a week or so and it’s just running ext lead out to it ( after the apps say it’s cloudy don’t bother )and then you look out and  it’s clear 🤯 , as for being stolen search light is great but chances are your awake until silly o’clock in the morning anyway🥴 .you could always use a shed door alarm so if the tripod gets moved it pulls the pin and a alarm sounds or if you don’t want them coming back a 💣 

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