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Posts posted by Fieldsy

  1. 4 minutes ago, Rothesian said:

    Thinking about getting the ASIair, and wondered if I could power it with a 5V 2.4A battery pack/phone charger.

    Already have a LiFePO4 powertank for my mount, and hoping to be totally cordless.

    Hi Roth I used the 5v 2.4 a output on my lipo4 and had the low voltage flash up on the asiair app so I now use outxe power bank 5v 3 amp usb out and haven’t had a low voltage warning yet my asiair usb devices are eqmod,2x asi cams,asi filter wheel . Hope that helps 

  2. 1 hour ago, teoria_del_big_bang said:

    That's what I was led to believe.


    I have a MkIII as well. This is an extract for the VIP edition manual as I could not find reference to it in the MkIII manual (probably on line somewhere) but I am sure it is the same for both.


    Well I've measured 55mm to the centre of the coma to the sensor, that pic looks like the start of the case of the coma to the sensor.think I will post pic with ruler on it .

  3. On 23/09/2019 at 22:54, carastro said:

    It's sad to hear that there are these unfriendly Astro groups around.   On-line applications have even fallen down in the past in our very friendly society,  but we have a new Chairman who is very pro-active and replies to all prospective applicants personally via E mail and sends a copy of the letter to the rest of the committee, I went back onto the committee this year so we can all see what he is doing and how many new applicants we get.

    Shame other societies don't work this way, but it can be hard when people have jobs as well.  Our Chairman is retired and said he couldn't have taken on the job before he retired.   

    Apart from starting one up yourself which is a lot of work, I guess SGL is the only alternative, but such a shame.


    Sounds like a great club I may have to pop over one day . I'm going to another fairly local club tomorrow 🤞🏻 their a nice bunch ,is their any def no nos that I should be aware of on my first visit ?


  4. 4 minutes ago, Alan White said:

    I cut down a SW standard riser using a friends lathe, reduced to 7" or 170mm
    You could perhaps find an engineering shop that would do the same for you.


    4 minutes ago, Alan White said:

    I cut down a SW standard riser using a friends lathe, reduced to 7" or 170mm
    You could perhaps find an engineering shop that would do the same for you.

    I did wander if the eq6 extender would work 8 inch .

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  5. Hi all

    Using a 130pds for imaging pushes the scope back a bit that means it gets close to the pod legs , looking at a extender to raise the scope mount about 4-5 would eleviate this problem unfortunately the eq5 extender is 70 cm. which means u could well need a stall to place scope on .

    Has anyone found away or a extender to raise it 10-15 cm only.

    I do have a welder mate but this could be a little crude ( hes a banger racer) .


  6. 13 hours ago, Knighty2112 said:

    As the ASIAIR is basically a Raspberry Pi in fancy clothes, you get similar issues on PI’s when running too much from the USB sockets. It is recommended to use a powered USB hub to connect up if you get this issue. I know i have had it on my Raspberry Pi which I overcame with using a powered USB hub to connect things up to it.

    Powered usb hub 🤔 not sure how another usb hub is going to improve low power , usb hub is just a splitter.

  7. Hi all I was out last night my asiair and a few times a little battery sign at the top right of my tablet flashed up, so i presumed I needed a charge so i plugged it in but battery flashed up again ,turns out it is the asiair saying low voltage .

    I was running asiair/eq 5 pro mount eqmod/asi120 mini /asi178 mm/filter wheel , powered with a celestron lipo4 with the 5v 2.1 amp usb .

    Anyone else had similar issues ? .


  8. On 24/06/2019 at 09:24, Susaron said:

    Looking forward to see your photographs.

    To mount the guide scope I do use a steel plate from a housestore. Then a 3d printed bracket to hold the guidescope.



    Hi all I see a few ppl have what I can only describe as insulated scope and tri pod legs? Is this an attempt to keep dew from forming on the out side? Would very much appreciate an insight 🤨. Thanks

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