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Posts posted by Fieldsy

  1. 13 hours ago, Knighty2112 said:

    As the ASIAIR is basically a Raspberry Pi in fancy clothes, you get similar issues on PI’s when running too much from the USB sockets. It is recommended to use a powered USB hub to connect up if you get this issue. I know i have had it on my Raspberry Pi which I overcame with using a powered USB hub to connect things up to it.

    Powered usb hub 🤔 not sure how another usb hub is going to improve low power , usb hub is just a splitter.

  2. Hi all I was out last night my asiair and a few times a little battery sign at the top right of my tablet flashed up, so i presumed I needed a charge so i plugged it in but battery flashed up again ,turns out it is the asiair saying low voltage .

    I was running asiair/eq 5 pro mount eqmod/asi120 mini /asi178 mm/filter wheel , powered with a celestron lipo4 with the 5v 2.1 amp usb .

    Anyone else had similar issues ? .


  3. 5 minutes ago, Adam J said:

    depends on the ambient temperature.

    Could go with 30seconds if its a warm night.

    I think i worked out optimal gain and exposure for you before so just go with those figures.

    Not the best track but no trails so thought would try


  4. Hi Adam I've been messing about a lot with it turns out the back of the scopes was v close to tripod and just touching ra/dec leads so changed targets then the dec was ok but after 4 mins or so the ra just stopped so clrd cali and started again then the same thing happened 😡. But have gone back to 7331 target scope now past tripod leg and a 30 sec sub has no star trail 🥳, so have set up a run so far so good  but now I said that I'm sure I'm gonna find something else lol .

  5. 45 minutes ago, Adam J said:

    NGC7331 looks like something worth a try, if you want a emission nebula then the Signus wall is a good bright section of the north American nebula that will fit with careful framing and a Ha filter. The crescent Nebula might work, or the propeller DWB111 fits nicely too. However the broad band galaxy target will be easier starting out. 60- 120 second luminance subs are probably a good place to start.

    60 -120 subs ok with non cooled cam?

  6. Ngc7331 looks good nice  and large aswell thanks

    just hope it’s not behind my house lol🤞🏻 my viewing range is n to sse then s to west

    just my luck looks like 7331 and crescent nebula May be Be hind my cherry tree 🌳🤔🧨



  7. Hi all

    Not been out for a while various reasons .

    Boy did it show setup/pa time 40+mins

    New tablet just for me ,hooray 😭 not,   fire 10 hd turns out asiair dont work on it lol ,got plate solving working and focusing pretty good then clocked its 2 am 😞 ,up in a few hrs best get some sleep 🤞🏻 for monday night still stays clr .

  8. Hi all

    I'm looking at a 2nd setup and very portable I was looking at


    But once the flatner price added it's close to cost of the


    What would be your recommended and why with a dslr and unguided atm until can get cash for skyguider/skytracker


  9. On 26/06/2019 at 11:37, Adam J said:

    Yes they are good scopes and with your current camera you would not even need a field flattener. The shorter focal length will greatly increase the number of objects that you can fit in the field of view and make your life much easier locating stuff +it wont need collimation. Its probably more suited to the weight capacity of your EQ5 too as normally for a 130PDS I would recommend a HEQ5pro. Your DSLR will work well with it too for larger targets if you get the flattener and you can then add a better cooled camera if you want further down the line. 

    But like I say I think that you need to get some images / experience in with the current camera before thinking about a upgrade.


    Hi Adam I was just looking at the WO 61 and once you add the price of the flatenar there is only about £80 difference between that and the red cat ,what one do you reckon would be better as a very portable option .

  10. 15 minutes ago, JamesF said:

    I usually check the Met Office forecast and watch as whatever they have forecast turns into cloud as soon as it reaches "now".

    Doubt I shall be out tonight even if it is clear though.  For some reason I'm feeling very tired, but also I'm going to be working until getting on for midnight I reckon :(  It's always the way...


    I feel your pain I normally dont finish work until 1 am  . And yes it looks like some clouds are coming in 🤨

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