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Jimmy Rocket

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Everything posted by Jimmy Rocket

  1. Post person 🤣🤣🤣 before the PC brigade bang you up 👮‍♀️🚔
  2. Loving this set up, Celestron Starpointer pro and the Skywatcher 9x50 on the multi mount. Fixed to the Skywatcher 250p Dob.
  3. Hi all, just received a finder from a member on here and I am very pleased with it, my question is why do people prefer the Telrad or Rigel? I have just got the Celestron starpointer pro which displays the rings rather than the dot, obviously this is a benefit so as not to hide the target. Brightness is controllable down to barely visible so why pay more for the other two which quite frankly are pretty damn ugly lol. Would like to know your thoughts on the reasons why people rave about the Telrad and Rigel over the Celestron version?
  4. Got this Omni 32mm from AliExpress, £21 delivered, brand new and took approx 2 weeks to arrive, so we shall see how it performs in my 10" dob.
  5. I too am looking at a second finder and was thinking of getting one of those multi finder mounts, I already have a 9x50 right angled finder and thought a red dot would also be beneficial. Reading about the telrad and the Rigel it seem they don't fit into the mount shoe is this correct? Don't like the idea of sticking or using cable ties to mount a finder
  6. Hi all came across these on eBay today, thumb screws to replace the Allen grub screws on the secondary mirror on dobs/parabolic scopes. What's your thoughts? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/265381843488?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=AoBSuMVjTx2&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=fhAI2B4RQ72&var=565215970627&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  7. Yes I do primarily but hoping there may be a few DSO's I could have a go at.
  8. Hi all, Wanting to dip my toes into astro imaging and need so advice please. I have the SW 127 mak on the goto mount and need to know the the best cam buy (not dlsr) Don't want to break the bank so looking for your recommendations. Seen a secondhand neximage 10 for a good price. There are various offerings from zwo amongst others so what's your thoughts and experiences?
  9. I have two oe Skywatcher supplied ep's the rest are svbony 66 degree ultrawide angle ep's
  10. Let us know how you get on with that conversion. I am waiting for a good clear night as I now live in a very light free location with a good view of the sky. Approx 180 degrees from east to west and 90degrees up, alas nothing of the northern sky due to an oak tree lol Also just added the Skywatcher WiFi adapter as it's so much easier to align the goto set up with the app.
  11. I have a 9mm so that should be X166 magnification as my focal length is 1500 if my calculations are correct ?
  12. Hi all, Got myself a Skywatcher 127 Mak last year but with one thing and another I haven't really used it in anger. Question is what's the highest usable eye piece I could used with this scope? Here's what I have, 6mm, 9mm, 10mm, 15mm 20mm and a 25mm. I also have a 2x Barlow. Just been doing some finder scope/main scope alignment on distant daylight objects and the 6mm is quite a dark image? Is this to powerful for my scope due to not getting enough light in the primary lense ?
  13. Don't know if anyone else uses these but it's a red cycle light from decathlon, couple of quid I think. Great for a little night light to see your eye pieces in the tray.
  14. Hi there, and welcome Loved my time in West Sussex back in the 80's.
  15. Hi all, Does anyone have any experience with using there phone for astro photography? Came across a couple of apps which may be of use. Deep sky camera app Spiral cam 2 Both use multiple images used to stack, the latter seems to be able to stack the images but the first one requires a pc based program like registax or something similar. Forgive me if this a load of rubbish as I know nothing of astro photography lol Just after your thoughts.
  16. Hi and welcome, they are a very helpful, friendly and knowledgeable bunch on here so you will be fine.😀
  17. And what's the chances that the cost of the old/existing stock will also increased.
  18. Yes seen the one you are taking about, maybe the 114 is the thing that's putting people off ?? If someone has say a 130 they wouldn't really want a 114 ? Maybe a goto tripod and mount on its own would sell better ??
  19. Thanks for that, probs what I was thinking to be fair, just so I know your estimate was for the mount and tripod as I will be obviously keeping my Mak 127.
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