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Status Replies posted by michael.h.f.wilkinson

  1. Looks clear here. Scope cooling, Fingers crossed

  2. Scope cooling outside again

  3. Scope cooling outside again

  4. Another 3km in under 1h 9min (breast stroke)

  5. That's it...if the house hunt fails again...I'm forgetting about the whole damn idea and getting a 14 inch scope...!!

  6. Feeling fitter after swimming 3 km this morning

  7. Working on a 33-pane lunar mosaic

  8. 26 galaxy's so far tonight time for a brew and crack on

  9. oops, in trouble with the misses for spending more money.

  10. just had another look at SN2024J again

  11. Got it! Just bagged SN2014J

  12. Grey mullet cooking nicely in the oven

  13. Scope cooling outside, hooray!

  14. I've just seen Jupiter for the first time EVER!!!

  15. The end is in sight, looks like I will be back in the UK by May/June. Had enough of murky China skies

  16. I am all Lovejoyed up having seen this comet for the first time this morning. Missed Ison but maybe another time or hopefully after the sun visit.

  17. seriously.. Dr Who banner!!!

    1. michael.h.f.wilkinson


      I prefer cooking celebrities. A slow roasting is best, I find

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  18. first batch of quince jelly done!

  19. The first batch of quince jelly is bubbling away nicely

  20. Eeek! I just ordered some Apollo 15x70's from FLO!!!

  21. Long session tonight hunting for galaxies....frac or SCT,? That's the question..#

    1. michael.h.f.wilkinson


      I use my SCT with 17 and 22mm Nagler on galaxies, but the 31 also comes in handy, depending on sky darkness

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  22. Galaxy count just reached 396

  23. down with a stomach bug :-(

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