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Everything posted by TareqPhoto

  1. Good for you, i have Astrodon/Chroma Ha/OIII/SII set in the filter wheel, so i hope to get good LRGB set too, Baader is nice, or same my NB will be also nice, Astronomik and Optolong aer nice too, so as i said, everyone will swear about what they are using in hand because they didn't use different brands, i have 2 sets of the same maker, and both are nice, but one set is complete at 36mm with NB too, and another set it is for planetary only and it is doing great, now i only one one last set for my 1-1/4 NB set i have, and i keep thinking about trying something else than what i already have although it is great, and for now the only three in my mind are: Astrodon, Chroma and Astronomik, there is one new maker in the marker, but i am not thinking about their LRGB set, i will go with their NB set i believe.
  2. I can say i am happy with my set also, but that is not a fact then, i think all LRGB sets mostly are good, even new ZWO LRGB filters, but i try to keep that statement aside for choices. Yes, i have Astrodon/Chroma in filter wheel with 1-1/4 size, so want to complete it with LRGB at same size too.
  3. Actually, i want that LRGB filters set inside filter wheel next to Astrodon Ha 5nm and Chroma OIII/SII 3nm all 1.25" sizes, but i always take all people reviews or experiences, someone who is using Astrodon for years just recently gave up his Astrodon and stayed with Astronomik for one setup he has, he said it gave him better dealing with colors than Astrodon, he is good imagers, i don't think he is doing a mistake to give up Astrodon without a reason and i can't say it is only his fault and not filters, but i want to learn more as i don't want to end up paying more for not so much gain anyway, Chroma is less than Astrodon these days and they are both in same level of quality, but to have another set to par with them and even cheaper than both?!!!
  4. Of course to do LRGB imaging. For now i have ST80, 8" F/5 Newt and 6" F/4 Newt, i ordered a triplet 90mm but that will be available and shipped next year. Camera i have QHY163M and ASI1600MM-C Pro also for now.
  5. Hi all,As the title said, very simple, which RGB filters set to buy? There are many, and most are good anyway, but i want to buy something and never look back, everyone will recommend something and swear by it, but i can't say what will be my experience or impression about it, so i want to make sure that i have one set that will last for years and no issues, and i am under Bortle 7/8 sky.
  6. The site i don't use it, so i will try to find those from somewhere else, but that Bresser 8" f/4 isn't a good choice, it is not lightweight much to have both on my mount.
  7. What a coincidence, 130 pages for 130PDS [or should we say 130PGS], it will take long time for me scrolling back in pages to see images with cooled mono and filter wheel. I think i will keep searching, and i will read some pages here and hopefully to see more images with camera and filter wheel, but i think it will force me that if i buy two 130PDS then i have to replace both focusers too, that will add additional costs to it when i can have something ready or buy one scope only of what i have.
  8. So your comment is not a final confirmation then about it, i still can go with it for that reason, money isn't a big issue, my 6" F4 wasn't expensive anyway, and between buying another 6" F/4 or even 8" F/5 then any will be cheaper for me than two 130PDS, right? Thank you very much
  9. Hello AstroRookie, Thank you very much for your answer. As much i like F/4, i just don't want to buy any different scope than what i have, i am trying to do dual imaging system, and the best way i can do that is the match two scopes exactly together, some will say you can use two different scopes, if that so then i can use my 6" with 8" then, but both are different, so i want to use two same scopes with two mono cameras i have which are the same in specifications [QHY163M and ASI1600MM-C], i don't know why people keep pushing me away from dual imaging system and even for that they never try to suggest me any two same exact scopes of any type/size. I have no problem with collimation, maybe with f/4 a bit but not a big deal, and later i will buy a high end collimator then i will never worry or look back. Regards, TareqPhoto
  10. I can change and upgrade the focuser, but as you mentioned i am just worried that even with that it is still not perfect, i feel like the mono camera and EFW for example is as heavy if not more as the scope itself, so i am not sure going with 130PDS to use a mono and filter wheel will be a good idea, i will wait more reviews or impression from some if they did it, but for now i am not gonna think about 130PDS as an option for my two mono cameras and two filter wheels.
  11. Why i don't see images by using a mono cooled camera and filter wheel? I want to know how strong can this scope handle a cooled mono camera with filter wheel.
  12. I don't have 8" F4 but i have 8" F5, so either another 8" F5 or 10" F4 will match nicely as both will give 1000mm FL, but if i go with either 8" or 10" then i must buy another mount, i have only one AZ-EQ6, that can't hold two 8" or one 8" and one 10", but i have to decide if i should choose 8" F/5 or 10" F4 anyway, and all other things such as focuser finder dovetail i can easily change and i already have dovetails or bars to use.
  13. Hi, I am planning to get a second Newt for dual imaging in future, and i have two choices, one i can make it sooner and the other i can make it later, i can afford any soon anyway, but one will need me to spend again more to get a mount, and one Newt smaller i can't be sure which i am still into it these days, but the other two options are no way with current mount for both, so that i can delay for later but i have to think about it from now and see all possibilities and stores. The options are the following: Orion 8" F/4.9 Newtonian [cheap without much accessories] Any cheapest 10" F/4[F/3.9] so it will give me FL = 1000mm Second GSO F/4 next to my first [this i still think about now for very soon urgent dual imaging system, but i won't rush if it won't]. I will get budget soon which i will put part of it for planetary scope [already decided], and will make a part for this future plan, i can buy any above options in price range of $300-400, but i don't know if buying now and leave it stored just in case any price changes and discontinued as it happens a lot and also to check out about accessories by the time stored, i can always buy now and use later in 1 year, i have budgets now or soon that i can't tell at all when it will be gone and i no longer can afford anything later or say i will need very long time to save again, so i better finish my plans very quick, i don't mind to buy now and not using it, i tested my 2 current Newt scopes i have and both are fine with one test each, so i am confident to buy more, galaxies will be back later, and clusters are also all around, i don't want to wait until next year to ask about it and i don't have time to decide and buy, so i will make it now. With 8" and 10" scopes i will have to buy another mount, and next year i have two options also, either a strong expensive one so i can place two larger scopes two 8" or 8" and 10", or small cheaper affordable one but enough to handle either 10" or 8" at least cheaper than my AZ-EQ6, but in both cases the purchase of second scope is fixed, so i like to discuss it in advance to see what i can do sooner or later. Thank you.
  14. I do have 6" F/4 Newtonian, it is amazing scope really, i like it although i did only once or twice test, but my mount is not clear if it can handle TWO 6" F4 scopes with accessories.
  15. Sorry i didn't add more details, my fault. They must be the same exactly, in the range of 250-500mm focal length.
  16. Hi, I am looking for two scopes for AP if possible with the following requirements or conditions: 1. Cheap compared to high end, the budget is no more than $1500 for both, if necessary maybe can extend it to maximum $2000, and that is including the shipping, not including any other items such as finders or eyepieces or focuser or flattener/corrector/reducer. 2. Small sizes, so i can put both on my mount, which is rated for maximum 44-50 LB. 3. Good for LRGB too at least, not a must, narrowbanding is always nice anyway, so hopefully it has nice optics/mirrors at least. 4. Brand New If you know something for that then let me know please, and i will use only cooled cameras [mono or OSC] no DSLR or non cooled cameras unless i want to do just a test or shooting the moon only, but for DSO i have cooled cameras and filters already.
  17. I keep asking myself, why it is not good to use those lenses at wide open F/2? i have Canon 135mm, so why can't i use it wide open with nice results? I read it is about light shift at that speed of F2, but isn't there filters for that? I mean there is Baader F2 Highspeed filters for F2 used with RASA and Hyperstar, so can't those filters be used with F2 or faster lenses? or does boarder NB filters be any good here?
  18. And that is why i asked as i can't trust which power supply or adapter to use, if i bought the ZWO advertised one then most likely they are safe, they won't put something with issues so people will report them, or using the power cable that is coming with Pegasus power device if i buy Pegasus. Yesterday i was in a computer shop and they have a power adapter that they use for laptops and some devices, they have one with 12V and 5A which is the one that has been used with ZWO cameras, not sure about the price but i am not sure if they sell a quality one or it is just average that could last or could break.
  19. Not splitters, but i am sure the power adapter i bought wasn't safe, as it received the shock and transferred it to the mount, until now i am not sure what was the main cause, is it mount loose power cable or is it the humidity/condensation in the board or the power adapter bad quality or maybe overload voltage by any mean?!!!
  20. It happened to me for the mount, it fried inside, bad news that i had to replace the motherboard only, the good news is that only one or two items damaged from that ruined motherboard, so maybe one day i can find those capacitors or resistors somewhere to replace then i can bring my old original motherboard back to life and keep it as a backup., and that all happened while i was using a 3rd party power adapter i bought from eBay.
  21. Splitter is a good idea as long the devices are close to each other, unless this cable is very long for each plug or port, but i don't have many devices for that anyway, so it won't be good idea if i end up using only one or two cables of the splitter at most.
  22. Oh my, the shipping is like taking forever for my camera, it is been shipped last month by 18th, i hate to feel like i lost tracking of the order or it is stuck somewhere and no further news and information, but i will keep my hope high and really hope it will arrive safely without troubles. So, while i am waiting the camera to arrive i have to decide my next move so quick, not sure what will be a better logic or practical move is. Buy Pegasus Power Box [Ultimate] only so i can power the camera and everything else and have better cable and connection management 2 filters, one for DSO and one last for planets and just buy a power adapter for the camera 150mm achromatic refr + power adapter 6" F4 Newt [second one] + power adapter 12" F4 Newt + power adapter Just power adapter and keep searching and asking about what will be next plan The main thing is a power for the camera, i will try to make some budget for extra things to make setup more complete or almost [i know it will never], as i don't want to keep always wasting months after years waiting budgets to buy accessories and extras, i decided this year i do less imaging for now until fall/winter so i am taking a nap, while i am napping i just can buy more stuff until say September, then after that i will wake up and start astro work.
  23. AS body or quality design the Canon is superior, but Samyang did great for CA and wide open, so that Samyang for example is nicer result wide open, but once you close down then Canon will hold its value and quality, and in photography then autofocuser and build design is big bonus.
  24. Yes, it is the Canon one, i bought it very long time in the past when i was in photography, and for that it is a remarkable sharp amazing lens, but now coming to astrophotography i can't tell much as i didn't test it much, only once and didn't process the image since 3-4 months ago, but i see more people favor Samyang or Rokinon, they said that Canon has issues wide open more than Samyang/Rokinon versions, but stopping down to F4 or more then there is no much difference.
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