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Status Updates posted by Littleguy80

  1. I’ve been so spoilt with clear skies recently that I feel a little bewildered looking up at cloud filled sky tonight!

    1. scarp15


      All being well by now, Saturday, you have a return to non cloudy nights Neil. This weather just seems to keep on giving at the moment, probably will make way to torrential downpours in due course. Good luck if you are out hunting DSO's, too hot and light till too late here, might have a go at Saturn though from allotment.  

    2. Littleguy80


      Thanks Iain. Had a great night at Seething last night. Will write up a report when time allows. It’s been a great summer for observing so far :) 

  2. Just completed my first ever collimation of a secondary mirror. Was nervous but was actually quite straight forwards. Collimation looks spot on now. All I need is some clear skies so I can do a star test!

    1. Knighty2112


      Always daunting the first time, but once done it’s like riding a bike! :) 

    2. Littleguy80


      For sure. It wasn’t a big deal at all. Looking forward to seeing how much difference it makes at the eyepiece. I’d noticed the views weren’t as sharp as I felt they should be recently. 

  3. My only observing tonight was showing my son and his best friend Saturn and Albireo. "Cool" was the response which I believe is the very highest of praise for 8 years olds ;) 

  4. Astronomy is like sex in that you spend much more time thinking about it than actually doing it

    1. Craney


      I was hard at it from eleven 'o'clock til three the other night.  On the other hand, my love life iis more sporadic...

    2. Littleguy80


      :laughing4: Good point. At least Astronomy sessions are measured in HOURS in most cases! 

  5. After several sessions hunting down objects, it was really nice to have a relaxed hour or so just looking at Saturn and Jupiter. In bed before midnight too!

  6. Split the double double, M44, M3, M97, M51, Saturn and now... bed! 

    1. Knighty2112


      Good going Littleguy80! :) ??????

    2. orion25




  7. I've reached that nice tipping point, where my research is focused almost exclusively on filling my observing list rather than my eyepiece case

  8. Cloudy skies but a successful evening spent removing my red dot finder to better position my new Telrad finder. Rebalanced and collimated scope. Also filtered my red torch to make it a bit dimmer. The postman brought me an 82a (light blue) filter too. All set for the next night with a break in clouds :)

  9. Tonight was one of those nights. M101 was there, I was looking at it but I wasn't see it! 

  10. It's a great feeling when the weather forecast is wrong and the skies are clear. Nebula in Auriga and great views of Jupiter. Definitely need to add a UHC filter and some medium/low eyepieces to my collection though 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Littleguy80


      I was using a SkyWatcher Explorer 130. I was mainly looking at NGC 1893 which I've since discovered is actually an open cluster. I did also look at IC405 but it was difficult to see much with the eyepieces I have. I only have the stock 25mm eyepiece for a finder and then it's a jump to an 8mm BST or barlow the 25mm. I'm planning on the 12mm and the 18mm which should be much better suited to nebula, especially with a UHC filter

    3. kilix


      I gotta give it a try during the weekend with UHC filter and a trip to darker skies. Thanks for inspiration!

    4. Littleguy80


      If you've got a UHC filter then give this a look:


      It lists a whole load of nebula and which filter gives the best results on it. There's enough in there for months/years of viewing! Happy hunting :)

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