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Posts posted by Sunshine

  1. I don't like using a barlow as it extends the eyepiece out too far and adds weight, I shudder at the thought of a massive unwieldy appendage with TWO eyepieces on the end of my scope. It stresses the focuser, causes havoc with

    scope balance when moving from target to target and never mind the cost of double high end eyepieces, one day I may try someone elses 😁

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  2. It would have been nice to image the Alien head (i mean a xenomorph from Aliens) shaped prom during my outreach at the local park. Kids definitely loved that, the intermittent clouds allowed for some to take the tile to as questions about the sun which is awesome. Overall a great tome was had and several people had their minds blown, love a good outreach session.


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  3. 8 minutes ago, Stu said:

    They are nice, well figured achro scopes which are built like tanks! I think I’m on my third now but will hang on to this one as it is a nice example.

    I did a comparison with my FS-60Q which is here:

    Another report here, I think I’ve posted a few more too if you search.

    Don’t over pay for it though. They are somewhat collectible so good examples with a mount can go for a lot of money. I only paid £200 for my OTA without the mount I think. There were a couple on eBay recently which were offered at lowish prices.

    Hmm, i did some more reading and now realize these are somewhat classic collector pieces, there seems to be a couple of versions that i gather, this one has a manual included. It seems it is the first version or “school telescope” version, I have no idea if CAD $500 is too much or not, though im sure there may be room for negotiation, thanks for your help @Stu


  4. 2 hours ago, Stu said:

    I’ve used mine with the cradle bolted directly to my Rowan AZ100 which has correctly spaced holes to accept it. I also have a shot Losmandy plate which I’ve bolted it to in order to allow it to be used with my GP-DX. Ideally I would get a longer dovetail but  it is easy enough to shift the scope in the cradle if you need to rebalance.




    Thank you! I’m not sure what the difference in weight capacity is between my GP and your GPDX though I do not plan on mounting it on my GP, but I guess you have no issue with such a large refrigerator on your DX? I can’t imagine my GP handling such a scope.

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  5. Temperatures here have been in the mid thirties all week not including the humidex value pushing it near 40. Just now I tried to get some solar observing in only to be chased back in the house feeling like I had walked into an oven. I'll just wait for night as the sky is blue and get some night observing under clear skies...NOT SO!! squadrons of kamikaze mosquitos chase me back into the house after only a half hour of slapping myself silly. maybe I'll start building those boats inside bottles, or telescopes inside bottles!.

    • Sad 2
  6. In the next couple of months or so I will have my FS128, I cannot wait as I have been drooling about this scope ever since joining SGL and seeing them posted here. It seems FS128 owners are very proud of this rare (at least here in North America) scopes, it seems this telescope can do no wrong and considering the TOA130 would me inconveniently heavy amd costly the FS128 seems like a dream scope in its size range. How do you mount yours and which rings or clamshell works best for you? mine will come with it’s original clamshell but I’m not sure how to mount it to an ADM saddle if that is even possible, some ideas would be nice.

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