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Everything posted by SilverAstro

  1. I'm failing to connect to n2yo but on the seesat-l mailing list DrMarco Langbroek has posted this estimated ground track https://twitter.com/Marco_Langbroek/status/961013732238331904
  2. much better longer report on Sky news just now - and they didnt end it with a false impression
  3. and the BBC news channel has just shown a clip of 'it' < in the story line, landing back on ship
  4. Found some : "Mission continues on an experimental long coast and third stage two burn to target a precessing Earth-Mars elliptical orbit around the sun " from http://www.spacex.com/sites/spacex/files/falconheavypresskit_v1.pdf hope they plan a Mars orbit insertion ( or Mars landing ) otherwise for a few million years ISS progeny will have to keep making avoiding maneuvers
  5. So has this car got an electric ion thruster for max speed transfer to Mars, or will it be ballistic, hohmann transfer, or other ? we need to know these details all I see so far is plans for two apogee boosts (one executed already, I think ? )
  6. Nope, new advertising slogan "All the way to Mars on one charge " I'll be saddened if they know the centre core is lost and are not yet telling us, that would be too much like memories of the Soviet era
  7. It has gone awful quiet on that front
  8. Almost the most exciting time since following all the way from Sputnik 1 via Mercury-Redstone, , , Apollo Landing the two boosters simultaneously tho' that was something special to watch, ballet, pas de deux !
  9. Some twitter reports saying center core lost
  10. Gosh ! I didnt realize they were going to land the boosters as well, speechless I am , ,
  11. Hi, excuse digging up old topic but while I was googling astrophoto and WiFi this thread popped up ! > " I have only used it for solar imaging so far " I wonder if you ever, meanwhile, tried it on the moon ? I am thinking not to get state of the art images, just an aide memoir of where I have been and what to look at next time round, iyswim.
  12. Excellent ! Cast around them a bit and get Gemini marked out, it is well placed at the mo. (high up) to enable judging of your NELM with plenty of faint stars to be identified.
  13. You are right, any constellation can be used (pref one that is near the zenith, but that is getting a bit ahead of us in present discussion !) but my point was "that you recognize", because JOC needs to be familiar with it to be able to pick out a star in the night sky and then be able to identify it in Stellarium, or other star chart, to find its magnitude. You are also right about Ursa Minor, I use it myself, but I was focused on Orion because that it what JOC has 'got' (aka groked) and is familiar with, at the mo. ! It was not long ago that JOC was unsure which was Polaris, let alone U Min (trouble with an unfortunate tree if I recollect) Let us not get whizzing too far over heads, let us focus on birds in the hand, or camera, as the case may be.
  14. The best way of determining the (NELM) quality of one's site/sky is not to rely on websites (nor gizmos) but to get out there and look up ! :- Select a constellation that you recognize, see what dim star is in there that you can just see (unaided eye) (just about see or see averted) Go to Stellarium (others are avai,, oh shut up ! ) and look up its magnitude. If it is about 3 - sad If it is about 4 - hope and/or go back to bed If it is about 5 - brill ! If it is better than 5.5, brag,,,, yea ! mine outside my front door is >5.5,., sometimes, depending upon atmospheric condx ! If you can spot these, unaided, would enable us more to help assess there are many more charts, online, in similar fashion per constellation) PS Nice pic !
  15. Hi Kez, Lets not get into the size of black holes yet, it is not necessary to your hypothesis ! Any object, regardless of its size, density and/or mass cannot be stationary relative to the sun. They will orbit each other* round a (common) barycenter. Leaving aside the no small matter of how you define your reference point for all other objects to be measured as being stationary from. [*except in the special case of when they start out at infinite separation from each other with no impulse (aka deltaV) at either, in this case they will, in due course, collide ] Kepler, Newton and latterly Minkowski and Einstein had a lot to say about this ! Introduce a third body, such as your Earth, and all hell breaks with the Maths.
  16. I am liking PDF-Xchange Viewer, it seems to handle the hyperlinks ok so far. There is a freeware portable version available so it can be run from a USB stick/drive (even from the same place as your DSA masterpiece folder) without need for installation. Also, I have discovered it has a very nice "loupe" zoom tool which can selectively magnify a resizable small region from the chart. (it would be magic if two monitors could be used !)
  17. Ah yes ok thanks, no prob., just that not having Acrobat I was unsure if it was a foible with these other readers (and/or me )
  18. Yes I will report back on any good other PDF viewer when I am more practiced in driving your masterpiece Pro-tem :- Sumatra is one of my usual suspects, but it is giving me some annoying foibles, like opening lots of new tabs or new windows instead of reusing current window, but only putting the "where you are" hint on the navigation pane, in the first tab or window PDF-Xchange is another of my regulars if anyone wants to check it out, looking good so far but it reverts to 'fit page' at each re-navigation instead of maintaining 'fit width'. Am I supposed to be able to zoom in on a chart but leave the navigation sidebar/pane un-zoomed, cant do that in either Sumatra or Xchange Might have to install Acrobat at this rate.
  19. Thanks, no not so far (but it is a gargantuan effort on your part, and I am yet just a humble neophyte looking at compatibility of small portable freeware windows PDF viewers instead of Acrothingy ) In fact I would not have noticed the earlier problem if I had not accidentally double-clicked on it, thus invoked 'dozexplorer, which balked and declared it invalid, instead of my usual drag'n'drop into 7z - which merrily opened and extracted it all (both times) including the 0byte placeholder ! but no error message! !
  20. and thanks @Bill S for confirmation that it was not just me going 'round the bend' ! Amazing, with all this file checking, parity, CRC, md5, (in some semblance of priority!) et. al., we can still, all these years after FTP etc. still not download un-corrupted files from the likes of Dropbox !
  21. Thanks for your magnum opus, not sure if I have a problem downloading index.zip (tried it twice now) or if Dropbox is playing silly-billy ? VSVtypeD.pdf is showing as size 0 in (windows)index.zip and VSVtypeI.pdf is missing I had to get VS.zip to retrieve them.
  22. Good try I like it But would he have had the acuity of vision or perspicacity to judge if it were (pedant-on) elliptical or just simply curved (pedant-off) That makes two of us
  23. Why not, what else to do when it is raining ? They are not trolling us, they only persist to annoy the astrologers, not us because - (The Two) we can look down on them (/Ronnies) I'm going to regret asking this := I dont get that Magellan quote, why not a round flat disk casting a round shadow ? he seems cock-sure of himself !! > and runs for cover. >
  24. @Erla Dont forget, it didnt end well for Magellan, I think he fell over the edge before he made it round ? Who planted the Spaghetti Tree that Dimbleby harvested? (c.1957) indeed there is a great philosophical question yet unanswered :- "Where did the Spaghetti Seed come from ?"
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