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Simon Dunsmore

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Everything posted by Simon Dunsmore

  1. Hi, Thanks. Are you referring to the retaining screw (circled) or the screw that holds the plate to the scope. This feels pretty rigid right now. Thanks again Simon
  2. Hi Olly, Thanks for your message. That explains the tube rings, thanks. Just to clarify, are you saying its not a good idea to use the finderscope shoe? Also, should I be looking for a 50mm or 60mm guidescope? There are so many out there and I've looked at so many I'm a bit baffled. One last question, I guess I d be best with a none rotating focuser, so as not to twist the camera wire???? Thank you both for your help Simon
  3. Hi Louise, Thanks for the quick response. I'm planning on using the QHY5-II for guiding and polar alignment and a Canon 60D dslr for imaging DSOs. I was planning on using the finder shoe bracket because I have a Telrad mounted on the tube rings as a finder, I really get on well with that, but I guess I can remove it. Also, I see some guide scopes allow for alignment with the main scope and other are rigid, does that matter? Thanks again for your help Kind regards Simon
  4. Hi Folks, Can I ask for a little more advice please? I've slowly been building up a astrophotography rig. Presently I have Heq5 pro goto mount with Skywatcher ED72. Camera QHY5-II. What Guidescope would suit best? I'm thinking a 50mm, ideally I'd like to fit it the finderscope shoe bracket. I see that Skywatcher do a 50mm model that is within budget. https://www.firstlightoptics.com/guide-cameras/sky-watcher-evoguide-50ed-guidescope.html I'd appreciate your advice. Thanks in advance Simon
  5. Thanks Folks, All your advice seems to make sense. Unfortunately, not everyone agrees😀 I think I need to go pick up both mounts to test the weight. Right now I am leaning towards going with my ED72 on a Heq5 Pro goto. But I'm going to keep chewing it over. Cheers Simon
  6. Hi Ron, Thanks for your help. That scenario would be ideal, unfortunately, I just don't have the room to build an observatory. Point taken on the set up and break down. I think I'm going to have to give it all some more thought. Thanks again Simon
  7. Hi People, So I need a good talking to as I'm really undecided. I am presently selling my set up of EQ5 and 200pds to purchase a more appropriate mount for imaging with my 72ED. I was set on the Heq5 but then came into a little more cash allowing me a few more options. I can now afford to buy the Heq5 for 797 new with shipping or I had an offer of 800 for a neq6. I could then also keep the 200pds and use either scopes on the neq6. I'm concerned about the portability of the neq6 and just can't seem to make up my mind. Put me out of my misery, what would you do? Thanks Simon
  8. Thanks folks, really appreciate your input. Would this work with sharpcap and as a guidescope on my Skywatcher ED72? https://www.harrisontelescopes.co.uk/acatalog/starwave-50mm-guide-scope-gpcam.html Thanks Simon
  9. Hi Folks, I wonder if you can clear up a quandary that my tiny brain has been struggling with? The Polemaster fits directly to the mounts axis and therefore aligns the mount with polaris….ok so far. How does using Sharpcap through a guidescope work. I understand that the guidescope and the mount are pointing roughly at Polaris but surely, if the guide scope is a little out than doesn't this effect the polar alignment. As you may have guessed I'm swaying between buying a guidescope and camera or the QHY, both work out about the same cost. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Simon
  10. Hi Thanks for the reply. I actually have a field flattener already. The mount is going to clear me out though. Going to have to save for the guidescope and camera. What sort of exposure length do you think I will be able to achieve without guiding? Cheers Simon
  11. Hi Folks, Looking to move into imaging. In the process of selling my 200pds on eq5. I have a Skywatcher 72ED and I'm thinking of mounting this on a Heq5 Pro goto. I'd welcome your thoughts. Cheers Simon
  12. Hi, Not sure if you found what you were looking for, but I'm selling the whole set up. Message me if you're interested. Cheers Simon
  13. Hi Martin, Thanks for your help. I've actually made up my mind to sell the whole set up (presently listed on this site) and buy a Heq5 Pro and 72ED. Hopefully this is a better option. Should give me a good set up to hone my skills. Thanks again Thanks
  14. Hi Guys, I know that this is an old thread. Really impressed with everyone's results with the 130. I was wondering, as I already own a EQ5 pro mount and canon 60d if I could get away with the adding a 130pds for astrophotography? Will the mount suffice? Thanks for your help Simon
  15. Hi, I've posted a few questions of late to the forum and your answers are really helpful, so huge thanks for everyone's patience. I own an EQ5 pro goto mount. Presently use it for visual with a 200pds. I know that this set up would be really pushing things for photography, as I really can't afford to replace the eq5 with a Heq5 or eq6 I was thinking of selling the 200pds and replacing it with a 150pds. I believe that this is roughly 5kg + say 2kg for camera and guidescope. Will this set up be OK for imaging? Thanks for your help and clear skies to all. Regards Simon
  16. Yes, the weight is a problem, lifting it in and out of the garage. Mmmm? I think I need to give this some money more thought Thanks Simon
  17. Thanks Mark, Yes, I think that's the way to go, I'm leaning towards saving up to replace the mount, the more I think about the less I want to get rid of the 200pds. Did you jump straight to the eq6 or try the Heq5 first? Thanks again Simon
  18. Ujjjnn=jjjThanks for all the suggestions Chaps, How do you feel about mounting the 200pds on an Heq5. I'd love to go for the EQ6 but alas, I have a wedding to pay for this year!
  19. Thanks for the reply Andy. I'm looking to use Sharpcap Pro. I actually have a Skywatcher finderscope there is quite a lot of slack. I'm not sure that it will be accurate enough.
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