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Simon Dunsmore

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Everything posted by Simon Dunsmore

  1. Thanks for your input. Hope you get those motors soon!
  2. Yes, I think so, as I have the 130pds for dso.
  3. Hi, yes I had the same thought about the wind. Mmmm🤔
  4. Thanks for the suggestions. I have an Heq5 pro mount, so that would probably be OK. How does the 150PL work for astrophotography? Any thoughts on the 127?
  5. Hi Folks, I'm thinking of adding another scope to the collection. I have a Skywatcher 72ED for wide field, a Skywatcher 130pds for dso and astrophotography but I'd really like to view (and possibly photograph the planets). I'm thinking of a used skymax 127 but open to suggestions. Budget around £170. Thanks for your help Simon
  6. Hi Alacant, Thanks so much for your assistance. I've ordered one of the glass less adapters and I'll give it a try first. I'm assuming that it just drops into the 2" eyepiece adapter? Hopefully, as you say, I won't notice the coma and save myself some cash 😊 Thanks again Simon
  7. Hi, Thanks for this. I'm concerned about obtaining focus. I'll definitely try the FF first. Can I ask what the benefit of the glass less item would be, is this needed to obtain focus? I have actually saved some pennies for a Skywatcher CC and T adapter, but don't want to spend the money if a coma corrector isn't really needed. I've read quite a few threads on here about how people have added comma correctors but can't seem to establish if it's essential for focus or just comma correction. Just how bad is the coma (sorry that was a lot of questions)
  8. Thanks for your help. Would I be able to obtain focus using the t adapter attached to the eyepiece holder. I appreciate the comma corrector is a necessary expense but is it absolutely necessary? Clutching at straws here
  9. Hi Folks, I just received my new shiny 130pds yey! Up until now I've been using a Skywatcher 72ED and attached my dslr via a field flattener. Question, what is the best way to attach the dslr to the 130pds? I've got two options so far please see pictures. 1. Use the field flattener from the 72ED or 2. T adapter screwed into eyepiece holder. Thanks for your help. Cheers Simon
  10. Hi Folks, Quick question, sorry if this is not in the right section. I figured that the 130pds is a favourite for imagers, so opted to place it here. Probably been asked a hundred times before, but can anyone recommend a soft case (as apposed to flight type case) for the 130pds. I tend to load all my kit onto a festival trolly and pull it to a dark field not too far from home, up until now I've used a small refractor but have a 130pds on order ready for the autumn. The refractor fits in a small padded case on the trolly but I'm going to have to carry the 130 over my shoulder or on my back. Thanks for your help. All the best Simon
  11. Hi Bamo, Thanks for your message. Yes, you're right the powertanks are expensive but the replacement 9amp hr seems to be working better. Post some photos when you get a chance. Take care, stay safe, and clear skies Simon
  12. Hi, Thanks for your reply. I'll get back to you with the settings.
  13. Hi, and thanks for your reply. Yep, mount connected, guiding worked OK, just dithering seems to be the problem
  14. Hi Folks, Last night was a milestone, it was my second attempt at guiding and it worked!!!!!!! 🎉 I also attempted my second objective, dithering. Here not all went do well 🤔. I'm using APT, Phd2 with Heq5 pro mount, Skywatcher 72ed and Canon 60d. Everything was working just fine, I was running 3min exposures, I waited until it had completed a couple and then headed inside for a cuppa whilst I left it to do its thing. When I got back outside a problem had occurred. APT stated that after two 3mins shots the dithering had timed out. I reset everything, tried shifting the weight to put it a little off balance (I read this could help) same thing happened again. Everything will run for a while and then the dithering either pauses or times out. If any of you folk have any suggestions I'd be grateful. Thanks for your help Simon
  15. Hi Vlaiv, Thanks for your help. I'm guessing that if the images are over exposed I can amend in the processing stage?
  16. Hi Folks, I hope you're all staying safe and well. Loving the clear skies we're having here in Kent right now. So, I've been getting into imaging and just about to start guiding and dithering but before I do, I have a question. I've had some success with stacking images of 90 seconds mostly shot at ISO 1600. The question I have is, if I shoot for longer exposures, say 2-3mins, will I need to reduce the ISO and if I do, will this reduce the amount detail? I'm using a Skywatcher ED72 on Heq5 pro goto mount, polar aligned with sharpcap and Canon 60d dslr. Also I imaged M61 last night, obviously I'm not going to get a large image, but I have a 130pds on order and was wondering if the focal length would give me much more magnification. Thanks for your help Simon
  17. Hi, Thanks for your help. Where did you get yours, if you don't mind me asking?
  18. Hi Folks, I'm just wondering if anyone can recommend an electronic focuser for the Skywatcher 72ed? Thanks for your help Simon
  19. Hi Folks, Quick question, I'm in the market for a new scope. I presently image using a DSLR and Skywatcher ED72, love its rich field views but I want to add something with a little more punch. I own the Heq5 pro mount and was thinking about the Skywatcher 130pds but these are like rocking horse poo right now (I've been trying to get hold of one for almost three months). So here is my question to you wonderful people. Is the Bresser Messier NT-130S/650 any good? Has anyone used one or own one? Alternatively, can you suggest an alternative for imaging DSO's in the £200 price bracket? Looking forward to you thoughts/suggestions. Kind regards Simon
  20. Hi, Thanks for your reply. Good to hear I'm on the right track. I've read somewhere to set the white balance to auto. Have you tried both? As yet I have not actually tried this program out under the stars, just trying to work out some of the bugs before I get that far + it's cloudy!!!! Cheers Simon
  21. Hi, Thanks, I think I solved it. I hadn't entered data in quality, AV Filter. Having said that, what should those be filled as? I have quality as Raw, AV: no change (") Filter: no change (") is that correct for DSLR?
  22. Hi, yes I click on add as new but nothing happens
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