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Simon Dunsmore

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Everything posted by Simon Dunsmore

  1. Hi Folks The skies finally cleared, got outside, got set up.... at last!!! Power tank died after 5 mins grrrrrrr. Question, can anyone recommend a trickle charger for the Skywatcher Tank?? I want to make sure it stays charged, just in case we get another clear night sometime this century. Thanks for your help Simon
  2. Hi from Folkestone, Just down the road! Happy to help any time. I also have a 200pds and Synscan, took me a while to figure it out but it works like a dream now. Simon
  3. Hi, That looks like a great solution! After much hunting around, I picked up a Skywatcher ST80 for £40 never been used. The Celestron Nexguide was on sale at £129 so all I need now is a way to mount the guide scope. Can't decide if it's best to go for a rigid fix or adjustable tube rings to allow me to find a suitable star. Need to save a few more pennies for these parts but I'm getting there!
  4. Hi Folks, So, im slowly pulling kit together for imaging. So far i have tbe Skywatcher ED72, EQ5 goto mount, field flattener and adapters for Canon 1000D. Next up, guide scope. Now i dont have a laptop so i was looking at the celestron nexguide available for £129. I was wondering if i could use this with a Skywatcher 102, used available for £65. I did look at the celestron 50mm travel scope, super cheap but i cant see how i would attach it. What do you think, will the scope and camera work as a set up for guiding? Thanks for your help Simon
  5. Hi banjaxed, Thanks for your reply. Can that be used for both a guidescope and a finderscope?
  6. Hi Folks, So, im looking to buy a finderscope for my ED72 but later on im going to need a guidescope. Anyone have any experience of this ? https://m.ebay.co.uk/itm/SVBONY-60mm-Compact-Deluxe-Guide-Scope-Finderscope-1-25-Double-Helical-Focuser/322184625900?ul_ref=https://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/710-53481-19255-0/1?ff3=2&pub=5575376664&toolid=10001&campid=5338268676&customid=CjwKCAjwzdLrBRBiEiwAEHrAYih5vLzQJ4UToNuFV8tk2vxe83uLViTPAJZpTVRdcWYYVezBBkmdbxoCStYQAvD_BwE&lgeo=1&item=322184625900&srcrot=710-53481-19255-0&rvr_id=2103167793377&rvr_ts=1134e97616d0a4e908c6351cffbb1095&_mwBanner=1&_rdt=1&ul_noapp=true&pageci=d43f2a47-3439-4f38-a140-970929c540e0 Thanks Simon
  7. In the garage. As long as its not too dusty (I used to cover my 200p with a patio heater cover) since then I've sealed the floor so no more dust Cold should be fine but perhaps not damp. Mine has been stored in the garage for the past two years and no issues
  8. Thanks folks, this is all really helpful, I plan to set up the scope and try it in the daylight. I've attached a photo of what I think you meant. Thanks again for all your help. Will keep you posted
  9. Hi, Thank you all for your advice. I'll take a look at the scope and let you know how I get on. It's a Canon 1000D which does have live view. I was attempting to focus in live view but even though I could do this with a lens, I couldn't see anything in live view.
  10. Hii, Thanks, it does fit, but won't focus. Any thoughts?
  11. Hi, Thanks for your reply. So, I have I included a photo of the connectors I'm using, does this seem right?
  12. Then how do i attach the dslr? Sorry if this is obvious, just getting started
  13. Hi, Yes, I did that. I attached the T adapter and then a 2inch extension and inserted this directly into the focuser.
  14. Hi Fellow Stargazers So I'm still waiting for the relevant field flattener to arrive from FLO for my Skywatcher ED72, as the Skies were clear I thought to take a few shots through my 200pds Skywatcher. Here's the thing, I could not get it to focus at all. Anyone out there have any idea why. I thought the PDS was especially suited to SLR photography. Thanks Simon
  15. Thanks folks. I actually solved the problem. I removed the white cone that covers the thread in the counterweight bar and slid the weight right to the top and that just about sorted it. Thanks again Simon
  16. Hi, I'm relatively new to the hobby. I was doing just visual observation but have decided this year to give AP a shot. Just wanted to let you know that I received the Ed72 today, looks like a great little scope. I have mine mounted on the Eq5 seems to be fine, will keep you posted once I can get out and actually use it
  17. Hi Folks, So my new sparkly Ed72 arrived today, unbolted the trusty 200pds from the eq5 "mount and attached the new toy, looks tiny! Can anyone advise on the correct counter weight for this scope. Thanks!!! Simon
  18. Hi, So, I finally made a choice and ordered the ED72. I think it looks like a good investment for future AP. Im nt planning on buying the necessary adapters for AP (hopefully some heavy hints at Christmas will take care of that!) For now I'm looking for some suggestions on EPs I have about £100. Looking for wide field. It would be great if I could get two for that amount. I have a lovely explore scientific 26mm 68 degree so looking for something to compliment that. Thanks for your help Simon
  19. Sounds ideal. I have a SW200PDS which is a great scope but not so good for wide field + you need an arctic lorry to move it definitely not a grab and go. This is why I was torn between ED72 and the ST120. Quality of optics over aperture??? Not much in the price £40. Im thinking that if I get into the AP side of things and then can afford to upgrade my mount, the ED would make a great guide scope. I need to find a decent diagonal for it and I have my sight on a 32mm panaview wide angle EP to go with it??? £££££££ Thanks for your help
  20. Hi, Looks like a great set up. I was just wondering what visual observation was like through this. AP is definitely the way I want to head but also would like to use it for wide field with EP. Thanks Simon
  21. Hi Guys, One other thought. I'm quite tempted by the Orion St120, gets good reviews and it's within budget at £230 for the OTA. Found this in a couple of places but can't seem to find a place to buy the tube rings. Thoughts?
  22. Hi, I had actually considered the 130PDS but was aiming for something a little more portable.
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