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Everything posted by Demonperformer

  1. Ooo, just found this ... I did not know about the 12-month rule ... [These are UK rules, don't know about elsewhere]
  2. You may find it cheaper to get a set of the replacement bolts - about £25 IIRC - which solve the problem completely. I know spending more cash to resolve a design fault is not ideal, but it may cost more than that to return it and order something else.
  3. There was a thread on here a few years back of someone who had captured HH with just 2 second exposures, but IIRC he took many hundreds of them. But this is probably not the easiest way to do it!
  4. Don't want to 'jump' on your enthusiasm for the dome too much, but, if the NEQ6 option would require a bigger dome, isn't the mount the place to start, as you suggested above? - unless I have missed something (quite possible)? Would hate to see you put all the work into creating the dome and then come unstuck with the mount.
  5. Gina, A thought ... not totally compliant with your ideas so far and not fully-fledged, but might spark something ... If you had a double sideways door, could you fit something (a rubber wedge?) to the underside of the door (side closest to dome) that would butt-up against the dome when shut, to keep the rain out, but would not obstruct opening? Don't see how this could be adapted to single door (as either only one side would be rain-proof, or the "wrong" side would have to be flexible enough to allow for opening, which could lead to it (i) not doing the job and (ii) snagging when you close the door). Does all this make sense? Not being an engineer, my desciptions may lack a little something ... As I say, not perfect for what you have described, but may spark an idea of your own ... Thanks.
  6. Nice start. (1) Make a small 'dew shield' for the guider - rolled-up thin cardboard should suffice. (2) Stability can be added to a mount by hanging something (bag of sugar?) directly underneath it (it pulls the centre of gravity downwards). (3) Try sharpcap - it will either work or not with your camera and costs nothing. After struggling for years with PA, I am a great advocate of the polemaster, but that is not cheap. You would also need to consider that, if you really get bitten by the AP bug, you are going to upgrade from the EQ2 at some point (really, you are - and on that basis, IMO don't even think about upgrading the motor on the EQ2). You would then need a new adapter for it to fit the new mount. HTH
  7. Could you save onto a stick using one of the usb ports and then process directly from that? Don't know how much longer that would take to process compared to an internal drive and how that would compare to the time involved in transferring your original data - I have always done mine from a usb drive, so maybe I'm just used to that speed and would be amazed if I ran it from an internal.
  8. Does not seem possible to run it on a 32-bit windows machine, however.
  9. Gina, Are bias frames temperature-dependant? I thought one set of bias would apply to all subs, but maybe I'm wrong?
  10. Actuially, clicking on the link you have "Installing the INDI library full edition" takes you to the page where you click on "Daily INDI library".
  11. Gina, Click on download to open html page. Scroll down tot he bottom and click on Raspberry pi. Click on "Daily Inid Libraray". Under Data column, click on download and a dialogue box will open, asking if you want ot open or save. HTH
  12. At least you managed to get a couple of hours last night ... a couple more than here.
  13. Which would appear to contradict the previous post, saying it isn't supported. I hope the reply you have received is correct. I must say I am finding the entire process to be a minefield (and that is before I have even started on the "linux" bit). Makes me wonder if it would have been simpler to have fitted a powered usb hub instead ... but then, I would not have been learning so much about my system if I had done that.
  14. I did wonder, when I saw this the other day, if you had seen it (I think that's the one you've got?).
  15. Good to know my thinking is in line with yours. When using EQMOD, my mount is very tempramental if I try to attach it through a different USB [like it refuses to find the mount at all], so I was thinking I would stick to specific USB ports for everything. If linux programs are not so "sulky", all to the good.
  16. That's interesting. My thought was to have the mount running from one of the usbs on the pi (as the mount has it's own power supply) and to use the other usb on the camera for the QHY5Lii, operating as a guide camera (as that draws its power through the usb port).
  17. One could also argue that there is a ‘bit of a gap’ between the 55mm (14°) and the 135mm (7.2°) … or even the 400mm (1.9°) and the 1000mm (1.0°). Don’t you just love it when other people are willing to spend your money for you?
  18. Wow! That 45mm lens will get some chunk of sky. Should give some great results.
  19. I think the aim is to keep the camera from sending data faster than the USB system can handle.
  20. There, I can't help, I'm afraid. I have only done it in the capture programs.
  21. If you are running USB2 (which the RPi does) it seems that the USB turbo setting needs to be turned WAY down (like to about 40). The 'hanging' problem seems to be a common one with this camera on USB2. HTH
  22. The Ha is great, but what's caused the "splodge" in the upper left of you OIII sub - don't remember seeing that in previous OIII subs you have posted? Was it on all of them? What we really need is someone with access to a walk-in freezer, who can test it in really cold conditions ... or maybe we will get those conditions outside ourselves in a couple of months ?
  23. Do you have the synscan version or the syntrek version?
  24. Thirty quid will be nothing compared to it being ripped off again, falling into the observatory through the hold and being battered around by winds trying to get back out again ...
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