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Posts posted by blinky

  1. I used an 8" F4 Newt and a ZWO ASI1600 with ZWO LRGB filters.  I used to have the OSC QHY8 and would have got loads of nebulosity at 5 mins, I think either something went wrong during processing or you had some high cloud?  Here's an M45 with the same newt and same sub length but with the QHY8 OSC


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  2. Hmmm.... Not totally happy with this, still trying to get a handle on LRGB processing, narrowband is much easier as you don't need to balance the colours!  I think I maybe needed longer exposures, since this was only 1min subs, either that or Im just crap as LRGB processing...




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  3. I just checked and it was signed for at 10:11am this morning by Altair. Im sure they have just not got round to logging it on the system yet but will give them a call tomorrow lunchtime if I've not heard from them.  I did call Altair yesterday before sending it back and told them, they just said to pop it in the post along with a cover letter, I did ask if I should get a returns number or anything but they said nope, just stick it in the post along with a copy of the receipt.....

  4. will see what they say, would like a refund as the ZWO unit seems much better build quality and it does not inspire confidence if it wont even last a year.  Although I bought it in November, I never fitted it till Christmas and then as Im in Scotland its not been used from mid May till end of July

  5. Looks like my Pegasus Focus Cube is gubbed - no power LED lit and PC wont see it when plugging/unplugging it 😞 Luckily it is just inside its warranty so have emailed Altair to see how I can go about getting it repaired.  Anybody else had issues with theirs?

  6. Total disaster!  I tried it, the spray foam, sticks to anything but the material the SkyshedPod is made of - it ended up falling out and expanding over the floor of the pod bays.  I suppose if you were very careful and patient, you could build it up in layers, but then I find the foam spray dries up/blocks after a couple of days.  In short, don't bother!

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  7. On 29/10/2019 at 21:10, spillage said:

    @blinky do you know if they still produce them as I cannot seem to find a working link to aeroquest. I have seen that they were not that much money so might be worth a go.

    Don't think so, that was a few years ago and back then I think it was a couple of hundred £

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