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Posts posted by blinky

  1. Total disaster!  I tried it, the spray foam, sticks to anything but the material the SkyshedPod is made of - it ended up falling out and expanding over the floor of the pod bays.  I suppose if you were very careful and patient, you could build it up in layers, but then I find the foam spray dries up/blocks after a couple of days.  In short, don't bother!

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  2. On 29/10/2019 at 21:10, spillage said:

    @blinky do you know if they still produce them as I cannot seem to find a working link to aeroquest. I have seen that they were not that much money so might be worth a go.

    Don't think so, that was a few years ago and back then I think it was a couple of hundred £

  3. 16 minutes ago, Dr_Ju_ju said:

    NO you do not need a 'proper' EQMod cable, you just need a USB to serial adaptor, that gives the correct signal voltages.

    IF the one linked gives the appropriate voltage signals for your mount, then it will work fine......

    I use these, (https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/FTDI-FT232RL-USB-to-Serial-adapt-module-USB-TO-TTL-RS232-Arduino-Cable-6PinMX1F/273990798997?_trkparms=ispr%3D1&hash=item3fcb1fce95:g:0aEAAOSwv-NWYE0M)  just need to replace the cable or terminate with an RJ45 connector, wired appropriately.

    Excellent - do you have a wiring diagram for an EQ6 per chance?

  4. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/FTDI-USB-to-serial-RS232-adapter-converter-1-8m-screened-cable-Gender-changer/122113973956?hash=item1c6e8f5ec4:g:cJMAAOSwxndcWUyn


    Would the above allow me to connect to my EQ6 pro bypassing the handset?  I already have a very old connector, but its very bulky and the cables are a bit brittle nowadays - my USB hub is a few 10's of cm from the mount so don't really want to spend £35 for the cable from FLO as it seems to be about 5m!

  5. I think this is only about my third go at LRGB - Managed to finally get my guiding sorted the other night as well, the first few subs still had trailing, so I offset the balance and voila! Perfect subs for the rest of the night.  This time I followed the Light Vortex stacking guide, and did drizzle stack, so apologies for the size of the image!  This is 11X5min L and 7X5min each of RGB.  I think I will revisit sometime as I don't think the red channel is properly aligned - as the RGB was not drizzle aligned I could not get Pixinsight to register the RGB data against the L until I rescaled the RGB to the size of the L, thought it would just have done this itself?

    Anyway, any comments etc always taken, have I gone to far/not far enough with any of it....


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  6. Also.... Just to confirm Im not being silly... The WO FLat 73a flattener I have is adjustable, I had it set around the 11.4mm but have just increased it slightly, this is the correct thing to do yeah?  I mean I should not need to leave it at 11.4 and then put in spacers between the camera and the flattener?  Sorry for the silly question!

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