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Stub Mandrel

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Everything posted by Stub Mandrel

  1. I am very much a whisky drinker, but I don't have a problem with a decent whiskey. Decent mass produced bourbon (including JD) is generally better than cheap whisky.
  2. Does he know about these? https://petersrailway.com/ Chris Vine is a great chap and a very skilled modeller.
  3. That's a very nice image. Great for a first DSO. You might want to fiddle with the colour balance slightly to make it less blue and bring out the yellower core. I think the background has a slight blue cast too, but it may be my monitor.
  4. You could use an M10 nut off a suitable potentiometer or switch - only a couple of millimeters thick! Or use an M10m bolt with a plain shank, cut the head off and shorten the threaded part. It will lock when the shank reaches the hole. Or use stud lock, or even epoxy on the thread if very loose.
  5. I have thsoe in my workshop. they make prolonged standing much more comfortable.
  6. Expending energy to move the point of application of a force. Sounds a waste of time. Probably best avoided.
  7. I use a 450D, modded and cooled. It's much better than a modded uncooled 10D, I can't say much more!
  8. After a bit of deconvolution of the previous pic in Astra Image... I give you a relativistic jet out of a black hole! Wow!
  9. Went back to my Markarian data for April 18. M87 in the bottom left corner of a fairly small number of subs. Nowhere near as clear as John's pic, but it is visible:
  10. Good idea, I will copy! Beats messing with an allen key in the dark.
  11. I would suggest fixing them all together, but then you might be in for a long wait.
  12. Hi Geoff, Is there a plastic insert in the pressure block (the bit that presses the spindle into contact with the tube)? Or is it plain metal? I've used PTFE on my home amde focuser and I wonder if a plain block would be less likely to slack off over time.
  13. Much better faint stuff than I can get, I envy your skies!
  14. The one I made just fits in a normal finder holder:
  15. I remembered I'm waiting on a mirror being silvered - I checked and it stripped well and is in the coating machine today, it should come back next week.
  16. If you can put motor above the rack on a hinged mounting you will have a simple drive that won't need any cleverness to adjust the backlash/engagement and if you balance it right in the even of a jam, the gear will ride up rather than stall the motor (although you might want it to adjust it to stall so it blows a fuse if it gets stuck - for unattended operation).
  17. I have more finders than scopes. Hmm, I must need a new scope...
  18. Quick and dirty drizzle of the Whale Galaxy from last night's 130P-DS image. Surprised how effective the drizzle was, but a bit noisy:
  19. Don't watch Gremlins - it might give you ideas about the FIL and stairlifts...
  20. Excellent - sent me scurrying for last year's data. unfortunately I seem to have cropped M87 out of the finished images!
  21. The report on the BBC website says ' Images of smoke coming from the space capsule have been circulating on social media.' I think that was a tad more severe? Good job it was a test not a mission.
  22. Let me guess - you're a pirate with a flat treasure chest?
  23. Yeah... I figured that out when I saw the posts above
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