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Status Updates posted by goose35

  1. 30 min to get everything out doors and ready, and get it packed up last night. loving my rolling toolbox.

  2. 48 hr of zero cloud my clear outside app says. FLO you need to change your weather provider its like pea soup out ther

    1. Dom1961


      Just happened to me as well xD I was so happy as its the first clear night since the beginning of august that I haven't been busy.... but clouds have to ruin it....

    2. goose35


      i got one 10 minuit sub in yet in a gap

  3. trying my old praktica and helios lenses for some wide shots on the 1100d. Lots og CA on the 24mm, try the 135 next all on cygnus

    1. goose35


      all 40/40 frames stacking unlike last nights effort of 2/40

  4. hmm. clear outside app needs calling cloudy outside :(

  5. Set up under a clear sky. Did one sketch then clouds.

  6. clear forecast tonight now tomorrow. @ gf,s tonight and mornings Monday. war have I got to do to get out ther

  7. Tomorrow I say goodbye to my olympus kit and hello to my new canon kit. great camera but not for astro

    1. goose35
    2. Dom1961


      What model is it?

    3. goose35


      1100d 2 lenses and flash.

  8. Think I'm gonna get a 1100d and mod it myself

  9. guiding tonight. trying the soul nebula with my unmoderated e510 see what comes out.

    1. goose35


      Got an hour on the soul nebula. Trying the bubble nebula now going for 2 hours on this one then call it a nite

  10. clouds until at least Sunday :(

    1. David Smith

      David Smith

      Should clear up over the weekend - it's full moon time!

  11. 2 inch focuser on my shortened astromaster. Got to wait a while before I get to use it

  12. Well i've stripped the dec down for a cleanup and re-grease to try and get the backlash out

    1. goose35


      All done, feels better but proof is in the pudding wether permitting

    2. goose35


      Dec Backlash gone, R/A gone funny now but think i may have over tightened or not properly meshed the motor/worm gears

  13. set the 120 mm s as an all sky cam hoping to grab a persied. Sofar got about 10 aircraft and the iss

  14. Well first light with the asi120mm-s as a guide cam. fantastic kit. Running M52 as we speak.

    1. goose35


      clouds :(

      Got an hours guiding in tho running some calibrations frames now then ill stack

  15. all clear here in wolves. booked tomorrow off :)

    1. goose35


      doing an image run but missed one ot the trio of M31, M31 & M110. Not sure which though yet

    2. goose35


      Getting some results now. Still need some refinement in framing and focusing. A coma correcter will be handy too. on order

    3. orion25


      Good deal. Enjoy those clear skies!

  16. i'm going to start an Astromaster 130EQ Anonymous group

    1. ronin


      Are they too embarrassed to admit they own one then ? ;-))

  17. FLO weather app says clear skies and it was till i got the scope out lol

    1. ronin


      Must be a good scope and mount to make the clouds move in that fast to have a look at it.

  18. Finally got an image im pleasedwith after many fails. M27

    1. xtreemchaos


      great image mate,well done..

    2. tingting44


      nice one! onwards and upwards :)

  19. best night yet. had the 150 p and pl both set up. Saturn, the M57, M13, M31 and M32

  20. Well the 150p on EQ 3-2 had first light tonight. what an improvement.

    1. xtreemchaos


      well done mate...

  21. hmmm clouds have gone and im on morning shift. Do i go for it or not

    1. xtreemchaos


      go for it,you dont know when you will get another chance with the crazy weather...

    2. Marki


      Go for it - forecast looking poorer for weekend here!

    3. goose35


      had an hour with the new 150 p and EQ 3 mount and saw the ring nebula. Super scope and decent mount.

  22. well the 150 p and 150 pl and the EQ 3-2 have arrived from astroboot in brill condition as advertised. now have imaging and visual at same time to keep me busy.

  23. Solar filter making all evening. scopes done, camera done, just binos to do

  24. let have 2nd guiding attempt, try a galaxy tonight.

  25. Looking good tonight lets have another go at guiding

    1. goose35


      Just took my first guided image. doing a run of 10 x 5 min subs on m5 see how it goes, but there are a few clouds gathering :(. still exited :)

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