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harry page

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Everything posted by harry page

  1. Hi I Know this topic is a year old but I also had this problem with my ODK10 and cant blame orion optics this time it turned out to be the adaptor on my sx filter wheel was causing the problem - bit of black paint and all is well. Never had this problem with all my other scopes - must be down to the optic configeration off the scope I would have gone mad looking for the problem and cure - so Thanks you SGL and all you great people Thanks Harry
  2. Hi going to update them all next year - lots of new stuff going on in pixinsight Harry
  3. Hi These only create 1 com port each hence 2 required for the mesu and cloudwather The mini pc connects by wifi to these , I also have a Pegasus Astro Ultimate Powerbox v3 attached to that to run everthing else power wise they are only for connecting the mini pc by wifi to the 2 com ports Harry
  4. Hi This may be off interest to some I have gone down the route of a mini pc mounted on the scope to keep the cables down and the usb3 cables short as well but my mesu 200 is run by a serial port as well as my cloud watcher - you could argue that its only 1 more cable down , but who wants a easy life I found these online usr w610 and took a punt , happy to say they work , does require a software driver to emulate a com port - but so far so good Now have wirless everthing - well except the power cable cheers Harry
  5. Hi Excellent stuff and lots of depth Harry
  6. Hi not done as much imaging as I wanted to in the last year ( long story ) but managed a few hours on this to add to last years stuff taken with tak 106ed and a sx56 camera on the old faithfull mesu 200 had to beat the data to death and have lost some star colour and needs a redo , but spent hours doing this dragging colour from the orange goo is always a struggle as orion is low in the sky and perhapes a bit overdone , but the draw is too much 😍 Always more data required high res version here https://harrysastroshed.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/fin-orionfull.jpg Thanks Harry
  7. Hi Excellent details - top draw stuff Harry
  8. Hi well if you dont retire before me perhapes I will make it there Harry
  9. Hi well thats just not fair - we in the uk will never ever get enough imaging time to do that Regards Harry
  10. Hi Been a while since I have posted anything ( too much work not enough play ) I Have this data for a while now and only just got round to processing it , M101 is one of those targets that is harder than you first think. Also in the field is ngc5474 which I am happy with - got more detail than I have managed before Its not perfect , but what is It consists of about 8hrs of Lum and 8hrs of RGB all taken in 5m in subs through a ag12 and processed in pixinsight Thanks for looking Harry
  11. Hi with testing on darks etc I have found so far its very quiet With the qhy there is a " usb speed " slider in the driver which when adjusted gives a way off reducing the horizontal lines , in fact I have none do not know if there is a option with the Atik ? Harry
  12. Hi The build quality looks very good indeed , I have the qhy600 and perhapes does not look as pretty Anyway I Have only had a very quick go at some Ha ( 1 sub ) as the spec seemed to show a much better response and my intial comparison with my old sx h35 looks very promising indeed both the crops down below are 10min subs and the imx455 chip is clearly way in the lead looking forward to imaging with this chip I will not be throwing away my ccds but they may be getting less use Harry
  13. Hi My observatory is in the back garden , I just have to cope with all the light pollution and tend to image a lot as visual stuff is hard in the orange goo Harry
  14. Hi welcome fellow stamfordian , lots of people here to help Harry
  15. Hi Here is my first every mosaic a 2 pane effort containing about 21hrs of data ( LRGB ) and taken over the last month or so taken with a tak106ed @F5 and using a SX trius 56 As m42 is low down in the orange poo , I have to beat the data within a inch of its life - I may come back and try again , but my brain needs a rest the full res image is about 8000 x 4000 pixels Cheers Harry
  16. Hi As you have had a trial licence I am sure they will reply - For some reason thy have problems recieving emails from certain domains and then licences disapear in email land ca. I can assure you , that you will not be charged twice . If want to send me a private email with you details I will make contact for you and make sure its sorted out for you Regards Harry Page
  17. Hi A bit off topic from my original post , but still related to lunatico They are running a processing contest , with high quality data provided by them.--https://lunaticoastro.com/imaging-contest-jan-2022/ As you will see I will judging the entries, something I am looking forward to . It is open to anyone and offers excellent data to practice your skills on Look forward to seeing different offerings from you all regards Harry Page
  18. Hi Gents Thanks for the info - I will try chris's ascom driver as well the weather has meant I have not been able to fine tune it thanks again Harry
  19. Hi This is what I do every time - make sure you focus with the Lum as thats the critical item - if the rgb is slightley off focus it will not matter but I use baader filters and they keep good focus between filters - make sure you refocus when the temp changes this has more of a affect Cheers Harry
  20. Hi does anybody have a Lunatico AAG Cloud Detector and managed to get it working with sgp/ascom cant seem to work it out Cheers Harry
  21. Hi not sure really how many there are Pixinsight image solver script found over 24,000 and I think there are more Will try harder to find out 😵 Harry
  22. Hi Must find out how many there are -Loads and Loads Thanks for looking Harry
  23. Been busy at work - which seems to take more out of me these days + daughter got married a short while ago all seemed to leave me with little spare time. enough moaning , I will be back soon Harry
  24. Posted Thursday at 21:06 Hi I reckon it been nearly a year since I have taken a image -Jack has been a very dull boy 😁# So the other night I managed to get a few hours on Ic1396 - And how many stars in this area ( will let you count ) capture details 1) About 2hrs of lum and 2hrs of RGB all taken in 5min subs 2) camera trius sx 56 3) telescope Tak 106 at f5 Just good to post a image Regards Harry Page
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