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CCD Imager

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Everything posted by CCD Imager

  1. Thank you for the kind comments. Wim, Jay Gabany images from a very dark site hidden in the mountains in western US and uses an arc filter Like you, he imaged for about 10 hours, so I have no chance!
  2. A lesser know edge on galaxy in Draco similar to NGC891 Taken with an SW Esprit 150mm and ASI 183. LRGB: :200:90:90:90 mins. The galaxy has a perculair arc structure: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NGC_5907#/media/File:Ngc5907_stellar_stream.jpg Not a hint of it in my image though despite significant stretching, obviously needs much longer exposures and a dark sky Adrian
  3. Thank you for the kind comments, appreciated Adrian
  4. To me, it makes a refreshing change to image something that isnt gas or spirals M13 taken with an Esprit 150mm and ASI 183 with 190 mins of LRGB exposure. Adrian
  5. Thank you GeekLee and Adrian, Adrian - absolutely, not many of us around! BTW I also have a Redcat and the Samyang 135, although have only rarely used them, may be when nebula season comes along in late summer
  6. This was taken during the recent spell of good weather and I have a couple more images in the works. A total integration time of around 8 hours, LRGB taken through a 150mm Espirt and ASI 1600 camera from semi-rural Bedfordshire Do expand image to have a closer look and dont miss NGC4312 at the top of the frame. Adrian
  7. I agree with above comments, lovely image. I treat Autumn, Winter and Spring as Astrophotography season and the summer as walking and terrestial photography season!
  8. Thanks Lee. As well as a long spell of clear nights, the seeing has been good too, allowing more detail than usual and defintely worth seeing the full res image for the core detail Adrian
  9. Approximately 6 hours of exposure, LRGB taken thru a 150mm Esprit and ASI1600 camera. All unguided subs on a 10 micron mount. Very much enjoying this week of almost constant clear skies Processed with APP and Photoshop Adrian
  10. Worth the time and effort, Great image Adrian
  11. Nice work Peter and good to see novel objects imaged. If the weather holds, I'll be looking at imaging a Hickson group. Adrian
  12. Thanks guys, appreciate the comments
  13. For the first time in 20 years, I finally have an observatory again, a pulsar 2.2 dome. This is also the first time I have used a dome, previously having had a roll of roof shed. I moved last December to a house with a bigger garden and top of my list was an observatory as our previous residence's garden was so small, an observatory would have swamped the place. So hopefully, I can now be more productive and here is an effort from my new abode. Total integration time was around 9 hours and taken though a SW Esprit 150. Adrian
  14. I like this image, a lovely cluster of galaxies with interesting detail and well captured. The background does appear quite dark and I had a look in Photoshop. Using the colour sampling tool, levels are about 5, so although not strictly clipped, an optimum value should be around 20-30 giving a more natural appearance, after all nobody's skies are truely black.. I havent used Star tools, but it might be worth speaking to the author Adrian
  15. M82 taken with an ASI 1600 and 12 inch ONTC on top of a GM2000HPS from last Spring, having recently processed it. Total integration time was 6 hours, No Ha data to show the tendrils, perhaps next year. But S/N is great with this fast Newtonian I am contemplating selling the 12 inch ONTC if any one is interested Adrian
  16. Thanks for the kind comments. The seeing last week was exceptional, I typically find the best seeing in Autumn months on those dewy nights after midnight. It did cross my mind whether the recent reduction in air pollution may be playing a part, but its seems a bit fancyfull! Adrian
  17. Still processing images from the excellent spell of good weather a couple of weeks ago. The nights of the 22nd to 24th April gave the best seeing of the week, so was pleased to image a nicely detailed galaxy. Around 9 hours of data, 6 hours luminance, no Ha Taken with an ASI183MM and SW Esprit 150 Adrian
  18. Photoshop is so powerful these days, that almost any colour balance can be achieved. The astro imager, aka artist, can portray whatever he/she wishes. I do think that audiences are more wowed by high colour saturation driving this type of processing.
  19. Shibby, Thanks and I agree about the colours
  20. George, 1.7 arc sec, so not bad
  21. Thank you Bryan, Carole, Mark and Sam for kind comments! Adrian
  22. Many moons ago (around 20), I lived in Dulwich, so can sympathise with you. You best bet is to concentrate on narrowband imaging of nebulae, of which there are many many targets. There are some bright objects like open star clusters and globular clusters that are worthwile imaging. Then secondly, if you can, take you kit out of London to a much darker sky and image broadband objects. As long as you are enjoying your hobby, then it doesnt matter how much light pollution you have and I think you have done very well with the above image from near central London. Adrian
  23. This faint galaxy group high in Ursa Major is a struggle from a semi-rural site, i.e. my back garden, I totalled around 15 hours of data. Other astrophotographs show a predominantly blue galaxy except for the center, but using Astrodon true colour filters and APP's calibrate star colours, my version shows very little blue. C'est la vie! Taken with a SW Esprit 150mm and ASI 183 camera. With a pixel scale of 0.47 arc sec/pixel, high resolution imaging is possible with relatively small scopes. I do think this galaxy group is very attractive and infrequently photographed, so pleased to get something a bit dfferent.
  24. Hi Francki, I'm please the good seeing extended to Southern France Makes the lockdown more bareable... This image was taken over the nights 14th/15th April and I have a couple more images from last week where seeing was even better. Adrian
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