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Everything posted by Ibbo!

  1. Thanks Bryan. Thank you. It could be that it helped using the auto focus in maxim and kept an eye on the temp. as it dropped and refocused every 1°C as I did not realise the WO132 was affected that much.
  2. Thanks Alan. Thanks Out of Nottingham in Westwood,
  3. Added 5 fames of S2 and 7 of O3 to go with the 23 Ha all @1200s I had to crop a bit as there was a bit of misalignment on the S2 subs. Do the clicky dance once more for full res.
  4. Lunt 60mm D/S SM60 ZWO 178mm cam Do the clicky dance for full res.
  5. 23 x 1200 1x1 ha WO132 QSI cam 2 nights of data again. This image was calibrated!!! Do the clicky dance for full res.
  6. Looks to be flaring as I type
  7. Lunt 60mm D/S SM60 ZWO 178mm cam Do the clicky dance for full res.
  8. Lunt 60mm D/S SM60 ZWO 178mm cam Do the clicky dance for full res.
  9. 2 nights data with W)132 and QSI with 3nm Ha filter. 29x 600 s Do the clicky dance for full res.
  10. Lunt 60mm D/S SM60 ZWO 178mm cam Do the clicky dance for full res.
  11. Thanks a lot. Not at the triple stage as yet just double, I also use x2 binning when I use the Quark one up or in the Lunt. With my set up I have a JMI focuser and need about 150mm of extension once the blocker of the Lunt is out of the way. it was a bit Heath Robinson as it was a hack of extensions .I have some ali tube on order that will find its way to the lathe chuck once it arrives on Weds ( I hope) then i will try triple. I will put a picture up once I have it more presentable.
  12. Lunt 60mm D/S SM60 ZWO 178mm cam don't miss the proms below Do the clicky dance for full res. The close proms were taken with the Lunt 60 and the Quark daystar and a rather large extention tube.
  13. Seeing in the UK is somewhat limiting so i think 100mm is about as far as I would go.
  14. Ibbo!

    Found it!

    The trick is not to get distracted by the other precious items you rediscover on your search. I fail on that quite regularly.
  15. Continuing catch up time Taken while on a 3 day break in Derbyshire Lunt 60mm D/S SM60 ZWO 178mm cam Do the clicky dance for full res.
  16. Ibbo!

    Sol 7-9-21

    Thanks Charl. I have the following days capture to sort out today.
  17. Catch up time Taken while on a 3 day break in Derbyshire Lunt 60mm D/S SM60 ZWO 178mm cam Do the clicky dance for full res.
  18. To be fair mine usually ends up as a bit of corrugated cardboard scrounged from the bin held together with duct tape cos I forgot the dew band or proper dew shield.
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