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Posts posted by Ibbo!

  1. 7 minutes ago, Victor Boesen said:

    Great shots, very high contrast on the surface features. You mention the Quark and the Lunt together in the same configuration? Are you using the Quark to achieve a "Triple stack" system with the Lunt and Quark?


    Thanks a lot.


    Not at the triple stage as yet just double, I also use x2 binning when I use the Quark one up or in the Lunt.

    With my set up I have a JMI focuser and need about 150mm of extension once the blocker of the Lunt is out of the way.

    it was a bit Heath Robinson as it was a hack of extensions .I have some ali tube on order that will find its way to the lathe chuck once it arrives on Weds ( I hope) then i will try triple.


    I will put a picture up once I have it more presentable.

    • Thanks 2
  2. Lunt 60mm D/S SM60 ZWO 178mm cam

    don't miss the proms below


    Do the clicky dance for full res.




    The close proms were taken with the Lunt 60 and the Quark daystar and a rather large extention tube.




    • Like 6
  3. 12 minutes ago, Davey-T said:

    Nice set Steve, I'd planned to get the LS60 out but took so long getting the other rig working I didn't get round to it and now the processing has gone pear shaped so giving up until tomorrow  / today.


    How well I know that feeling.

    Turn it off before I damage it.🔨

    • Haha 1
  4.  Ceslestron C11

    Zwo 178mc

    NEQ-6 Pro

     AS3  ·  Registax6  ·  IMPPG  ·  Photoshop CS4  ·  Firecapture

     ZWO ADC Atmospheric Dispersion Corrector


    Time: 00:05

    Frames: 1000

    FPS: 140.00000






    • Like 7
  5. 7 hours ago, Rusted said:

    Well done Steve! :thumbsup:

    The soft seeing was a nightmare! Hours of frustration over two days so far!
    I couldn't focus properly myself despite having an ultra-slow, DIY electric focuser.
    I put it down to thin, high cloud causing a haze over the sun.
    The weather has broken now and the sun gone into hiding.
    Probably ashamed of itself. :biggrin:

    Thanks .

    It was indeed.

    3 hours ago, Peter Drew said:

    The seeing was a bit hazy yesterday as well now that the aviators seem to be back in business.  A bit light on proms after the recent examples but surface detail was centre stage.     🙂

    Cheers Peter.

    Yes they are, I hought they were playing noughts and crosses.

    1 hour ago, Pete Presland said:

    A fine set of images, great to see the scale on the Sun as well.  

    Thanks Pete.

    Took me a whle to sort out how to use the scale.

    • Like 1
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