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Phil Fargaze

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Status Replies posted by Phil Fargaze

  1. Very clear night. Just driven back from Salisbury via Winchester and Guildford, so too tired to get out imaging kit. Did however witness a very bright early Geminid meteor. Always a treat to see!

    Can very much recommend visits to Salisbury and Winchester Cathedrals. They are architectural and historical gems.

    George back home in Lowestoft.

    1. Phil Fargaze

      Phil Fargaze

      I did the tower tour when I visited Salisbury Cathedral, absolutely mind-blowing experience.  We stood out on the balcony at the base of the spire to breath taking views of the surroundings as well as the awesome view of the spire towering up into the sky , literally reaching for the heavens. I felt dizzy looking down as well as feeling dizzy looking up!

  2. Guiding tonite.... must be mad with Satans lightbulb in force!

    1. Phil Fargaze

      Phil Fargaze

      Made me laugh. I`ve never heard it called that before! 

  3. By the time this cloud clears the Sun will be a Red Giant, Betelgeuse would have gone supernova and the Andromeda galaxy will be twice as close.

    1. Phil Fargaze

      Phil Fargaze

      It will be interesting, I'll have to learn the constellations again as well! After the fog it will probably snow!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  4. Clouds, nothing but clouds!

    1. Phil Fargaze

      Phil Fargaze

      Now it`s fog, nothing but fog!

  5. Need to find an indoor hobby for times like these.

    1. Phil Fargaze

      Phil Fargaze

      I know, mirror grinding!

  6. Moving house is a pain in the bottom!

    1. Phil Fargaze

      Phil Fargaze

      My wife has family in the village of Winkleigh, one night after a wedding down there I took a look at the sky, being a Londoner, the view of the milky way was simply stunning!

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  7. power cut....! last time we were off for days, they had to bring a genni in for the street... long may this continue!

    1. Phil Fargaze

      Phil Fargaze

      Never mind Fozzie, maybe next time. I`m old enough to remember the power cuts of the 70`s but was too young to realise to get outside and enjoy the view

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  8. Curry Incoming!!!!

    1. Phil Fargaze

      Phil Fargaze

      That refrigerated loo roll sounds like a great idea!

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  9. Want to sell my C8 and CG5-GT for a pre owned CPC9.25 but I don't think my other half would be too happy.

    1. Phil Fargaze

      Phil Fargaze

      Just say that it is specially designed for not having a garden and that a happy half makes a happy whole!

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  10. Holding back a touch of aperture fever after looking through a 24" dob!

    1. Phil Fargaze

      Phil Fargaze

      I was at Haw Wood caravan park and took a look at M51

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  11. Holding back a touch of aperture fever after looking through a 24" dob!

    1. Phil Fargaze

      Phil Fargaze

      It was at a dark site in Suffolk. However the transparency was not as good as it could have been.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  12. Country Files weather says clear skies for next weekend. We will see.

    1. Phil Fargaze

      Phil Fargaze

      A nice clear frosty night sounds good to me. Fingers crossed.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  13. Mars at opposition and it`s clear! Still looked like jelly on a plate though.

    1. Phil Fargaze

      Phil Fargaze

      That`s a great description! Tonight the seeing was a lot better, some nice surface detail to be seen. More like as calm as a bag of slugs!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  14. Been observing every night since Thursday! And back out tonight, it must be a record!

    1. Phil Fargaze

      Phil Fargaze

      Sure thing, I spent too much time stuck indoors during February!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  15. I'm going to go down with Cabin Fever soon!

    1. Phil Fargaze

      Phil Fargaze

      Yep, it cleared and I managed to get out and take a look at Jupiter! Looking very nice.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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