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Posts posted by Dr_Ju_ju

  1. Another freebie from Autodesk, is Tinkercad (https://tinkercad.com), a browser tool, which is what I mainly use, then there is Openscad (https://openscad.org) also free, and is a desktop tool, but does take a little more getting used to....

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  2. As an initial test, and if possible, just reverse the motor, to hook up with the other end, but you may then have an issue with the belt properly mating with the wheel.  Just have a play & see what works !!

    I did what you suggest, in replacing the single 'Knob', with a pulley wheel, on an old ST80, I use for Astro e.g.





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  3. It's good to make use of parts you already have....   

    One thing I found with my similar mods, is that hooking the motor up to the 'slo-mo' wheel meant that it took ages to reach focus, and if using some of the auto-focus tools meant failure as it wasn't able to reach/go-through focus quickly enough....

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  4. The board marking show that it's a capacitor, which is usually a quite rare thing to blow....  It may be possible to replace it, if you are adept at reading its value, the removing/replacing the surface mounted device, but there may well be other damaged components, that caused the capacitor to blow in the first place...

  5. And so the expense increases....

    To get away from the glass bed I'd recommend a spring steel sheet, PEI coated, and with a magnetic sheet that is adhered to the heat bet, e.g. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/284561380268?hash=item42412e13ac  

    Two disadvantages, are that you lose a little in print height, and bed heating settings need readjustment, but it does make it sooo much easier with the the more trying filaments. 

  6. You pre-order Pi's from Farnell, i.e. https://uk.farnell.com/raspberry-pi/rpi4-modbp-8gb/raspberry-pi-4-model-b-cortex/dp/3369503?CMP=e-email-sys-orderack-GLB I have a couple on order, not necessarily for Astro work....

    I have also used Pine64 and Odroid boards:  https://www.pine64.org/devices/single-board-computers/rock64/ https://www.pine64.org/rockpro64/ https://www.odroid.co.uk/odroid-xu4  

    All work well but I've not used them with Astroberry just Kstars etc. also they can be a frig to set up, so I highly recommend using Armbian for initial software install.... 

  7. Personally, I wouldn't trust it to power something demanding over that length, due to voltage drops etc...  It may well work ok as a signal booster ??, but from my experience with powered\non-powered USB devices\hubs etc, over even much shorter lengths, performance has been sadly lacking, with dropouts, device conflicts etc.

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  8. The error message is pointing out that the software is expecting a device on Port 1, but device manager is showing no device on the port.... 

    If your device is connected ok, then you must either change the port allocation in device manager (right click/properties/port settings/advanced/COM port number) or update the settings in the software. 

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