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Roy Challen

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Posts posted by Roy Challen

  1. 21 hours ago, Olsin said:

    No colour, just psychology. The eyes can see much if the brain wants to see it....

    There's no 'want' involved. I report what I see, then find an explanation later. Since the moon is made of rock, I would be more surprised if it were monochromatic (do you know of such rock on earth?) than if some subtle level of colour were present. That fact that imagers often present the moon with colour backs this up. Full disc views highlight this much better than high mags.

    Moreover, if 'psychology' was a part of astronomical observing, people would be reporting things that aren't real. Oh, they already do.

    Have a look at Sinus Iridium at low mag and tell me what you see😜!

  2. 2 hours ago, mikeDnight said:

    I dont know about you not being good at drawing Roy, but I'm looking at your sketch of the Sun and I think its awesome. The Sun is something I don't often look at; I even have a lovely Coronado PST but I loaned that out to another observer ages ago. He loves it!   Considering your sketch has inspired me to take more notice of our beautiful star. It's a great sketch and observation Roy, so thanks for posting it. :thumbsup:

     I'm off to brows FLO's website now to see how much your post is potentially going to cost me. :crybaby2:

    Thanks Mike😊. I bought the Daystar just over two years ago, it is easily my most used scope now. When I bought it, they were £695... I've just seen the price they are now🥺, still one of the cheapest Ha scopes though, and mine's a good one...I think (haven't looked through any others for comparison).

    • Thanks 1
  3. I never really been much good at drawing, but over the years I have enjoyed sketching the sun, both in white light and now Ha. There aren't many sun sketches on this thread, so here is my effort. The view this morning was fantastic, although there were long moments of poor seeing, during the still moments the clarity was exceptional. My Daystar doesn't pick out filaments all that well, but today they were very easy to see. Lots of nice proms too.IMG_20230407_103132681.thumb.jpg.db890b3ab9b15905a32b49fc13975bc2.jpg

    • Like 6
  4. 10 hours ago, Jim L said:

    Those are two of the many attributes of a small refractor that make them so appealing.  On many of my refractors I don’t even use a finder, I simply aim them by sighting down the long tube from where I’m positioned at the back end of the scope.

    Me neither, the only scope I have a finder on is my Skymax 90 on account of its long focal length in a short tube. I do sometimes use a finder on my long achro when observing double stars.

    • Like 2
  5. I have no experience with the telescope or mount you mention, but when I had a Tal 100RS on a Vixen Polaris, I would balance it in EQ mode before putting the mount into AltAz. If I didn't do this, it would be fine, but it was much better if I did do this. More for system stability than anything else.

    I also balance with my Altair Mini AZ and Skymax 90. Again, it's not strictly necessary, but it does work better like that.

    So, unless extreme portability is the priority, yes it's worth doing.

    • Thanks 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Stu said:

    I love that mount Roy, looks really wel engineered but quite compact too 👍

    I guess the angle that the pic was taken from hides the size quite well😃, it's quite a big mount really, HEQ5 size maybe, or Vixen GPDX. 20kg anyway. So it holds the little Tak quite well 😅

    • Like 1
  7. After a long period of cloudiness, last night was clear enough for me to get the Baby Tak out for a quick look at the moon. Set up in daylight, quick alignment, then waited for twilight. I guess it isn't really a lunar scope, but it's pretty good nonetheless, moon image heavily cropped 😊IMG_20230402_181034176.thumb.jpg.2483fd4138c97b22ec5cdcd15e78fd13.jpgIMG_20230402_200549064.thumb.jpg.dfb06787f48f099a19ec3ff49f608102.jpg

    • Like 10
  8. 2 hours ago, Zermelo said:

    I've just signed. Only 9,813 to go!

    I fear we are still a way off any such measures, but it all raises the profile, so thank you.
    (Then again, I'm old enough to remember when you couldn't expect to work in an office without breathing in your colleagues' cigarette smoke, and I never thought that would change in my lifetime)

    The like was for the memory rather than anything else! Remember when people were allowed to pollute other people's air indoors - not just work places? Actually, it wasn't that long ago!

    But seriously, yes , I'll sign too although with little hope things will actually go our way. Our meaning amateur astronomers. 


  9. So many threads to choose from: show us your frac, what did the postman bring, etc. But obviously this is the place to be!

    Thanks to @surfindogg, I am the new custodian of this little beauty. And thanks to everyone on this forum for not buying my TS90 mount, so I have somewhere appropriate to put my new scope😃.

    It's gonna feel weird doing wide field; up until now, my fastest scope was f/13.8! This scope will also be doing plenty of miles on my dark site travels in Kazakhstan.


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