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Roy Challen

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Posts posted by Roy Challen

  1. According to astronomy.tools, a 15mm WO swan in a PST gives a true field of view of 2.7 degrees equating to approximately 7 million km at the distance of the sun. For something to leave the sun and disappear from the field of view in 0.5 seconds, it would have to be moving at...ludicrous speed😉. So, either my maths is utter rubbish (very possible), or you saw something that didn't originate from the sun.

  2. Hmm, interesting question. I have watched proms extend from the limb out to about 3x earth diameter (very rough guess) in 20 mins or so, giving a very approximate speed of 100,000km/h. Assuming a perpendicular line of sight and that it is an average event,  I guess it's entirely possible to reach even higher speeds. Without knowing your TFoV, would be hard to have a guess at what you saw.

  3. The Vixen combo sounds good, but I prefer my Baader classic plossl to the the NPL, if only Baader would add a 25mm to the range. The 18mm BCO still gives full disc views in a Solar scout but you'll need good seeing to be able to use it. I also like the winged eyecups on this range.

    Didn't get on with the Televue 25mm plossl in my Solar scout. Byyeee!

    That leaves Tak or ES from your list. Tak's reputation precedes, I doubt you'll go wrong there but I don't have any experience with those particular eps. I would go for the orthos, being a fan of orthos.

    I didn't get on at all with ES 82s, but 52s? Might be worth a shout.

    If it were my money, I'd choose the ESs over the Taks, for cost reasons, and the fact that Baader don't make a 25mm BCO or classic plossl.

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  4. 4 minutes ago, ONIKKINEN said:

    How do you like the semiapo filter? I was looking at that too but just sort of cointossed towards the fringe killer for no particular reason.

    My scope probably should be called a semi-achromat instead of a doublet. It has one Lanthanum element in the doublet objective but no FPL glass or anything so there is residual colour at high powers.

    I think it's ok. I use solely with my f/16 achro, just leave it in the diagonal. Between the semi apo, fringe killer and contrast booster filters from Baader, it is the least aggressive, but also has the least colour cast. The contrast booster gives quite a yellow tone. @Chris did a good comparison video on his YouTube channel.

    There is still some CA visible on the moon, but for me it's acceptable. Oh, it was cheap too - I bought it second hand.

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  5. My Skymax 90, Altair Mini AZ, carbon tripod, Hyperflex zoom and a 30mm plossl come in at well under 5kg and it all fits into a rucksack that no airline has ever felt the need to question the dimensions of, and I do a lot of flying.

    You can even fit in some t shirts, shorts, and underwear should you feel the need!

    Long haul flights usually have a weight limit of 7-8kg but some airlines allow an additional 'personal' bag of up to 5kg eg a handbag or camera bag.

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  6. 5 minutes ago, Peter Drew said:

    Cloudy here but it looks like a large prom lift-off on GONG.   🙂

    Yup, it had already lifted off when I started observing, but there seems to be ebb and flow to it, with streams of plasma falling back down, or is it going back up?😄

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