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Everything posted by Lee_P

  1. @MHaneferd Good idea, I did the same experiment when I first got the camera. That helped me settle on 120s. That does look like a satellite in your 300s shot; what time was it taken? I'm in Bortle 8 too. It's a pain, but we can still get good images with long integration times. You'd get there faster from your cabin though! FYI your 120s sub looks better than my 120s sub:
  2. Hi SGL Hive Mind, My current imaging project is M31 with my OSC camera. I'm close to 20 hours of RGB data (no filter), and would like to take L-eXtreme data to add in too, to get some glowing red hydrogen. I'm using PixInsight and haven't done this before, so am wondering if anyone can help; either by giving me some tips, a workflow, or link to a tutorial. My guess is that you process the RGB and L-eXtreme data separately and then combine them using some PixelMath wizardry..? I've done a bit of Googling but haven't found quite what I'm after. There are bound to be good resources out there that I'm missing! Thanks, -Lee
  3. @MHaneferd Neat test! Remember that it's the total integration time that counts though. In principle your 100 x 120-second integration should be very similar to 200 x 60 seconds, or 40 x 300 seconds.
  4. Thanks! I meant that the reference to 2-min subs was near the end of the article. I don't mention gain as that's not specifically about getting long integration times. A pier is indeed fantastic, I highly recommend them!
  5. @MHaneferd @Ouroboros Just following up on the "why gain 100" question, from ZWO's website: "The ASI2600MC Pro has excellent performance with a dynamic range of up to 14stops. When the gain value is 100, the magical HCG high gain mode is turned on, the readout noise is greatly reduced, and the dynamic range is basically unchanged. It is recommended to set the gain to 0 or gain 100 in deep space."
  6. Gain 100. As for 2-mins, I mention that in this article, (point 3, near the end): http://urbanastrophotography.com/index.php/2021/06/14/how-to-get-long-integration-times/
  7. Good job, some fine details starting to show through there.
  8. This is a good start! Given your telescope's focal length, you might do well to centre in on a particularly interesting part of the nebula, like the Cygnus Wall. You need a much longer integration time though. As you suggest, shorter exposure times work well with a modern camera like the 2600. I use that camera too, and shoot 2-minute subs -- but lots of them! Aim to get five hours of good quality data in your image, then you'll have something nice to play about with in post-processing. This photo just posted by @StuartT might be of interest to you: same camera, similar telescope.
  9. Lee_P

    New Beginnings

    Welcome Dave, you've come to the right place to ask lots of questions! 😁
  10. Yes, 100%. That's partly why I made my Urban Astrophotography website specifically about OSC from a city -- to try and give better / more up-to-date advice. And sometimes when people insist that Mono is the only option from a city, I show them this photo (OSC plus L-eXtreme, Bortle 8):
  11. I image under UK skies and aim for around 20 hours per image. I produce an image approx. every one month with winter skies, two months in the summer.
  12. That's a cracking image, really shows what's possible even with a short integration time. I use a 2600 and L-eXtreme too, and was so impressed I ended up making a website! There might be some stuff there of interest to you: http://urbanastrophotography.com/
  13. Good job, especially considering the Moon.
  14. I'll put something together for them for a mere $51,000 😆
  15. Shout-out for Cygnus Astro covers, if you're in the UK. I haven't used a TG365 so can't make a direct comparison, but my Cygnus Astro is a lot cheaper, and still keeps the rain off! The chap that makes them can make you a custom size bespoke for your set up too.
  16. Amazing image! It would be interesting to see what you could produce with the same kit and integration time from your usual Bortle 8 site -- that would make for a fascinating side-by-side comparison.
  17. Yep, the speed does vary as you explain. I've added a line to the review to hopefully make that clearer. Thanks
  18. Haha, it's definitely tongue in cheek, but I see your point that the humour could be lost in translation! I've removed that line now. Re: wireless range, good point, I'll add a bit about that. To save you the trouble of re-reading the review, ZWO state that the wireless range is 20 metres. My Plus is 15 metres from my router, through two brick walls and glass conservatory doors, and it's been ok so far.
  19. Hi SGLers, I've had one of the new ASIAIR Plus units for a couple of days now, and have written a review: http://urbanastrophotography.com/index.php/2021/09/18/review-asiair-plus/ If you don't want to click through then the executive summary is that it's great, but not really a necessary upgrade if you've already got a Pro.
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