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  • Gender
  • Interests
    Astronomy & entry level astrophtography, general photography , knitting, hunting and fishing when I can.
    Laughing at myself and FOOD! Let's not forget good food!
    Pretty much retired (not retarded) from the work world.
  • Location
    North Phoenix, AZ, USA

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  1. SunBear

    Novice Experiments

    These are just a collection of lunar shots taken with my cellphone, a Samsung Galaxy S4. with an adapter attached to our Zhumell Z12 Dob. They have been enhanced by Google+ so you can see we've put a whole lot of work and money into this (sarcasm). We are not wealthy but we ARE enthusiastic! Gradually, If I stay alive long enough and we come into some cash, we might venture out a bit further into this hobby.
  2. Clear skies tonight!

    1. SunBear


      Tried to go for M5 but WAY too much ambient light.

  3. Nuts! It's just like washing your car. Get some new stuff to try out and it rains! Right here in Phoenix yet! I can't believe it!

    1. ronin


      Phoenix only gets an average of 8 inches a year. If I recall a desert is defined as less then 10 inches. You must have got one hell of a scope and/or mount to deserve that.

  4. Hi, Not sure if this the right place to post this but according to the sticky, this is the current policy for changing the signature. "Access to change signatures, location, homepage and Instant Message options - 2 posts and have been a member for 1 day" Valid as of 2011? My control panel says I need 8 more approved posts. Thanks for any help! -- Clear Skies!
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