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Status Replies posted by AstroGZ

  1. will these gray days ever end,that reminds of a song,do you know which one?..

  2. great view of milkyway from menorca

  3. Waiting up for the lightening!

    1. AstroGZ


      Same here,just keeps coming and coming!

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  4. Exams are over!!!!!

    1. AstroGZ


      Judging by the way you describe your job I would rather sit the exams!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  5. GCSE week.... I might be a bit busy. Tissues, damp sponges and sick buckets on standby!

  6. 6 AS exams this week :-(

    1. AstroGZ


      Thanks for your comments. Good luck to you Superdavo too!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  7. so much to buy, so little funds :o)

  8. Really want to go out for a while tonight as clear sky forecast, but have an AS Genral Studies exam in the afternoon. Descisions, descisions!

    1. AstroGZ


      Thought the same and didn't go out. Why do they do exams in the clear summer months and not in the wet, miserable winter!!!!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  9. Got my first AS-Level exam later this week. Good look to everyone else in the same situation!

  10. If anyone has clear skies tonight and a little time, could they check out NGC 3190. I swear I saw a star in the line of sight, so it looked like the star was embedded within the galaxy. The strange thing is, I can't find any reference to the star?

    1. AstroGZ


      Just finished setting up, will have a look in a sec

    2. (See 21 other replies to this status update)

  11. Gahhh! Man-flu again! Hoping ive got the legs for tonight. Dont forget to show your kids the ISS (Santa) pass early this eve!

    1. AstroGZ


      Same. Had the dreaded lurgy for the last week but desperately want to go out tonight!

  12. I'mm thinking of moving to the Moon, then I can get some nice clear skies. thoughts anyone?? :)

    1. AstroGZ


      Dread to think how much the removal men would cost!

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  13. 50 mins on creasant nebula before clouds moved in..

  14. Met office says clear all night for sussex, with very good visibility from 1am on. I feel a imaging session coming on.

  15. Is UK Astro buy and sell down or is it just me?

    1. AstroGZ


      Fine now, can get on to it with no problems.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  16. Is UK Astro buy and sell down or is it just me?

  17. Is UK Astro buy and sell down or is it just me?

    1. AstroGZ


      BT still struggling to find the website. Hopefully will sort itself out!

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

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