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Everything posted by Floater

  1. Here's mine: Solarmax 40, Quark chromosphere filter, Herschel wedge, one of three full aperture Astrozap filters, some EPs that live in this case, a focal reducer, various solar-related EP/diagonal filers, power pack and cables. Now, can I have some chance to use the kit, please? (Apologies for the poor quality of pic. It illustrates why I'm prolly best to stick with visual observing only! )
  2. Oh my! That green and black! So, so seductive. Lovely stuff - and housed neatly enough to satisfy even OCD people like me. Enjoy.
  3. Thanks, Dave. I just showed Mrs Floater your pix and I'm now 'not so bad after all' ...
  4. Now surely that would only be to ensure delivery can be taken during working hours? Are you suggesting/implying some subterfuge here, Derek? Heaven forfend! Mrs Floater says I must be mistaken to imagine such nuance ... (bless her).
  5. Nice one, Dom. But that's another case with space left to fill ... ... I anticipate that this thread will run forever!
  6. Another example, perhaps: 'invest' = 'splash out'.
  7. Derek, I apologise if you are annoyed at me being your 'mirror'. I hope that's not the case, though (no pun intended), and you see it as it's meant, just fun. Mrs Floater has warned me before - several times, unfortunately - about my idea of 'fun' not being to everyone's taste! Without doubt, your EP collection is awesome - but I shall await with some glee the next post that has the words 'I'm done' in it. :-))
  8. No need to comment here, except to wonder if it's Groundhog Day again. Nope! There it is - post #2211 ... :-)
  9. Derek, you seem to have forgotten who we are. We know things about these things ...
  10. Oh my! That's an awful lot of expensive empty space.
  11. Please forgive me this lovely Scottish double positive: Aye, right!
  12. That's a busy looking case, Fozzie. And still a bit of space left ...
  13. A lovely, busy-looking case. Maximum use of space and an evident desire to craft even fractions of the centimetre cubes! A brave man indeed, Avtar ... Well done, sir.
  14. Nice case; nice contents; and nice space(s) left ... Everybody knows that nature abhors a vacuum.
  15. Nice one, Ian. 'Tart'!? Anything with green-and-black in it is bound to be tasteful ...
  16. Do post a pic, Ian. But there is no need to say it's incomplete - surely that is the nature of the beast.When evolution is involved who could ever describe something as 'complete'?
  17. Och! This thread has gone frayed. It'll be the whisky that gets the blame, I warrant!
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