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Everything posted by gaz81

  1. Did drive up there last night, but lots of young folk having party time up there. so in the end could see it from the front of my house in Whittle-le-woods :-)
  2. Hope we get some clear sky tonight! hopefully pop up to Denham Quary if it is.
  3. Think next time... if the sky ever clears I’ll use a moon filter to view them (like an ND filter) as they are super bright.
  4. Sky is amazing 🙂 I spotted Saturn for the first time few days ago when the cloud broke... was amazing! To see the rings with your own eyes 🙂
  5. Not sure, this is all new to me and the weather has been pretty lame. The good USB power banks have huge capacity though. I’m just on a skywatcher AZ GTI.
  6. I’ve been trying a USB battery back with a 12v converter (basically a cable with a slightly bigger USB plug). https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07J6NYVJV/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_.KydFbWHT669Y https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00VJSGT2A/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_kMydFb0E84JR1 seems to work.
  7. Yeah, been looking at prices of weights in general and for what they are seem pretty expensive!
  8. Hi All i’ve tried to search to find the answer but not had much luck. Basically, converting the AZ GTI to EQ mode... you add all the relevant parts like wedge, counter weight bar and weight. However, how do you calculate how much counter weight to use? ...which means buying 🙂 My scope is the Startravel 102T, looking around and at pictures of kits you can buy it seems 2KG would be about right?.... but how do you work it out?
  9. And not to hijack the thread.... but changing to EQ mode, how do you work out how much counter weight to add?
  10. Yeah, me to! was t sure if I made a mistake or not as I’ve not really done it before 🙂
  11. So the images attached should show the general changes I made in light room. I also did a circular edit to under expose and flatted the exposure due to the brightness of the star (you see if as the red circular area in one of the screen shots) I also included the tiff from deep sky so you can see before I took it into light room. Hope this helps 🙂 5 stack vega 2.TIF
  12. Sure, I’ll post the original and what I did along with the Light Room adjusting later this evening.
  13. This was the little setup... sat on the stones in the dark 🙂
  14. Thank you for the feed back, much appreciated. So do you mean the focus plane of the sensor wasn’t completely flat to the scope? So making some parts in focus and others not. I’m using the usual T2 with a 40mm spacer and 2 inch noise piece. The noise piece though only locks in with 2 thumb screws into the focus tube. I know I’m not going to get APO level like stuff with this scope 🙂 and I didn’t crop at all.
  15. Been lurking for a while, reading... trying to learn etc.. So last night had a go with my cobbled together set up at the sky... was pretty late and was pretty conscious about how much noise I was making in the garden! So didn't do a whole lot. I was using.... Startravel 102 SkyWatcher Goto AZ mount (set to the lowest tripod height with a chunk of concrete on the tripod tray part to stop wobble) Sony A7II Camera with the remote capture software. Also my first go at doing the mount alignment, wasn't as hard as I thought but still didn't properly nail it. The noise of the motors at that time of night was putting me off having try after try... I guess it sounds much louder when you are sat right next to it! I used Vega as it was the second alignment star... so was on it I only took 5 x 10 second light frames. No darks etc. That will be next time I have a go. I stacked them in deep sky stacker then took the tiff into Light Room for some fettling. Anyway, hope I didn't screw it up to much, as there are some fantastic photos on this forum!
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