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Everything posted by DRT

  1. My 120ED with its smart new carrying handle and Baader Sky Surfer V
  2. Grrrr. Is that the one I dwelt on for too long?
  3. Nothing to be embarrassed about with that scope, Parkini, there is good reason why it is one of the most popular beginner scopes on the market You should get some great views through that when he clouds clear!
  4. Dark Forces indeed, Alan! I am hoping this is a good omen for what is to come in 2016...
  5. Yes, I have a Type 1 Paracorr that I use with this scope and it really makes a huge difference. The reason for the small barbeque is that Mrs T is vegetarian so it only needs to cook one 4lb steak at a time
  6. I think an 150 ED is a fabulous idea, Kevin I have been weaving my way through lots of second-hand scopes in the past three years and must say that more often than not I have got all (or nearly all) of my money back when re-selling. The 100ED I sold this week was the exception as I took a big (80%) hit on what I paid but it is the only scope I have managed to damage during my ownership so I deserved all I got This week I have had a first in that I have bought a second version of a scope I have previously owned - a Startravel 150. I sold one a few months ago to pay for a new purchase but regretted it from the moment I handed it over to its new owner. My replacement will hopefully be here within the next few days
  7. That's exactly why my Telrad is below the focuser - I just couldn't reach the standard finder without risking falling off the ladder There has not been a cloud in the sky over my house today so they should be rolling in at around 15:45
  8. I bought this 16" Flextube a few weeks ago and have now added a MoonLite CR-2 focuser and some nice sturdy carrying handles which really help when setting up and moving it around... Now all need is a clear night
  9. Yes, Jules, she went just before Christmas and I'm regretting it already After more than a month of trying to sell it at what I think was a bargain price I've decided to hang on to the Bresser 127L for now to give me a good high-mag option with a decent aperture but am now hankering after a 5" f/11 to f15. The Starwave would have been a better stop-gap but hey-ho, I let it go!
  10. Yes, it's the dual-speed MoonLite, John. I removed the foot (in fact, two feet) as I use a Rigel rather than the standard finder. Looking forward to giving it a better road-test on a nice, dark, still night - if such a thing exists!
  11. The Sun finally put in an appearance this morning so I was able to test out my new 120 ED with the Baader wedge ...and here she is with her nighttime gear... Very pleased with the new toy - all I need now is for the weather to start improving and I might actually get to put it to some use
  12. What scope/EP combination did you use for that, John?
  13. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/weather/12048433/Full-moon-to-light-up-skies-on-Christmas-Day-while-festive-period-forecast-to-be-mild.html :cool:
  14. I've got a signed booklet that came with my TV Pronto so perhaps you are right John.
  15. But those little beauties in their Chanel LBDs are a not too shabby alternative
  16. This is similar to a discussion I have with my wife whenever we reminisce about our holidays to the USA when our kids were young. Mrs T remembers many restaurants as being described as "Eat All You Want" or "Eat All You Need" whereas I remember them as the more challenging "Eat As Much As You Can". My approach to EP buying appears to follow a similar philosophy
  17. Hi Darren, I have the same problem as you as my vision doesn't cope well with a black background and white text. In the very bottom left of the page you will find a link named "Change Theme". Click on that and select "IP.Board" and the whole site will transform into a white background with black text Derek
  18. Nice one, Garry. I saw that a few minutes after the advert was posted and had to close down my machine to stop myself buying it! That should give you some great wide field views
  19. Me too! Which is why I've offloaded those little narrow things to Shane
  20. Have you tried pointing that at the sky, Philip? The Moon perhaps?
  21. I have a Baader Semi-Apo, Chris, and now also have an EQ5 with tracking motors so will be giving it a go. I don't have the patience for all this stacking malarky but will be trying to get some good single long-exposure shots
  22. My Helios 6" f/9.4 went to a new home this morning and this little beauty came home as part of the deal... Skywatcher Startravel 120 f/5 Now fitted with a Skywatcher Dual-Speed focuser. Looking forward to some nice wide field views and perhaps some DSLR action through this one
  23. Very nice, John. The Moonlites definitely make a big difference and I think that's my first port of call each time I buy a new scope from now on. Like Tyson I am interested in the tripod - looks like a very stable platform for that Giro III - I'm missing mine already having sold it this week :-(
  24. I've been looking at my (rather scratched) gold tube SW ED100 all weekend wondering what she would look like in white
  25. Very nice, Chris. I haven't had much chance to use mine yet. It looked promising early on last night but quickly clouded over with a thin, milky wash of high cloud
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