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Posts posted by Physopto

  1. 19 minutes ago, Uplooker said:

    Be careful, the A75 is littered with mobile speed vans

    That's true. Passed a couple on the way here on Saturday. They are being a bit more sneaky as well now. They are supposed to be yellow and black striped. Well they were,  buts a dull shade of dirty yellow to blend in with the background in a lay-by.


  2. Nope, Mike was away in long before me.

    I was out untill midnight. I was trying to get a bit of kit working for several hours. By just after 2200 hours I  had found the fault, but by then it was too late as it clouded out. Had a cuppa, went over to chat at a distance to Damian untill close to midnight. We saw Mike over at his static out a few times pottering about. I waited a bit longer until around half midnight but decided by then I was too tired and crashed out. Woke up at  around 4 saw brilliant clear night sky but was to warm besides my  back was sore from lifting so  back to sleep.

    I got a few thing done, but need to get properly aligned asap now. It is a year since I had the gear in use so a few checks were necessary.

    It is a strange Star Camp as you cannot just wander  around willy nilly as normal chatting to everyone. That is why Mike thought we had all gone to bed early, just no one constantly moving around as normal.


  3. 1 hour ago, Uplooker said:

    Well, I have to say I was glad to hear Boris “the animal” didn’t make any announcements that preclude me from travelling out of my area, so I can definitely make it up on Wednesday afternoon 👍👍👍.

    Looking forward you seeing new and old attendees.

    Darren, I think it was PSP 2011 that we last met???

    Oh God.... Irish stew..............



  4. 1 minute ago, jamie56 said:

    Windy .com?? Thought you old sailer just used a wet finger, a at least the scopes haven't blown over 🍻🍻

    What's a sailer ??

    I know what a sailor is but......🤣

    Trust you to mention things blowing over, yer chancing fate!

    I think the wind is about at its worst at present, hopefully anyway.


  5. 1 hour ago, petevasey said:

    Well, at least the wind will keep the midgies away 😉

    Hope all goes well for you guys, and hope to be with you next March.



    Hi Peter,

     We are sending the midges around to Mike's static. Don't tell him I said that 😉

    Yes going to be a bit of a pain this expected partial lockdown. Having said that, we don't get out much now anyway. Best keeping to ourselves until a hoped for vaccine arrives, (if ever).

    Not even the weather to fly a drone. If it clears up a bit I may try later on this week.



  6. 4 minutes ago, merlin100 said:

    What's the ground conditions like, underfoot?🤔

    Well just rained during the night. So wet at present, but the wind will dry it out a bit. The field is in good condition generally. Just not have to drive on and off it all the time or it will get very bad in the entrance area. Just use common sense when here and it will be OK.


  7. The wind is blowing a bit and predicted to get worse for the next few hours. I use Windy.com which uses several different predictive engines. ECMWF, GFS, Metroblue, ICON and AROME. The BBC weather app is very rarely correct, here at least. Drumroamin has a weather subset all of its own it seems.

    At present there are 4 of us here. Me and Annette, Mike in the next static, Jim and Dawn 70 metres away in the field and Dave and Liz even further away down the field. Damian due in an hour or two, he will be in his usual spot over 30 metres away from the nearest attendees.

    With the present spacing we could probably do with more airtime for the phones !!

    At least we can get within shouting distance. Sign of the times when you go some place just so you can shout at people. 🤣

    I was listening to the Chief Medical and Scientific Officers etc., earlier on and the picture they show is not inspiring at all ! PM due to speak this afternoon, so we will find out the actual details then.

    We brought everything we need so as not to interact with anyone here. So in effect in isolation.

    If the weather plays ball, it will be worth it.

    Keep safe everyone.


    • Like 1
  8. 5 minutes ago, AndyKeogh said:

    It was the same for me last month with a new 4G router except I had to drive back home to pick up a screen and keyboard before I could get the imaging rig to work :(   Still it was a nice 300 mile drive !!

    Countryfile weather forecast seemed promising for Tuesday onward albeit a little cold as the week progresses.

    Hope you all get lovely clear skies.


    Thanks Andy.

    Yes can be a pain. Worst for me was some years ago when at Kielder. Forgot my counterweights for the Mount. As you say nice round trip drive, for me only 4 hours!

    The fun of imaging or for that matter astronomy in general. 🙂

    I have not seen Countryfile but Windy.com shows some changes to what has been forecasted over the last few days. Looking promising, but far too early to be sure. Crossed fingers.

    Keep well both of you.


    • Like 1
  9. Well been a really nice day so far. Burning hot earlier on, bright sunshine and fairly clear skies. Hoping tonight has some clear spells.

    Took all day to get a new computer to talk to the control gear for the scope. Seems to be OK now. Oh the fun of imaging Eh!

    On another subject altogether. I see Adrian is following the goings on. So let's keep him up to date as much as possible.

    Hope you are able to get to the next Star Camp Adrian.


  10. 7 hours ago, merlin100 said:

    The flu like symptoms associated with the flu jag can produce that, along with a high temperature, muscle ache and headache. There's no live virus in the flu jag. I got one a few days ago and I'm fine, but my mum and stepdad got one each and felt lousy afterwards... 

    Yes last one was OK but this one not so good. Mind you nothing like a real cold so a lot happier today. Long drive and all the transporting gear  back and forth between house car and static van. Plus moving a caravan back and forth in a tight space before setting off. You get a bit fed up, I'm being polite there. 🤣



  11. Well, glad glad to see we are getting into the spirit of a good Star Camp at last 😃

    But dissapointing for some of those who cannot attend.

    Apparently here in the North East area the  rules  may be changing for the worse around the weekend!

    I just hope to be able to welcome you all in person. So looking on the bright side, see you all there 😷


    • Like 3
    • Haha 1
  12. On 05/10/2020 at 22:39, Mr Flibble said:

    Unfortunately I can't make it this autumn. Cardiff is in lockdown and I can't leave the area due to welsh rules. I'm re-booked for next spring. Really gutted to be missing out but also looking forward to seeing everyone's posts and pics. Wishing you all a great time and clear skies!!!!

    I am truly sorry to hear this bit of bad news. Still better safe than sorry!

    Also glad you have booked for the Spring Star Camp. Hopefully it will be a corker!


    • Thanks 1
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