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Posts posted by Physopto

  1. Well the weather has changed as predicted and cloud/wind and rain set in. So last night we managed to sink a few drams whilst chatting in the warm room. The night ended with a quiz which was quite entertaining.

    This morning we awoke to blustery winds 25/50 mph and rain.

    One of our members tents was in danger of blowing away. So I parked my car in front to try  to mitigate the worst of the wind.


    I will put a strong note on the other Galloway Star Party  threads to try and warn attendees that only strong tents (not flimsy summer types)  should be brought and erected here due to the open nature of the camp site. You also will need a mallet and heavy steel rock type pegs.

    No one wants to see anyone lose their tent or belongings/astro gear due to not being properly prepared.

    • Like 2
  2. Just a short note for all.

    I now have talked with Lesley the site owner and we have confirmed the dates for the Spring and Autumn 2023 Star Camps. The dates and relevant information will be posted up here on SGL in the next 2 weeks.



    Although the weather last night was not too kind, this Star Camp has seen a good attendance and during previous two nights there was viewings/imaging taking place.

    We also had an unexpected brilliant showing of the Aurora, on three separate occasions in one night.

    The weather has now turned for the worse unfortunately, but the warm room still invites for  cracking social gatherings over the next couple of nights with of course with the usual refreshments and banter.🥃🥃🥃🥃🥃🥃🥃🥃🥃🥃


    I must say Mike's absense has been duly noted by many with some dissmay🙁. His warm friendly/welcoming presence has been missed by everyone who knows him.


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  3. 56 minutes ago, jamie56 said:

    Clear sunny morning here, clear skies last nite but clouded over later, did retire for the nite till q certain Dr brown came calling 😂

    Weeah just don,, t know.  Call  yersel a star gazzer! 😁

    Did you get any thing at all? Wednesday still look best, but got to take the chances when they.come.

  4. 2 hours ago, jamie56 said:

    hi derek, last nite was good clear skies, clouded over at times but on the whole not bad, turned to rain later and tad windy, sporadic wet weather today but that was forcast, all on our own just now 

    Yes all being well see you tomorrow afternoon.

    Absolutely hammered down this morning. We were lucky we did not come up on Saturday as we had a really bad leak from our front bedroom window.

    Carpet soaked as it was.

    Needed flushing out of the drain window  holes.  Would have returned home to a disaster!!!



    • Sad 2
  5. 22 hours ago, wackyscot said:

    Looking forward to meeting you also Peter, I'll be the guy with the laser tripping over guy ropes ;)



    Just a note of interest maybe for all. 

    The Star Party starts on the 2nd Novemver OR " Dia de Muertos".

    dia de muertos en mexico is the Day of the Dead 

    Image result for Dia de Muertos en Mexico. Size: 97 x 110. Source: matadornetwork.com

    See the source image

    Well now David,       you look so well after your  laser treatment 😂

  6. Hi Everyone,

    For your information.


    Just spoke to Lesley yesterday at the camp site.


    The camp site is fully booked for this Autumn Star Camp and has been for some considerable time.


    Some folk are still ringing up the owner asking if anything has changed as to pitch availabilities.

    It has not and as such will remain so gauging from our conversation.

    Lesley has said in no uncertain terms that she will not be taking any more bookings for this Star Camp !



    One rather sad point is that I spoke to Mike and he has stated that he is very unlikely to attend because of ongoing building work being done to his home.

    Things are dragging out and he is feeling the pressure to get it sorted out as soon as can be done to allow him a Christmas without worry.



    One final note is if you are double inoculated, great.

    If not please wear a face mask when in close contact with other attendees, for your own safety and that of everyone else.




    So folks, all that is left to say at present is,

    I  hope you all can get there (fuel and Covid-19 permitting) as it will be nice to see everyone, old and new faces alike.

    All the best, stay safe.


    • Like 4
  7. 2 hours ago, AndyKeogh said:

    Sandra continues to make progress, but will still not camp!  Are you up there house hunting?




    Not house hunting at present. We took our house off the market 2years ago approx because of Covid.

    Just a holiday with friends.

    Glad to hear Sandra is doing better. Annette and I  often think about her.

    Annette does not blame her for not wanting to camp, we feel the same. We like our creature comforts too much 😃

    We are here for the next 2 weeks or so.

    Stay safe.

  8. 3 hours ago, AndyKeogh said:

    I hope it improves in 2 weeks as I am booked in for 10 days in the caravan 



    Hi Andy,

    Today, here justs south of Portpatrick, the weather has been red hot. No wind and beautiful outdoors. Hope your stay is as good. How is Sandra?  Hope you are both in great shape. 

    All the best.


  9. On 15/09/2021 at 07:25, mapstar said:

    Think you missed that Ricky did say he was going to come down in the daytime Derek.

    Best to check some of us will be around, and probably afternoon best after all the clear skies which are booked in 😁

    Hi Damian try reading what I said more carefully 🤣

    I agreed either daylight or at night.

    I can see the Micky taking is going to start way before we even get there ....... 😂 Oh goody!

    Actually I am over in the area just now. Weather is very poor with rain and wind. So hope it improves over the next month and a half!

  10. There is no where in easy or short distance to walk from. Probably about a mile  to the nearest safe parking. So I suggest either come in daylight or give us a call when about 2\300 yards away onside lights. We can easily sort out the rest. As long as we know there should be no problems.

    We look forwards to meeting you 😀


    • Like 1
  11. On 08/09/2021 at 06:30, Ricky Graham said:

    Ive just joined and seen this? Glad i did! Im assuming locals can attend without staying? 😀

    Hi, not even thought about that, but can see no reason at all that you cannot visit during the Star Camp. Just remember though that Red Light rules will be in effect from dusk until dawn. It is always possible for one of us to guide you and your car in or out whilst following a red light though.

    Be good to see you 😃


  12. Hi everyone,

    Well now just under 2 months to go until the Galloway Autumn Star Camp.

    I have talked to Lesley the site owner and there is not much to say really.

    As it stands the Star Camp will be going ahead as planned.

    The only real downside is we still cannot reinstate the Pie and Peas Night, SORRY FOLKS!

    This is down to the current COVID-19 numbers still being so high, especially in  the Dumfries and Galloway area.


    Things still need to settle down a heck of a lot before we can even contemplate reinstatement of our finer entertainments unfortunately.


    Still the Star Camp is going ahead and so far without any of onerous rules as we had to obey on the previous camp!


    We are still restricted to the 25 pitch limit, and the camp as I understand it is fully booked for this Autumn.

    I mention this because several people have telephoned Lesley/Ralph

    and appear to be attempting to skirt around the rules as posted here on the official Galloway Star Camp Notification Site.

    Please don't do that, as you will just get the same replies as posted here and I get it in the ear from Lesley.




    As promised I will let you all know of any changes as soon as I become aware of any.


    Finally I hope all that those that have booked up are able to attend and I look forwards to seeing you all.

    Clear Skies.


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