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Posts posted by Physopto

  1. 5 hours ago, Uplooker said:

    Meeting everyone again, or for the first time. Although that may be under unusual circumstances, it will be good.

    I am with you there Ian. Two months is a long time under present circumstances. I would say try to look on the Bright Side.

    We need some luck. Weather patterns have  been changing in the recent years. So think positive everyone🔭🌌🔭


    • Thanks 1
  2. I also use Remote Desktop.

    Teamviewer caused me problems once last year (the dreaded commercial work warning) and I was worried it may do so again when away at a Star Camp. So common sense suggested I invest the time setting up Remote Desktop.

    The bit I don't like about RD is after using the remote computer is that it shuts down the screen on the other computer. I found that having both working at the same time was useful, as my wife could see what I was doing. Also when setting it all up working between the two computers in the same room it was a pain having to log in again to each computer after using the other one.

    Still a free and reliable WORKING program!


    • Thanks 1
  3. 13 hours ago, jamie56 said:

    At lesleys for the weekend site is in lovely condition, and pitches well spaced out, fully booked nice to see , hope fully all gshouldbe perfect for star camp, stay safe all hope to see you all soon. 

    P's Damian looks as if you had a brill time up here, views of the cullins are stunning.

    Glad to hear you are getting out and about Jamie. I hope you and Dawn have a nice break at Lesley's.

    Keep well both of you.


    • Like 1
  4. It looks a bit worse for wear compared to my last visit there to meet up with Rob Ince. Rob used to live in the static caravan whilst he was the director/manager there. The pipes used to freeze during the winter and often he woke up to ice inside the van, as when they dragged it up the hill the insulation was ripped off the underside.

    Looks like you are enjoying a proper Scottish summer 😃


    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  5. Things are not looking too good at present as Nicola Sturgeon has now locked down Aberdeen because of a doubling of Corona Virus cases in the last 24 hours.

    NICOLA Sturgeon has confirmed that a local lockdown in Aberdeen will begin immediately - after cluster cases rocketed to 54 overnight.  There has also been a surge of cases in Dundee. (according to The Sun newspaper)

    We need to keep a close watch on these events especially as Northern England also has areas in current  lockdown.


    • Sad 1
  6. 3 hours ago, mapstar said:

    Well the weather has certainly flipped today with rain being a constant companion. It's never let up and must've put 2" down as there is a lot of flooding about.  Good job it's August and not Oct as we'd have been really wet 😂

    Lots of driving and very little walking and photos. 

    On the positive at least I'm not in my usual accommodation and the heating is tip top 👌. Boots are dry ready for the next ascent. 


    Enjoy it whilst you can. I would think the weather is improving towards the week end. Thursday should be nice and Friday even better, at least I hope so.😃😃

    • Like 1
  7. On 27/07/2020 at 11:37, StevieA said:

    Hello Everyone,

    Having a long time love of the night sky, the combination of retirement and a move to a reasonably dark site in Norfolk is hopefully going to lead to a more active observing life.

    I am also aiming to get more involved in astrophotography, so I forsee quite a learning curve ahead!

    Cheers all!



    Welcome Steve.

    You are in the right place. Lots of informed people to get information from about virtually any subject. Enjoy you hobby.


  8. Just a thought Ian!

    How many Corbett's does it take to make a Monro? 🧐

    Or on the other hand, how many Corbett's (as in Rony), does it take to make a Munro?


    A very nice picture Damian, looks like you had a very nice day out, is the view to the East? It's just the horizon is higher on the left of the picture, so I would guess it is going up towards the Scottish border !🧗


  9. 4 hours ago, Uplooker said:

    Not inviting the Ides Of March, just stating that a SP was not occurring at the moment in time that Damian ascended a Corbett i.e. Merrick, while enjoying fine bout of Gaelic weather. I am sure Derek, that you are aware that it is a Corbett and not a Monro, as it is only 843m or 2775ft and as such does not reach the threshold of 914m or 3000ft, to allow it to be classed as a Monro😇

    Smarty pants 🤣

    • Haha 1
  10. 5 hours ago, jamie56 said:

    hi Derek wrong james, you been on the amber stuff again, hehe but ye my ankle is getting there and Dawny is ok too, cheers m8

    Oh. Blast🧐 need my glasses 😃

    Away to look at a caravan tomorrow.  Getting to be missing the freedom, just to go when we feel like it!


    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  11. 2 hours ago, mapstar said:

    Our booking was cancelled by the owner yesterday 🤔. Disappointing at this late hour but may have something else lined up but much further up in Ayrshire. 

    That is a shame Damian. I expect it may be the reports of the virus rates increasingly  spreading in some parts of the UK.

    Maybe try Spain 😱


    • Haha 1
  12. 38 minutes ago, petevasey said:

    I'm not going this year (date clash) but am booked for March 2021.  So a) I hope everything goes well for you all, and b) I've just been sent some info from the Oxford study which is heartening news for the future and better safety now, Vaccine Progress and Use of Masks.

    Keep well,


    Hi Peter,

     My wife read that report a day or so ago. It is good news for us if it works!

    As for masks we have been wearing them from the start. I found two old wood working masks in the garage and sterilised them in 99.9% pure alcohol. Been using them ever since when leaving the house shopping for food, then resterilising them each time. Common sense told us that something is better than nothing. We still see a lot of people not wearing them, even with a  world of evidence to the contrary.

    Arrogance and  stupidity is rife in the UK and apparently not just in the younger generations. Well it is their lives!

    Unfortunately it may in some cases and certainly seems affect  or impinge on other peoples chances of catching the virus. The sooner the vaccine is proven to work and is rolled out the better.


    It will be nice to meet up at the Spring 2021 Galloway  Star Camp.

    Keep well,


  13. 7 hours ago, james123 said:

    Yeah hopefully it will be ok derek.really looking forward to the camp

    Same here, it has been a long difficult year so far. Hopefully your ankle will be completely  healed  by the start of the Star Camp and you are fighting fit. In the meantime I just hope Dawn is doing her wifely duties, bringing you your whisky and a slipper.......🥃🥃🥃🌌🔭🤣


  14. Well just under the 3 month point now to the start of the Star Camp. For those attending on the Sunday before the start it's 11 weeks to go.


    With the increase in Covid around the world at present we will just have to hope we are OK.


    I see that in Spain Covid is on the increase, enough for our Government to now insist on those returning to go into 14 days isolation.


    So let's hope Scotland remains open to visitors and travel in the future and Covid is kept at a low level or is almost eliminated (OK a big hope there ! )

    Keep safe,


    • Like 6
  15. Hi Lee,

     Yes, the Spring Star Camp is in March, please see under :-

    Star Parties & Astro Events

    and then goto

    2021 Spring Galloway Star Camp

    You would not have been able to attend the upcoming Autumn event anyway as it is fully booked. We are limited to 25 pitches due to the Covid restrictions at present.

    Please book early as I expect  the camp pitches will fill very quickly, some pitches are already booked !!

      We have had to turn away some members for the present upcoming Autumn Star Camp  as they were too late in attempting a booking !!!

    You must book directly with the Camp Site Owner Lesley. Please leave your full name and SGL name, with the number of pitches needed. This is so we can ensure there are no mix ups.

    I do suggest strongly that you read all through the present Autumn posts before this one,  so as to ensure you fully understand what is happening due to present COVID RESTRICTIONS !


    You will be very welcome to joint us all, I look forwards to meeting you.


    • Thanks 1
  16. Well that's a shock! I hope you were not in too much pain Jim. Nasty thing to break an ankle.  I hope Dawn is looking after you well 🥃🥃🥃

    My neighbour over the road fell about 10 days ago and she broke both wrists. Had to have plates inserted to aid the healing. So I hope you don't need an opperation like that.

     I know the camp site is now open. I spoke to Lesley a couple of weeks ago and she was taking bookings.

    I haven't posted anything as nothing new to report.

    I will give you a bell later on ☎️

    Look after yourself.


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