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Posts posted by Physopto

  1. Well been a really nice day so far. Burning hot earlier on, bright sunshine and fairly clear skies. Hoping tonight has some clear spells.

    Took all day to get a new computer to talk to the control gear for the scope. Seems to be OK now. Oh the fun of imaging Eh!

    On another subject altogether. I see Adrian is following the goings on. So let's keep him up to date as much as possible.

    Hope you are able to get to the next Star Camp Adrian.


  2. 7 hours ago, merlin100 said:

    The flu like symptoms associated with the flu jag can produce that, along with a high temperature, muscle ache and headache. There's no live virus in the flu jag. I got one a few days ago and I'm fine, but my mum and stepdad got one each and felt lousy afterwards... 

    Yes last one was OK but this one not so good. Mind you nothing like a real cold so a lot happier today. Long drive and all the transporting gear  back and forth between house car and static van. Plus moving a caravan back and forth in a tight space before setting off. You get a bit fed up, I'm being polite there. 🤣



  3. Well, glad glad to see we are getting into the spirit of a good Star Camp at last 😃

    But dissapointing for some of those who cannot attend.

    Apparently here in the North East area the  rules  may be changing for the worse around the weekend!

    I just hope to be able to welcome you all in person. So looking on the bright side, see you all there 😷


    • Like 3
    • Haha 1
  4. On 05/10/2020 at 22:39, Mr Flibble said:

    Unfortunately I can't make it this autumn. Cardiff is in lockdown and I can't leave the area due to welsh rules. I'm re-booked for next spring. Really gutted to be missing out but also looking forward to seeing everyone's posts and pics. Wishing you all a great time and clear skies!!!!

    I am truly sorry to hear this bit of bad news. Still better safe than sorry!

    Also glad you have booked for the Spring Star Camp. Hopefully it will be a corker!


    • Thanks 1
  5. 23 minutes ago, Uplooker said:

    Right - I must apologise for the time it has taken me to post this. There are a few reasons for the delay, other than my tardiness 🙄

    It is quite a delay, almost a year to the day.

    To allay everyone’s fears that I am a tea leaf, I finally got round to paying money into account and making a donation to Parkinson’s Research UK:-


    The grand total from badge sales was £192. Don’t know how I ended up with £192 as I was giving badges away at £5 a pop!!!!

    Thank you to everyone who contributed to a very worthy cause that is very close to all associated with GSP.



    Hi Ian,

     That was a great result. Just shows the generosity of all attendees to the Star Camp.

    So which "Tight A****" only paid £2  🤣


    • Like 1
    • Haha 2



    Hi everyone,



    Hopefully this will be the last update concerning the "Autumn Premier Scottish Star Party" next week.

    I have again spoken at some length with the site owner Lesley.

    The site is a bit wet due to the past weather, but is shut at present to allow the grass recover and to settle down from constant vehicle and foot traffic.

    Drumroamin will open for us specifically next week barring any last minute Government orders.


    ( I have to reiterate all the rules to cover our backs, both the site owners, me and yourselves. )




    This is not the usual Star Party.

    We are taking Covid-19 extremely seriously and can only use the camp site field with extreme care.




    a)   Take plenty of face masks and use them at all times when around the camp site especially when closer than say 4/5 metres to others.

    Change your masks regularly and either wash them out in soap and water and allow to dry to be reused, or use fresh ones.

    If you dispose of them please do so safely, i.e. in a tied plastic bag in a bin.





    b)    Never come closer than 2 metres to anyone outside your own family members/group at any time, for any reason.




    c)   Take plenty of your own supplies of Hand Sanitiser and use it liberally as and when required.




    d)    Lesley has restricted the washroom / ablution blocks to no more than 3 people at any time.

    ( So please, for your own safety and that of others please call out when entering to ensure that you keep to this maximum number at any time ).

    Bear in mind that Water Spray is aerosoled and can travel some considerable distance indoors.

    ( The ablution blocks will be shut several times each day for deep cleaning, please do not enter during these times !! )




    e)     The Warm Room is closed and will remain so, so please do not ask for it to be opened, it won't be!




    f)       If you need to talk to the site owner Lesley, do so at the office door and please do not enter unless she asks you to do so.





    Please remember The Scottish Government has banned gatherings……



    This is not a gathering!!!

    This is a commercial Caravan / Motorhome and Camping Site, and is following

    The Scottish Governmental Covid -19 Restriction rules and Law !


    In an open 5 acre field, we can talk to one another at 3,4,5 metres distance without problems.



    Remember there are to be no close interactions of any kind, period!





    When arriving you must, MUST see Lesley, who will then inform you as to where you are allowed to park a motorhome or erect a tent.

    Spacing is all important!


    Please do this or you will be moved !!




    Please abide by Lesley's decisions at all times.




    Remember as I pointed out before,

    if we follow the rules, we will be a lot safer than being in any Pub, Restaurant or a chance meeting in the street.


    Following these guide lines is for you, your families and other Star Party attendees safety, and especially that of our hosts well being.




    Ta' Daah !!!!   

    Stay safe and enjoy the night skies !

    It will be great to see and chat to you all, old friends and new.






    • Like 4
  7. 13 hours ago, Adrian Condon said:

    Hi Folks,

    I contacted Lesley on Monday and explained why I am unable to attend this Autumn Gathering.   Shame.......

    I am already booked in for the Spring event.

    Lesley not doubt will fill you in with the details, in the meantime........ trust the weather is kind and the skies as they are in Galloway....dark and clear....briliant.

    See you all in the Spring.

    Clear lasting skies



    Sorry to hear that Adrian. Hope you are well. I am glad you have booked for the Spring event.


  8. Well with the new Covid-19 restrictions announced today by the Government  for the North East, I will have to see how things pan out.

    I will update everyone closer to the start of the Star Camp, as it is pointless at present. The restrictions may be changed by then.

    Fingers crossed as Damian says.

    Stay safe everybody.


    • Like 1
  9. 2 hours ago, merlin100 said:

    The beer I shall be bringing will be sprayed with a food grade sanitiser, that kill ALL microbes stone dead! This won't cause any strange tastes to the food, as it's food safe and used to sanitise utensils and food preparation areas, it won't taint food with any odd tastes. 👍

    I guess you mean, dare I say it,............

    🥃 ALCOHOL 🥃


  10. Hi everyone,

    I know that it has become a tradition of the Autumn Star Camp, BUT  !!

    It is with great regret I have to inform every one that the Pie and Peas Night is cancelled.

    I have looked at it very carefully and consider it virtually impossible to implement the "Pie and Peas Night" with safety in mind.




    The logistics of heating, and serving the meals without anyone coming into close contact whilst keeping the food hot and safe to consume is nigh on impossible.

    This is the main reason why the Pie and Peas Night is cancelled, to eliminate any chance of close contact!


    The other part

    I cannot guarantee who has touched the pies and how Covid-19  secure their preparations were/are. Also how safely they are transported, (if the boxes are damaged or contaminated during transportation). I do not want be responsible in any way shape or form, for any chance of the spread of Covid-19.


    We will be in a large open field and I want it to stay that way well and I mean well separated from one another. The pitches are in adherence to Government directions for a Camp Site and are  well over 5 metres apart so a good rule to measure every thing by.


    I am sure you will all understand, that we must maintain a safe Covid-19 secure distance from one another.

    This is not a sudden decision. I have been trying to come up with a safe method and failed miserably.

    We just need to try to think of all contingencies and either fix them, or cancel the Camp, that is something I am striving not to do.

    Stay Safe,



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  11. On 07/09/2020 at 19:21, AstroTim said:

    How does UV marking work when you come to sell the item? Can it be removed without causing damage to any paint finishes?


    A good few years ago I sold a Meade 12" LX200. I had marked it with a UV pen early on. When I went to sell it I tried to remove the marker data. But it was very difficult and would have damaged the paint surface. So it went to the new owner as was. If it was ever stolen and recovered I guess the marks would be still visible and it could be traced and returned. I may still have the buyers details somewhere.


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