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Everything posted by Grant

  1. Our guest speaker this week is Dr Dirk Froebrich from https://hoys.space/ to talk to us about the HOYS citizen science project. HOYS – Hunting Outbursting Young Stars, is a citizen science project run by Dr Dirk Froebrich of the University of Kent and co-lead Dr Aleks Scholz from the University of St Andrews. After completing his degree in Physics at the Universität Leipzig in Germany, Dr Dirk Froebrich went on to study for his PhD at the Universität Jena. From Germany, he moved to a researcher position at the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies and was appointed Lecturer in Astronomy/Astrophysics at the University of Kent in 2006. His main research areas are young protostars and their outflows, structure and properties of molecular clouds and the formation and evolution of star clusters. The talk will give a brief overview of how stars and planets are forming and how this relates to the science goals of HOYS. Dirk will show some recent results from the project and explain how you can participate - in an extended Q&A session. This should be an interesting talk for us amateur astronomers to learn about a project we can get involved in and help 🙂 See you all Sunday! Meeting details below: Topic: EP35 - Sunday, 31st January 2021 7:30pm GMT - The HOYS Citizen Science Project by Dr Dirk Froebrich Time: Jan 31, 2021 07:30 PM London Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/97160184346?pwd=ODZrM1BrTFl0WWJvb2JqZjRsdFdRQT09 Meeting ID: 971 6018 4346 Passcode: 532566
  2. If you want to watch the recording of this, please message me and I can give you the link. Mike has asked us not to make this 'public'.
  3. The edit options are still there - click on the three dots on the right hand side of the post.
  4. The activity streams should be OK now with duplications.
  5. I can't win on font sizes - the settings I have affect too many different things so changing one variable affects multiple areas so some look OK, others don't - I can't go through every bit of the theme and edit each one manually (well I can, but I'm not going to!). I have tried to find a balance now across most things and 15px font size seems reasonable on my desktop and should be OK for most people. If you want it bigger, you can opt for a larger font in the theme settings, click on this button top right on a desktop: And then use the larger fonts for posts tick box:
  6. Despite what I said - some things were looking rather large so I have tweaked a little more, hopefully it's a bit more consistent now but if there is anything else people notice, please report but please post a screenshot so I know exactly which bit you mean. To fix the activity stream issues I'm having to rebuild the search index which is going to take a few hours, in the meantime the streams will not function properly at all.
  7. I’m not making any more changes unless something is obviously massively wrong - I will review all feedback in a week when things have settled down and will make any tweaks but otherwise I’m going to be caught in a loop of making stuff bigger and smaller to suit individuals which isn’t fun 🙂
  8. The ‘unread topics’ stream no longer works as it did before - this isn’t a standard activity stream so I don’t know yet it it’s a bug or a change in functionality so it no longer works in the same way.
  9. Sorry - the default simple theme is not something we support, it’s there as the built-in theme that comes with the forum and enabled for people who prefer a white background but it’s not something we customise in any way - only the SGL default theme with a dark background is something we modify.
  10. I've changed this so it will appear under the first post of the topic - it's a new feature that gets added to 'busy' topics to help people get a feel for what's happening in the topic - let's see how it goes..
  11. I've tweaked a little more but it's on the cusp of getting too big now - what do people think (I know, I'm asking for trouble!)?
  12. I've tweaked the fonts a tiny bit to make them a little larger, similar to how we had them before - this is always a tricky balance but the new theme has a 'Customiser' built in top right - little switch in the navigation bar - in there you can choose some personalised settings for the theme including forcing it to use a larger font size if you prefer that.
  13. Was just checking that - glad it's still working OK 🙂
  14. Sorry some more notifications for FLO clearance stuff might've popped out but, these are now stopped and no more should go - seems to be a bug with the way RSS feeds are imported into the forum and the FLO clearance bit is the only place we use that.
  15. Took drastic action and deleted all the old FLO offer posts - not quite sure why these notifications were getting re-triggered but this seemed the best way to stop it!
  16. I'm also getting a few rogue notifications come through for old posts - I think this may be something odd with the search indexer on some old posts, I'm investigating but not sure if it's possible to stop this - it might be a case of once it's updated, this will all be sorted but you might get some old notifications come through in the mean time.
  17. Need to tweak the FLO logo size on the mobile view - it isn't intentionally that big I promise!
  18. And we are back 🙂 This upgrade has introduced quite a few new features / updates which has required a significant theme update as well, whilst the theme should feel very familiar, there may be slight tweaks etc.. required or bugs - please report anything in the Bugs / Suggestions forum: https://stargazerslounge.com/forum/50-forum-suggestions-bugs-errors-and-foibles/
  19. SGL will be unavailable from 9pm tonight for several hours whilst we perform important software upgrades and maintenance. The site will be unavailable during this time. We hope to be back up within a few hours but it could take longer.
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