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Everything posted by jetstream

  1. Forgot to mention HII regions in galaxies- pretty pumped to get vg views of some in M51 a while back- these are also an excellent target in some galaxies.
  2. What we see of these and other nebula are in our home, the Milky Way. Not much of the way in other galaxies visible- that glob in M31 comes to mind that I observe regularly. Dark nebs are everywhere and are included in a lot of sessions depending on the time of year. When some experienced is gained ie object recognition a fun way to observe is "sky cruising", just slowly panning high percentage areas to see what pops out. One night I followed nebula from the NAN over to Cepheus, stumbling across the Wizard and so many more. Another area of huge nebulosity of all types is around Sadr- a perfect dark site hunting ground IMHO. ps the southern hemisphere observers are blessed with the likes of the galaxy- "Large Magellanic Cloud", something thats on my list, Tarantula neb and all.
  3. @scarp15 I'll try to find a good image of the 2 features I mention- "too much nebulosity" in many images drowns them out.
  4. How can we possibly do without Howies Paralizer? 😀 https://www.firstlightoptics.com/adapters/howie-glatter-parallizer.html
  5. Because of the way I use the PCII my favourite 1.25" eyepieces reside in 2" EP holders, so no possible undercut issues for the fracs as I have a 2" prism diag- another solution.
  6. Well from another post some dont, so apparently it is a consideration? I have a hard time believing we are talking about Ep barrels anyway lol! where ever the path wanders I follow- I actually do find this interesting.👍
  7. I like the chromed brass myself, it gives them a solid build quality feel. Others must like it too judging from the popularity of Televue eyepieces. At the other end of the scale is Baaders BCO series- the complaint there is the "cheap" build quality and that they need more heft like the Fuji orthos- KK, astrohutech etc. I see no reason for change in either.
  8. Thanks, I like to loosely keep track of solutions in case they are needed. I was looking at C8's a while back to purchase.
  9. You know, I think that if the undercut saved a , well, lets say a 21E when the diag/eyepiece spun around from leverage that many might be worshipping the machinist who cut, it avoiding broken glass on the ground?
  10. AND! I really want the one on the bottom left.
  11. Excellent! Someone who offers solutions not just identifying problems! We think the same in this regard Jeremy.
  12. Again I just say to each their own, lots of eyepieces to choose from, no big deal. My Nikon HW has great glass but the total design leaves much to be desired. Its design doesnt stop me from using it though- unless I want to use it in the PCII... the 17E is much better all round with very similar views.
  13. Excellent! I just about got into Zeiss micro eps after reading Denis Levacic posts on them, but I just styed with the TV plossls
  14. Yes, Im still working on some glass using this approach 😀 In reality I dont know if it matters horizontal or vertically, I do both at times.
  15. Thats what I like to hear- making things work! If I get lazy with my 3 screw Moonlight on the dobs I just use one screw to hold stuff- this can pop the band out of its groove, my bad. Its amazing the views that almost any binoviewer can give if a few things are followed like not "fighting" the merge with low fl eyepieces etc. My TV plossls are so good in the binos I use nothing else really. I bought double sets of Tak orthos etc and they are just sad- never getting the nod to play.
  16. My Binotrons design allows truly tight connection if desired- honestly I couldnt be happier with these, Russ hit a winner with the design all way round IMHO.
  17. ?? Yu dont suffer any center lens droop storing them vertically?
  18. One more thing as I enjoy a dark roast, I think if a diagonal has one screw then that one screw can force the band the whole distance into the undercut which can cause multiple issues if nor careful. A diag with 2 screws will "split" this distance if used right so that the band is not forced into the undercut all on one side.
  19. Yeah, I dont crank the screws down on the holder really distorting the band- I just snug them. I wonder if some give a "robust" turn of the screw(s)?
  20. Yes, he did end up getting excellent views. He was also top notch on how eyepieces work and their design and recommended the VIP barlow to me which is beyond compare in the barlow world. I'm curious what you come up with and the views you achieve- I wonder if you can "lock" the mirror and focus using a short focuser or something? I would never touch a well collimated SCT... Maybe keep us updated here?
  21. Over on another place it was brought up that there was no way the 32mm/25mm TV plossls/under cuts would work with the Binotron 27 eyepiece holder design. They would twist/cant preventing a merge or good views at the least... yeah- I bought them ,put them in, instantly merged and got extremely good views. No snagging on removal either. They stay right in the binoviewer case. If I had a diagonal that caused issues with vg eyepieces, the diagonal would go... I check my scopes straight through and with the TSA120 I use the superb extension system with their EP holder- zero issues with Televue or any other eyepiece.
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