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Everything posted by jetstream

  1. Congrats! Your reaction and my reaction to good glass are the same- it grabs the attention and holds on.Baaders newest coating recipe, possibly founded on Zeiss's past is right up there with very best IMHO. ie Ethos/Delos/ Nikon HW. Another thread has the possible theme that eyepieces dont make much difference- this is not my experience. They do.
  2. Ive also heard the Radians are excellent, high contrast,sharp eyepieces. Great eyepieces Ed!
  3. As the day unfolded I was all ready to study the effects of atmospheric dispersion vs aperture and seeing conditions with the 90mm apo frac. All set up and cooling around 4pm... yeah.. then bam! storm cell blew in - a spur of the moment thunderstorm. I did the 200 yards hobble up to the sea can to get the scope and mount in quickly. The sky remained all clouded up.🙁 Until about 9pm!😀😀 My 12 yr old grand daughter and her sisters are with us and she has been observing since about 3 yrs old, whether she remembers or not. The sky unleashed a super clear, rain washed Milky Way- what a stunning sight! The stark Cygnus rift, the spur toward Cass and that large oblong lane right off Cass toward Cygnus gave quite a presentation. The grand daughters eyes spotted all this sooner than old Papa lol! I blame the 70" QLED Samsung for the delay in dark adaptation. The spilt in Ophiuchus was amazing with the longer section an extremely bright lane of billowy clouds. The Lagoon and others were bright naked eye. This section of the MW stole the show last night. Except for... A huge bright fireball that tumbled from a white streak into an orange burst!! This one rocked back the G kid, startling her (and me) , holy cow- in all my years Ive never seen one like that. Just south of Cygnus where the brightest seemed to happen. So, she spotted 29 of the meteors and was totally amazed. As she observed (its been a while) it all started coming back to her, spotting the Double Cluster and the Andromeda galaxy- the "streak with a bright middle". Yes, M31's core was a bright dot and its elliptical form was visible naked eye. All this from a lowish elevation. We sat there in amazement for an hour and a half, no need for a scope. But @badhex, when you get to these skies, do use your scope and find the bright North American nebula- and then use the filter to enhance the bright no filter views👍 And dont forget the Swan, and and...
  4. yes, I hope that reports like this cause massive sell offs of used premium eyepieces! (so I can buy more 😀)
  5. I checked last night and youre right it doesnt say plossl on the eyepiece. It still shows me the HH very well, among other targets.
  6. Congrats! This eyepiece is the hyperwide standard that all others are measured against, IMHO. What a fantastic piece of glass.👍
  7. Congrats Stu!! Like Magnus, I think your SQM readings will rise coming up. Also shooting the SQM right at the MW area can reduce the readings by up to .25mag IME. Eagerly waiting reports!
  8. Except when referring to that supplied 10mm MA IMHO. Cooling and collimation are very high up like you say John, along with the other things. The 25mm Super plossl easily shows the Horse Head in the 15"+ scopes here.
  9. Whats real interesting is seeing interferometer reports in blue, green and red...for the same scope
  10. Our 10mm that came with the scope went into the bin... the 25mm Super plossl is decent. A 10mm BCO will be a nice lifetime upgrade that will work nicely with a 2x barlow. IMHO.
  11. Not to take away from those that do... but I find binoculars underwhelming. I use a 90mm f7 apo for really wide views, which are stunning. Just looked up the WO Zenithstar 73 III-what a great looking scope! The NAN will be very bright in this scope as will so many others. Your 73mm will also chew up galaxies, giving very bright presentations with the mag upped for many.
  12. Excellent that you are observing and reporting vlaiv!
  13. This is what Ive seen also and I think testing in green is a tougher measure than testing in red IMHO.
  14. @Deadlake I love REAL TEST REPORTS LIKE YOURS. Note the 532nm test wavelength vs the 600+ typical wavelength. This scope will perform beyond your expectations IMHO.
  15. Years ago I observed this object a fair bit but I kind of forget the nature of the observation. These days I visit the Ring for a quick visit and keep sky cruising. I'll revisit once the transparency is better here.
  16. It might be worthwhile to barlow the 10 BCO for this Mark, our 6.7 ES 82, while a good eyepiece is down on transmission and up on scatter a bit.
  17. Mark, if I might ask which 4.7mm eyepiece your using for this?
  18. Congrats! Another milestone achieved Piero! I see it in the 15" f4.8 easiest and most consistent using a vg sample of a KK 7mm ortho at 261x. Your right about seeing... if really high mag is needed everything becomes more seeing dependent IMHO. Dark adaptation is crucial as you say as are other things. Cant wait to hear your sightings of those faint little lettered stars near the trapezium in M42!👍
  19. Yes I must try it, the SW120ED has a mask built into the lens cover. It will be interesting to see the tradeoff between seeing effects and resolution changes between all this.
  20. My experience as well. The 16T5 Nagler becomes top tier sharp with the VIP. I presume the same effect with a GPC or OCS in binoviewers. Your experiences mirror my own or vice versa. The Delos becomes top tier sharp with the VIP, residing nicely next to the VIP/Docter/Zeiss zoom, Vixen HR. Good to note that all these eyepieces have extremely low/no scatter. This is not to say Delos are not sharp native- they are. However a good set of eyes under good conditions and with a nit picking personality will show up differences in things
  21. I love my 16T5 Nagler. It does not have the same coatings that I can tell, as a Delos/Ethos, but its 82 deg views are great. Some dislike this eyepiece, eye relief etc. Explore Scientific comes close in some regards to Nagler performance - however scatter is better controlled in my 16T5. (as compared to a 18mm ES 82). Check out the 16T5's...
  22. Rumor at the coffee shop has it that the 9mm Morph is the sweetheart of the line- thoughts?
  23. Vg to know. With respect to seeing, including local- do you see a big difference between masked and unmasked? I played around with newt masks but thats a whole different ball game.
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