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Everything posted by jetstream

  1. An ortho might help with its low scatter and narrow fov. Scatter is a big enemy for this kind of viewing IMHO.
  2. I could have used an ADC the other night, but this device does not improve "seeing" eventhough it would have got the colours back together.
  3. The Bresser has "proper" bearings IMHO and the cell looks better.
  4. Excellent improvement! Vlaiv has (is) helped me understand much of this and I'm following your progression with much interest. We have the same camera- 224MC but I'll try the moon with the 90mm first then the TSA120. Your right about focus- I was playing around on some trees about 2 km across the lake and many little flaws of mine revealed itself. Keep posting please!
  5. Excellent in finding out works best for you!
  6. Well you can see M33 naked eye so a 3.5arc min star separation should also be easy! Eagerly waiting reports and yes I easily see Epsilon Lyrae as 2 separated stars naked eye. What I dont know is this- if a 3.5 arc min separation cant be seen naked eye, can the eye resolve more with a telescope?
  7. I brought this up because @Fedele lives in Italy I believe and might possibly have extremely high temps at times which might impact an expensive oil spaced refractor. Some might not find that link interesting but some just might, given the cost of these telescopes, IMHO.
  8. Vision, the big unknown. Good point actually- John can you see the Double Double in Vega as 2 separate "stars" naked eye?
  9. This 600x mag must have given you good star tests!
  10. Just curious as I know nothing about imaging- why is there a halo around Alnitak and why are some stars so big? This is the TEC or Tak?
  11. https://www.cloudynights.com/topic/640062-oil-spaced-apos-can-leak-if-improperly-stored-or-maintained/
  12. For me it could be a real issue with the winter temps here, and can possibly be an issue for anyone anytime.
  13. Excellent video and technique Chris! So many think cleaning a mirror is witchcraft IMHO, but in reality its simple safe and effective- your method it top and the one I use (with more soap, spray bottles and Aquafina for the final rinse lol!).
  14. f6 and prisms can be a challenge IMHO, no matter how good the glass.
  15. Seriously, try observing straight through- I do comparisons like this even if the conclusion is the diag makes no difference. Sometimes it does though... My Zeiss prism would send the SW120ED into fits- a mirror diag straightened it right out - after confirming the scope was vg straight through...
  16. A buddy did using a 100mm Tak but liked the HRs better IIRC. Many used to say the Leica zoom competes with ZAOII- it is a great eyepiece, warmer than the Zeiss but under the best of conditions not quite as sharp as the Zeiss 25.1-6.7mm zoom IMHO. To me, any meaningful conclusion to the TOE vs HR would result from many experienced observers, using top refractors under ideal conditions- and over time. Of course this must be straight through as our Japanese astro brothers do... The diagonal is just too big a variable no matter how good it is.
  17. I'm kinda liking the idea of you sending me your scope! Maybe the f6 is showing preferences in eyepieces itself? Most fracs that use the TOE's and Vixens are F7 and up, just a thought. My Zeiss zoom is like this- the center FOV will be top sharp at f4.8 but the edges are compromised. At f7.5 it is fantastic cross the FOV.
  18. AND It seems that there are many many more reports of TSA120's taking high mag than others such as TEC's/LZOS AND What could the reasons possibly be?
  19. Lets put the TOE's up against my Zeiss zoom/VIP! This zoom is a seriously good eyepiece for lunar/planetary with no Televue standing up to it so far.
  20. Totally agree and is my experience as well but with differing eyepieces.My Delos are sharp but there are sharper... it takes top optics and excellent seeing to bring out the differences IMHO. Ps- what scope you using again?
  21. 😀 No need to collect them, just get the 16" f4! Nah, I havnt yet discovered the mag limit of this scope which is a goal of mine- she goes over 700x on the moon so far...a barlowed 2.4 HR Vixen in there. I'm very curious about Jupiter and Saturn and the mag limit on these- I already know it will be up there. I have never heard of a TEC taking this mag, but maybe I just missed the threads/posts here and elsewhere. Florida is the place to be for lunar/planetary IMHO with mags going over 1000x rumour has it. Actually I would like to hear TEC obs and what they will do.
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