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Everything posted by tekkydave

  1. I would be wary of using a database - it will probably just increase the overhead and frustration (do you need any more ). A simple method of using appropriately named directories and filenames should give you enough flexibility. A database will only add value if your application can store/retrieve details directly into it. Even then it has to keep sync with the physical files which will be on a separate filesystem (storing huge images in the database is not a good idea).
  2. Might be worth going through the pre-installed applications, put there by the vendor and uninstalling them. If there is an anti-virus program leave it installed for now. I always switch to AVG on my Windows systems and VMs as it is FREE and does a good job. Install any replacement program before removing the old one though. Even AVG though tries to push you to buy the paid-for version at every opportunity. You have to be careful where you click.
  3. Sounds like ad-ware to me from a pre-installed app. McAfee and other anti-virus s/ware are regular scammers in this way.
  4. The ESP8266 should work as it is code-compatible with the Arduino although you need to do some fiddling to get the Arduino IDE to talk to it. I was thinking of trying it myself but decided not to as the bluetooth option turned out to be much simpler. Bluetooth on a PC presents itself as a COM port which is what the Ascom driver needs. A Wi-Fi solution like the ESP8266 needs an extra layer of middleware running on the PC to create a COM port from an IP address. I decided it was too complex for just a simple focuser. Bluetooth is designed for simple point-to-point devices like the focuser so I went with that. If you fancy it - give it a try Instructions for setting up the Arduino IDE for ESP8266 are here.
  5. Filezilla is useful for ftp'ing files from pc to rpi. connect using using same credentials as putty.
  6. You need to wget the url of the file link not the web page its link is sitting in. Try right-click on link to get url from properties. Or hover over link and get url from info on bottom-left of browser window.
  7. I think the s/w is aimed at the non-tech user to get them started. I dont think its needed for normal use. I dont remember having to install anything with mine.
  8. These are good for a networked solution. I have 2x 3Tb drives in mine. https://www.amazon.co.uk/D-Link-ShareCenter-Network-Storage-Enclosure/dp/B004AIWOXY
  9. Eg Find all jpg files under /home/dave older than 90 days and delete: find /home/dave -name "*.jpg" -mtime +90 -exec rm {} \; See here http://www.binarytides.com/linux-find-command-examples/
  10. Finding files based on a multitude of criteria then performing an action on each one e.g. copy, move, delete.
  11. The Linux find command is the best. You need to know what you are doing with it though as the scope for cock-ups is big. Suggest a good google first.
  12. Looking at the images you have kindly posted they look to be the correct modules. There is known to be a lot of variations in the manufacture of these and some, like mine have the pin 34 connected internally. I will update the notes on Sourceforge when I get a minute. Thanks for the feedback. It's useful to know what issues others have. You are the first person I am aware of to do the BT upgrade.
  13. Yes, nothing else to change to get it working. If you are 100% sure it is connected up ok then it could be the HC05. I know there are lots of different types out there and a lot of variation. Also my sketch will only work if the device is initially setup as a slave. A brand new one should be by default. I can only suggest swapping out various components (nano, hc05, transistor etc) one at a time to try to isolate the issue. These are the pages I got most of my ideas from if you want to test the HC05 separately: http://phillipecantin.blogspot.co.uk/2014/08/hc-05-bluetooth-link-with-zero-code.html http://www.martyncurrey.com/arduino-with-hc-05-bluetooth-module-at-mode/ Can you post some shots of both sides of the HC05 so I can see if it is similar to mine. Thanks. Has anyone else added a HC05 to the focuser following my schematic & sketch?
  14. Are you using the v2.5.0 version of the sketch?
  15. I wish I had your clear sky here. I looked out at 11pm last night and could only see a few stars despite zero cloud.
  16. Hi Terry. My sketch wont work with the easydriver but I believe someone did create a version. I cant remember who it was.
  17. The driver is definitely set up to be Absolute. The focuser remembers the last position it was set to between uses. If it has got too high for sgpro then set it back to a sensible value in the driver chooser dialog. PS - lashing down here too
  18. The protocol between the Ascom driver and my focuser is one I made up. I couldn't locate one at the time so just made one up . The Ascom driver is hardcoded to that protocol. Details at https://sourceforge.net/p/arduinoascomfocuser/wiki/Communications Protocol/ The nano could easily be reprogrammed to use a different protocol if you know what the desired Ascom driver uses.
  19. The focuser will need an Indi driver that can talk to the arduino using my protocol.
  20. Hi, no reason why it shouldn't work as its a standard Ascom interface. Are you definitely using my focuser and not the SGL one - there has been some confusion in the past. Also, the application that come with my focuser (FocusAAF2) is not a fully functional and finshed product. I wrote it for testing and to show how the Ascom driver is called. Can you get more details of the error message? Is anyone else using my focusser with sgpro? Thanks.
  21. The ESP8266 board arrived yesterday. I've set up the Arduino IDE to be able to compile and upload to the board using instructions here http://www.arduinesp.com/getting-started
  22. I have tested the latest version of the AAF2 sketch and it looks ok to me. I have created a new release on the SF site at: https://sourceforge.net/projects/arduinoascomfocuser/files/Mark2/Software/V2.5.0/ Note that only the Arduino sketch AAF2.ino has changed. Here is the relevant part from the readme.txt: Changes in Version 2.5.0 This version integrates a HC05 Bluetooth module. This provides remote connection via Bluetooth and therefore the focuser does not need a permanent USB cable attached. Only the Arduino sketch has been changed. This sketch is backward compatible with the current Ascom driver and is supplied with the Bluetooth option turned OFF. To enable it uncomment the line //#define BLUETOOTH_COMMS // Use Bluetooth Comms - if commented out defaults to USB Serial Port in the sketch prior to uploading. You will need to connect your HC05 as per the updated diagram, AAF2_V2.5.0_crop.png in the Files area. If you use different pins on your Arduino then update the following lines in the sketch accordingly: #define BTSERIAL_PWR_PIN 2 // Bluetooth serial Power Pin #define BTSERIAL_MODE_PIN 3 // Bluetooth serial Mode Pin #define BTSERIAL_RX_PIN 4 // Bluetooth serial RX Pin #define BTSERIAL_TX_PIN 5 // Bluetooth serial TX Pin The HC05 is configured automatically by the Arduino at start-up. This assumes it is already set to the slave mode which it will be by default. The default device name and password are set to 'Focuser' and '9999' but can be changed by amending these lines: const String BT_NAME = "Focuser"; // Bluetooth Device Name const String BT_PWD = "9999"; // Bluetooth Device Password (Pairing Code) As ever let me know if you encounter any issues with the new release or connecting up your HC05. Here is the updated schematic. The 2N3906 is a general purpose PNP transistor and any equivalent device will do. This of course assumes you have a Bluetooth capability in your laptop or PC. If not a USB Bluetooth dongle should work.
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