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  1. I'm looking at ways of increasing my imaging and enjoyment time, one of the factors I face is I don't get much free time, general life and a new baby make sure of this.. However I still have an interest and looking at ways I can cut my set-up time down to a minimum.. I know this must be something everyone faces who are not lucky enough to own a dome or shed. So are there any other solutions to keeping things set-up but protected from the elements when not in use.. Right now and on a good night I'm looking at a good hour plus to set-up (probably made worse by lack of use and remembering everything). I've managed this about 6 times this past year if that. Twice I started with clear sky and by the time I had finished it was cloudy. Once I hadn't used it for so long I put the scope on the mount with the top plate 180º and spent all night wondering why I couldn't get any alignments (Noob mistake) I'm sure all of the above is something that rings true to most people and part of it, but has anyone found any other solutions? Pictures of your set-up's would be great to see or is there nothing out there and this is just part of the experience? One thing I brought was a skywatcher pillar, which I have left outside and in the right position before, this helped but only by a little bit as the head is mounted on by 3 screws which take time to do and undo, and I prefer the tripods height over the pillar which also helps to make use of the smallish patch of sky I have access too.
  2. Reviving this thread, I have just taken delivery of this pillar (came in white eq6), it seems extremely sturdy and well made, as others have said, much easier to assemble with extra pair of hands.. My question is, does anyone leave this permanently outside? If so with or without the head and how do you protect it from the elements?
  3. That's the same as the one I've just purchased, but back ordered for a couple of weeks.
  4. I've just received my 70-200mm mk2 f/2.8 what a fanatic lens (also a 2 x converter for regular photos and experimenting), tried a few test shots of the moon in the early hours of this morning, very happy with the shots although can see focusing is going to be super critical so have just ordered myself a TS Microfocuser. I might get to see some stars before the end of this year if I'm lucky
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