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Everything posted by bomberbaz

  1. Link to Webb's pictures which are all downloadable. Sorry if this is a repeat. Webb's First Images & Data | Flickr
  2. Guys I have removed pictures from this thread (this post to be precise) and replacing with this comment. I was becoming a little fed up with the GTi tracking and thought it was purely down to the slackness in the RA. However I have been doing some more tweaking tonight whilst pulling upon various pools of knowledge about the mount and trying to apply some of this to my mount. The current result is showing at least a 35% or better improvement in tracking and a huge reduction in star elongation. More testing needed but hopefully can give this thread some good news soon. PS, for those that read previous message i still may buy another mount. See below, does your mount do this? 20220715_205749.mp4
  3. Is that a Svbony diagonal, if so you need to pull the sides off and blacken them up if you haven't done so already. Mine was red on the inside.
  4. tHINK i READ IT SOMEWHERE TOO, can't find it either
  5. they showed it at the reveal today, superb
  6. Sorry if the overall rotation isn't perfect but do the interacting pair looked to have rotated a little more since the image from La Palma? I don't think it is significant, but a few degrees or so!
  7. I think the likelihood is I saw 4 of the 5, including the interacting pair. (Bortle 2 skies) I really should keep better notes, but I become a lazy astronomer on that front as I lose myself in the skies.
  8. Setting off in an hour to the reveal, so looking forward to it. Stephans quintet was one of my last big captures in October last year. Think I managed three definate with a possible forth, science rocks.
  9. Supposed to be released at 10.30pm UK time. Link below to youtube CBS
  10. Mix of cooled and uncooled, calibration included. I would say the phone cooler was taking temperature down to 12C, so when I say cooled it's cooled with a small C. However much better than the plus 20C uncooled. I will try grabbing more data to add to this that is "cooled" to see just how good we can get it with this budget cooling. I haven't gone mad with processing or testing but I have to say the camera and phone cooler make a worthwhile combination in the right conditions IMHO. I think the higher the ambient, the more effective the cooler is. I don't think I was making the minus 10C of ambient as in @Dark Raven bench test. Total 40 minutes data (80x 30secs) ZWO 224mc with calibration frames (Flats, Dark flats & Darks). ZWO Dual Band filter. Like i said, needs more data to make it a worthwhile image but it's a start. Now I just need to get my tracking in RA a little tighter to rid myself of the star stretching.
  11. Looking at that it appears they got 5 or 6 of the background galaxies, not bad but this is showing the impressive data capturing ability of the Webb.
  12. I made two sets of subs tonight on M27, only brief due to time constraints but results speak for themself. Both are using the 50mm evoguide, 224mc at 30secs x40 - gain 200 - All are stacked in DSS, no calibration and simple/identical process in gimp. The first below is without cooling This is using the black shark magnetic cooler, fair and noticeable difference. I think with calibration and better processing the 2nd will be half decent. Aside that is of the star trail from poor tracking.
  13. We need to re arrange the meet up Andrew, I can give you some tips/help on processing. See how next week pans out. Great detail, tons of data in that picture.
  14. Not sure if this has been reported before, it does date back to last year but a very interesting article and to be fair it knocks out a decent tune for a Jovian! NASA’s Juno Spacecraft ‘Hears’ Jupiter’s Moon | NASA
  15. I think the galaxies in the background are all new discoveries, sure I read that somewhere. Mostly they are way beyond our imaging capabilities but I am guessing someone is already trying to capture some of them.
  16. A lot of very useful and good info given here to the OP. Top of the list for me is when your looking at fuzzy blobs, the darker the sky the more detail you will get. <This statement cannot be overstated, for planets/lunar, it does not matter, for dim DSO it is an absolute must. The image of M51 galaxy below is a good representation of what you might see under good, dark skies For Nebula you would really benefit from the use of a filter to bring out additional detail. A narrowband UHC filter is a bit of a jack of all trades and is a great all rounder for all nebula although specialised ones are needed for some dimmer nebula type. (EG Horsehead) The link to the guide below explains things in a little more detail for you. Guide to Light Pollution Filters (agenaastro.com) As for eyepiece, really is a broad brush topic and something you will have to find out by Q&A on forums such as this and trial and error. Took me a few years to settle on where my glass collection currently is, and a lot of cash too. However what I have found and many others will agree with is the difference between middle of the range eyepiece such as some of the explore scientific range and top notch glass from the likes of tele vue is very small. Most people buy top notch because they can and can't help it, it's something of an affliction 😂. Hope this helps.
  17. unforcast cloud has rolled in, 😱 Tomorrow nights forcast is better so here's hoping
  18. I will hopefully be doing a magnetic cooler test later tonight. Everything is setup and just awaiting darkness to come along. I only plan doing 2x 20 minutes though using 224mc OSC. That is 20 without cooler and 20 with. My bench test results copied yours exactly.
  19. I am so excited about this visit, I have no doubt my mind will be blown by what will be revealed.
  20. I made a homemade cooler before using a peltier chip and pc cooling fan, however I first tried cooling with just a fan. The cooling fan alone dropped temperature of the camera about 2.5C only. When I added the peltier chip the cooling increased to around 15C but the big issue was power consumption. The peltier chip, which was the lowest 12V I could find was incredibly hungry. In the end I scrapped it due to the whole setup being unwieldy as well as power hungry. So I am very keen to try out this phone cooler, a reduction of circa 10 degrees gives you a very workable camera temperature as long as ambient is within reasonable parameters. What that is only time will tell but I am guessing 20C ambient will give you a decent camera temp to start from. Obvs the lower the better (within reason).
  21. If you have a very flush fitting, cooler on camera back is it really necessary. What level of difference might you expect?
  22. Should add, I will also be trying out the 120mm mini guide too so hopefully will improve my guiding of the AZ GTi. I am realistic about this though, there is backlash in RA that despite my best efforts is not going to change.
  23. I will have mine tomorrow (Black Shark magnetic cooler) and conditions look favourable. If they remain so I will try two grabs of M27 (with and without cooler) and see what we end up with.
  24. @Dark Raven I ended up buying the magnetic cooler due to seller issues for the phone cooler version. I already have a 10000 m/amp powerbank so should be ample to run it. For the phone cooler version amazon were the only uk seller, the 3rd party uk seller on there had awful reviews which I am not prepared to risk my money with. Other sellers were overseas.
  25. Some very interesting results there. I am going to probably return my bits before using them. I didn't manage such good results before and even with more knowledge, the Black Shark coolers are specialised and appear much better and very importantly, much lighter.
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