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Everything posted by bomberbaz

  1. Hmm perhaps in my statement above which sparked this BB theory discussion I should have been more precise in what I meant. There are some who are thinking the actual mechanics for the BB aftermath are not as first thought, I wasn't meaning the BB never happened, just that it "might" have developed differently following the "dark ages".
  2. Loving the aurora diffractions, incredible piece of kit that will continue to blow peoples minds. I believe there is some doubt building as to the validity of the BB theory given the sizes and density of galaxies in the early universe, simply too much of everything to match existing theories!
  3. What brand do you have please Lee?
  4. Depends how much you want to spend. I did a recent posting about the stellalyra zoom and it appears from what input I received it is nearly on a parr with the baader but at much less cost. StellaLyra 8-24mm 1.25" Lanthanum Zoom Eyepiece | First Light Optics As for a barlow, I also own the BST short barlow, which a chunky zoom will benefit from not adding too much extra length, weight and possible flexture to the business end of things. It is a nice bit of kit at a very affordable price. BST StarGuider 2x Short Barlow Lens | First Light Optics HTH Steve
  5. I recently came across these by accident, I was actually looking for a new powertank and they came up as an option, probably often bought together. Amazon.co.uk : heated vest usb Has anyone got one and if yes, a few questions below: How long do they run for as in, do you need a lot of powertanks to run them for say 4 hours. Are they reliable and how effective are they. Anything else you can add such as reliable brand. There are always reviews on amazon but I am very sceptical on the validity of many off them. It is well known some companies try to bride people into giving positive reviews. However, overall it seems a great idea and would potentially cut down on having to look like the Michelin man. cheers steve
  6. The only reason my 31mm Nagler got moved on was exit pupil size. Had it not been to big it would still be sat in my case.
  7. I haven't actually used one but have used TV before and I currently own a delos 8 and it is a pearl. No doubt the delite will give you delight. (see what I did there? I'll get me coat)
  8. Just take some bins too. I had my 10x30 IS canons, wish I had also planned ahead and taken spare batteries, they failed early on 😱😅.
  9. You make a good point although I have a nagler 6-3 zoom which sits perfectly in in the spot where a barlowed zoom would cover. Makes me wonder do I lose the 6-3 zoom or lose the tele extender as I do have a meade shorty 2x barlow too just in case, hmm. PS, when I say lose, I mean sell 😉🤣
  10. to be fair dave that wouldn't be far in front of a baader zoom and 2x focal extender
  11. I get that, had I not been having tracking issues I doubt I would have swapped. TBF as it turns out the issue appears to have been more electronic rather than mechanical, but at the time of purchase I had been unable to verify this. Damn tracking 🤬
  12. I have both wedges, the WO version is vastly superiour IMHO. Now I have got the hang of it I can align it very quickly but more importantly, it feels far more steady once aligned than it did with the SW version.
  13. At the point where the legs join the tripod to mount connection, this is where your free movement is likely to be. There are two hex bolts either side of the joint which probably need a good tightening.
  14. Sorry I disagree. I have the skywatcheer tripod Sky-Watcher Tripod for Star Adventurer | First Light Optics which is advertised with the mount. I also have the extension pillar. The mount > pillar > tripod connection is solid, however there is a big amount of movement from the legs to tripod joint as these easily work loose through constant use. As mentioned above I re-tightened mine with a hex key and now leave it fully set up to avoid it loosening itself again.
  15. Honestly cannot remember and cannot find anything about it on our holiday pictures. It does sound familiar but that isn't saying I am right. I have checked their website and none of the tours look familiar either however things change. A quick look at all available tours seems to point to a lot of them doing the meal thing, might be a recent collaboration between island entrepreneurs. They (NST) look like a good outfit though.
  16. we got a guided tour by what I presume was a astro society of some description. They had half decent gear of I think an 8" dob, 4" frac and they were taking some pictures to show people too. It wasn't cheap, think about 60 euros or maybe more PP but it was a thoroughly enjoyable evening. 1 thing, whatever you decide on wrap up well. It was blooming freezing up there.
  17. That's one heck of a post and a lot of great data. You can read all the retail blurb you like but nothing stacks up better than good research and user reports.
  18. Could you send me your current process workflow up to starnett Lee, I am still getting starnett artefacts and wonder if I am going wrong somewhere. cheers pal
  19. I note you have started using Siril. How you finding it and what you using it for. I really do find it helps with my processing to run it through Siril before I do anything manually.
  20. Very nice work Lee, very nice indeed. That is one you should be having framed and put up on your wall it's that good.
  21. Just checked your alignment stars, they are a touch close being around 5 hours apart. A key to alignment is try to have your stars inbetween 30-45 degrees elevation and ideally 12 hours apart, E & W being best. This for a start does help tracking accuracy a little and improves finding accuracy loads. Arcturus is slightly low, so try Izar just above it if your can see it (Arcturus would still work ok if not) and also use Caph in Cassiopeia or Scheat in Pegasus. Caph is probably easier to find though. Finally, use an high powered eyepiece once you have centred each star which is out of focus as this helps make sure the star is centred. You can use a zoom if you have one but best of all is a illuminated reticle eyepiece as this ensures you are well centred on your chosen eyepiece. Sounds a lot to get a good alignment but it's a simple process once you get used to it and all the above really does set your stall out for the rest of the night. You say Saturn disappears from the FOV after a few minutes, if this is at high magnification then it does happen without tracking, mine does the same during solar although it lasts longer than 5 minutes however it is at a lower magnification of around 60. Make sure your power pack (which I am unfamiliar with) is fully charged. (Just checked online and it looks good quality) Try to get it as level as possible, this also helps accuracy. Use a cheap spirit level instead of the in built bubble jobs and finally if your tripod is this - Sky-Watcher Tripod for Star Adventurer | First Light Optics then they are not the best. I got a hex key and tightened mine right up and now I leave the tripod permanently set up as setting it up and down again cause the bolts to constantly loosen.
  22. thanks Louis, I started reading that before but accidentally closed the page. I read it right through this time and found the review which was quite revealing. Seems to me it is a good step up from the budget zooms from the likes of SW, OVL etc and possibly at the level of Baader which I already own. If I do decide to buy one I shall run a shoot out between my celestron (Solar) zoom, the baader and this one. Could be a fun exercise.
  23. Hello all. I might be in the market for (another) zoom and I was looking at this offering from StellaLyra. Now apart from it looks different to other zooms in the market and the Lanthanum glass sales pitch, I am wondering if it so different to others in the market from the likes of SW/Celestron/Baader etc I have looked but can't find anything that refers directly to the eyepiece. So has anyone got one as a personal review/overview would be helpful. cheers steve
  24. Good idea Steve, could do to find out what my up to date size is. I shall give this method a try.
  25. inline with the rest of you on this. I have often seen people say in the getting started with imaging section that the mount is where you should sink all your money, I think this is clearly not the case but depending on your overall ambitions this definitely needs a lot of consideration. If like me your happy with a 50mm (ish) OTA as your main scope in a wider field configuration and expects it to remain so, then I see no real reason to go to huge expense of big heavy duty mounts, the AZ Gti should be on your shortlist. If however your expecting to upgrade to a 200PDS or similar then it's another thing entirely.
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