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Status Updates posted by SnakeyJ

  1. It's Stunning Out Tonight - Horsehead and Jupiter in the sights.

    1. SnakeyJ


      And then it clouded over for an hour - then all was good again!

    2. Jason71


      Yes it is where I am aswell. I had good views of the Orion Nebula and Pleiades .

  2. Jupiter looks good tonight

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SnakeyJ


      Thanks Chris I managed about 90GB, or 15 runs on Jupiter at just under 4x (3800mm on my 200P). Seeing was pretty reasonable and I also managed a little lunar IR at the f/l as a quick experiment.

      Great evening, but now the kids are up it's impossible to find the time to process anything!!

    3. Christopher Davenport

      Christopher Davenport

      Lol, I constantly being nagged by missus because I am processing instead of playing with the kids.

      BTW. Nice capturing.

    4. SnakeyJ


      I've just had it in the neck myself - though fair play ;)

  3. Just blown the budget on a 10" F4.8 OO!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. jabeoo1


      Try the following:

      "Come out here and have a look at the moon lady".

      "Oh yes that is lovely man, I am really glad you bought that scope its was an excellent investment given the beautiful views we can now share"

      Haha ;)

    3. VigdisVZ


      Gee, thanks for them clouds ;)

    4. SnakeyJ


      Hey its clear down here and I'm hoping to get out a little later - not expecting clouds in these parts til I take delivery (and the following 12 weeks)!

  4. Just Clocked M57 - then the clouds rolled in

  5. Just joined the mob ;)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. VigdisVZ


      Pics or it didn't happen.

    3. SnakeyJ


      There's some pics up in the Lounge, or my gallery. A 1982 10" F6+ with H Widley Optics. Needs some attention, but the optics should be good after a recoat - can't complain for £ 34 ;)

    4. SnakeyJ
  6. Just Me, M27 and the Wind

    1. SnakeyJ


      Oh and the clouds, which are winning so far :(

    2. SnakeyJ


      Here we go 40 x 15sec Lum

    3. SnakeyJ


      Gave up due to clouds but got some reasonable Lum data

  7. just seen a few stars through a gap in the cloud - brief but beautiful ;)

  8. Just squeezed the coat hanger on to the 1100D chip at 900mm

    1. jabeoo1


      You going to post it for us to see ? :) :)

    2. SnakeyJ


      On its way - just first processed my veil from last night!

  9. Kids in bed, had dinner, must sleep!

  10. Knack'd after a particuarly long squawk!

  11. Lined up for a go at Jupiter, if the cloud clears :)

  12. Looking good for a run out tonight

  13. Looking good for tonight - 3 targets planned + a couple of reserves depending on the seeing.

  14. Looking Good for Tonight and a long Session

  15. Looking good tonight as long as the mist holds off ;) Shame it's back to work tomorrow :(

  16. Looks good for some PI tonight - The wind has dropped some

  17. Looks good for tonight - better get things back together!

  18. Looks good for tonight!

  19. Looks good tonight - time to setup!

    1. SnakeyJ


      Really nice skyt, but quite gusty wind - focusing on NGC6543

    2. Pig


      Its very good here, I should have gone to the dark site.

    3. SnakeyJ


      Yep great skies so far, but cloud on the way down from the north, so you may catch this first. Nice the moon hasn't risen yet!

  20. Looks great out tonight, but blowing a hooley - early night then!

  21. Looks okay for a run out tonight :)

    1. JB80


      Hope you get out, last night here started with lots of dew and clouds so I gave in, popped out at 1am and conditions were perfect.

    2. SnakeyJ


      Thanks Jarrod, should stay clear til 2am, with some cloud between 3 and 4. Definitely worth a go as is any gap we get over here at the moment ;)

  22. Lovely clear and dark here - until the moon rises!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Uranium235


      Hmmm... I think the Blue might be hit more by moonlight than you think. You've probably got about another 30min before gradients kick in. Im on SII now, before going back to M31 for a Ha top-up.

    3. SnakeyJ


      I just managed the blue, but green looks very thin now under the moon - I'll capture 20 mins worth then move on and have a crack at Neptune and Uranus - that way I'll be ready for Jupiter if the clouds keep away!

    4. Daniel-K


      managed about 1.5 hrs on m31 so far moons just coming over the tip of the house, may image some star fields and try and learn to process star colour nice to be out though!!!

  23. Lovely view of Saturn and Venus as I woke this morning

  24. Lovely view of Saturn as I got up this morning

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