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Everything posted by Joseki

  1. Joseki


    From the album: Untitled Album

    Looks like a flaming skull to me ..
  2. Just ordered a TV 5x powermate. Good for lunar, bad for the Ha scope saving plan. :)

  3. Joseki

    20150526 detail

    From the album: Untitled Album

  4. 10" f6. Parts ordered from all over, assembled by me & I made the dob base. Only took a couple of years to get round to it (about version 5 of this build or so, finally works to my satisfaction ).
  5. Joseki

    20150524 201628

    From the album: Untitled Album

  6. ...rings not rinds thankfully

  7. In Astroboot heaven! Just ordered a new 200p-ds ota with rinds and dovetail for 58% current retail price. Does it get better? my wife talked me into it :)

  8. Joseki

    Untitled Album

  9. Joseki

    20150418 091957

    From the album: Untitled Album

    blown motherboard
  10. Joseki

    DSC 0025

    From the album: Untitled Album

    pac man solar eclipse
  11. Joseki


    From the album: Untitled Album

    composite eclipse sequence. Samsung S3, ED100.
  12. Hi, just got the same email - from SCS Astro. URL: http://www.scsastro.co.uk/M42-Optic-SARL/CCD-Cameras/i-Nova-Neb btw, FLO only sponsor this forum and discussing other businesses and products is certainly not forbidden , neither is buying kit from elsewhere - though I buy everything I can get from FLO from them because they do great service and support.
  13. Thanks for another great freebie! Seperate to saying thankyou for that, I did have one request though. If it's no trouble to do so, could you add either the option to use a non-standard barlow strength, or add x4.2 as an option? - which is the strength of the Daystar Quark eyepiece.
  14. Well neither the Met Office or COW were right last night but COW was closer. As a thought to additional stuff, perhaps a link section fir stuff like satellite images and jet stream forecasts that might be of interest to some but not worth integrating fully? Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
  15. I've bookmarked my location on my phone and added a shortcut on the phone's page - works very well, thanks again Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
  16. Looks great, thanks (and its very mobile friendly so I won't miss an app). I did wonder if it would be useful to include some info on the jet stream forecast. Also, I'd be interested in knowing how much agreement there was between the different sources (without knowing quite what you're using). I would imagine it is a balancing act between info and clarity. I might be biased though as I have a background in Meteorology. Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
  17. Gerd Neuman phenolic tube finally arrived (for my 10" F6.4) and painted with a first coat of undercoat. Primary and secondary mirrors attached to spider and cell with aquarium adhesive. Servo, timing pulleys and timing belt ordered for autofocuser (for my short tube 90mm). Busy day!

  18. On the distro astro release notes page it says distro astro 2.0 uses 3.8.0 kernel, and under "did not make it" they say distro astro will switch to "a new Ubuntu 14.04 LTS base in version 3.0". Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
  19. I tried to get oacapture to work with distro astro btw but found it wasn't straight forward (for me). After installing a recent version of Ubuntu it worked fine on that. I haven't commented on my own results with it though as they're pretty disappointing which may be due to problems with using a microsoft Lifecam or my inexperience and I haven't had the chance to properly test it - perhaps tonight - especially since I've now got a windows laptop with sharp cap on to test against (that I would prefer to keep inside). The gui worked well btw other than my issues. I think distro astro is planning to move over to using Ubuntu as a base state in the future. Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
  20. Qualia, I think this is a great post, Thank you. Not only brilliant for someone who is planning to buy their first telescope but also once they have and might be wondering if they're doing it wrong or need to upgrade to a better scope in order to get the views they expected. Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
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