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Status Updates posted by long_arms

  1. Just ordered the brand new ZWO ASI174MM!

  2. ASI120MC-S arrived! Now just need to choose a USB 3.0 laptop before the next lot of ISS passes....

    1. HIP3802


      Before choosing a laptop make sure the camera can take USB 3. I had to return an ASI 120 earlier in the year as it was not compatible (at all!!!) with USB3.



  3. Any 500px users on here?

    1. tingting44


      not that i know of :(

    2. long_arms


      Fair enough. Just joined and there are some incredible images on there. Was looking for some astronomy peeps to follow :-)

  4. Got the ring nebula on the little ASI120MM sensor. Subs look good!

  5. Just had a look at Saturn. Lovely, not too bright though. Seeing was awful but couldn't resist!

    1. Bilvers


      Me too - great sight

  6. Whyyy does Eqmod stop working whenever my ASI120MM is plugged in. Tried every variation including powered hub. Losing the will!

  7. Eqmod loses connection to mount everytime I open firecapture! Both work fine all night independently.

  8. Very Bright Supernova discovered in M82! Aaaaand...its cloudy. Typical.

  9. ASI120MM with fish eye is amazing! Very clear...even picked up the milky way!

  10. ASI120MM has arrived! It feels really well built with a nice weight to it, can't stop holding it!

  11. Ordered an ASI120MM from ZWO. HMRC want £80 in duty/tax. I expected 20% VAT. But it should be duty free. So £199 + £20 shipping. Why £80!?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. ronin


      Anything from abroad always found FedEx seemed to have some idea, but DHL incompetant. I think FedEx add the handling charges to the initial cost, DHL may not do that so then you pay them it. They did the same to me, no documentation just a request for a customs payment. Trouble is they had got it very wrong. When I requested the customs paperwork, copy or reference so I could get the correct rate applied they dropped the whole lot and suddenly decided I had nothing to pay. Which was what the...

    3. long_arms


      Well I thought I had found a reason for it to be so high yesterday but I was mistaken. I suspect it will have 5% duty. So the total is up to around 60. The other 19 is a mystery (in my view anyway).

      Ronin do you think I should go to the local DHL place to try and get answers? Its a bit of a journey. I'll try ringing them first.

    4. long_arms


      Also whilst I don't wish to be harsh on ZWO, when I paid for postage, I was under the impression that after that the only cost would be VAT+ duty. If its even got a chance of extra charges from a courier as well, I feel as though they should have this as a warning on their website. Perhaps I am being harsh.

  12. Anyone ever bought anything from Cyclops Optics? Looks v.cheap but I'm unsure :-/

    1. ronin


      Quick search and someone on SGL used them back in April 2013. .

      They seemed pleased with the service, however the site seems lacking in anything to inspire confidence.

      Can understand your hesitation.

    2. Naemeth


      Better to pay a bit more from a retailer that you are sure with if possible :)

  13. Was just taken out for a ride in a Mclaren 12C from my house. Wow...it is really quick and completely deafening.

  14. First attempt at guiding. PHD graph is horrendous, stars arent too bad but somethings clearly not right

    1. Ant


      Do not get obsessed with the graph - if the stars are good... go with it!

  15. Dr Brian May just retweeted my moon photo from last night.!

    1. Helite


      Well done, Nice pic.

  16. Heq5 synscan upgrade complete. Goto is so strange! Hopefully test it out for real this week.

  17. Finally got the gears off my Heq5. Can go about fitting the synscan upgrade tomorrow now. Relieved.

    1. ronin


      What did you do to get them off, brute force or dogged persistance ?

    2. long_arms


      Definitely the latter. Just waiting for something else to go wrong now haha. Fingers crossed.

  18. Going to the 10-1730 BAA workshop meeting tomorrow in London...should be good.

  19. Got my scope last october. finally collimating for first time this week haha. its awful.

  20. Seeing lots of Perseids!

  21. Really want to go to the Kielder Observatory. But I don't drive and can't find a way there ;(

  22. Got my telescope in October. Still havent collimated it. Its way out, still all my photos are ok! Needs to be done now though

  23. My picture of Saturn is on Universe Today! Well happy.

    1. ilove1995


      Just seen it, nice capture. Well done.

    2. emadmoussa


      link please.

  24. Staying up for Saturn in an hour or so. Anyone know what the seeings like tonight?

  25. Just had a veeery disappointing attempt at RGB imaging Saturn. :(

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