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alan potts

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Posts posted by alan potts

  1. 2 hours ago, almcl said:

    I've used the Autorecord PEC function.  Not a fan of web instructional videos, so I followed the work flow that starts on page 9 of this document http://eq-mod.sourceforge.net/docs/eqmod_vs-pec.pdf

    However, I recently found something better.  If you have an AZ EQ6, as I believe you do Alan, and the latest version of EQMOD it is possible to get the mount to record its own permanent PEC and to have it play it back.  The instructions I followed are over on cloudy nights combining eqmod with ppec and phd2

    The idea is that with the mount taking out the larger errors (probably the worm period ones) PHD2 is then able to deal with the other ones.

    Getting a smooth PEC curve recording took some doing - clouds kept intervening -  and I haven't had a chance to check it with a long guiding session under good seeing conditions yet, but initial results look hopeful.

    Yes I happened across it the other night, idle hands again, clicking buttons an saw it in the opening EQmod window with the N S E & W controls. It looks like 5 turns of the worm, which as you say is a while, at least 40mins I would say. I do indeed have that mount, I will give this a read and have a play tonight as the Moon is now annoying.


  2. Has anyone tried the newish EQmod PEC, all I see on line is an older video of PEC where one had to use a separate program to generate a PEC file the edit and load.

    Now I see in the opening window there is a record PEC facility and play button, you record 5 turns of the worm which I imagine takes a time and then I guess play it back whilst guiding

    Anyone done this as I don't see very much at all that's up to date, as good as guiding was last night before clouds visited we always want that extra bit to go to 11 as Spinal Tap would say.


  3. 7 hours ago, stash_old said:

    Below PLUS support via Forum - anyone not paying  the annual fee should be put up against a wall and LOL 🙂



    Additional features of the FULL version :

    • Ours thankfulness about your appreciation for the involved in APT work and support!
    • Automatic EOS Lens focusing (using FWHM or HFD) - built into the Lens Panel. Never implemented in astro program before!
    • Framing Masks - a multi session aid to help orienting the camera by same angle and position during multiple nights or after meridian flip. Never implemented in astro program before!
    • Ability to store PointCarft results in Object Browser for future use in different nights or after meridian flip.
    • Ability to show only the currently visible stars in the Object Browser for easier selection of alignment stars.
    • Ability to show only the currently visible objects in the Object Browser.
    • Ability to configure APT to check if the target is above the horizon before every GoTo or GoTo++.
    • Ability to schedule plan execution for beginning of Deep Sky Darkness (DSD).
    • Powerful and easy to use Commands/Script Editor for imaging session automation.
    • Notifications for refocusing when the temperature changes or closing dew point to avoid un-needed heating (requires
      TEMPer(Gold) or TEMPerHUM or focuser with temperature sensor).
    • HD Video recording for Digic IV cameras from the Planetary panel. Requires lens or T-ring with focus confirmation.
    • Support for Lunatico GNS - Good Night System to get alarm for problem with the imaging session on your smartphone.

    You drive a hard bargain Stash Old, but as you solved my EQmod problems I will over look it.😀


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    • Haha 1
  4. 23 minutes ago, Buzzard75 said:

    Believe the time unlimited 'free' (demo) version requires you to be connected to the internet. The paid version is able to be used offline. I could be thinking of BackyardEOS though. I know one of them I couldn't use out at the dark site due to no internet connection. It's so inexpensive though, it's worth the money to support the creator. After the initial purchase, I think a renewal is only $6USD per year. Pretty cheap to me.

    Not correct, I am never on the net when I use it.


    • Like 2
  5. The simple answer is no but with some differences are not as dramatic as some think, centres are normally fairly good, not as sharp as say a Vixen HR or a TV Delite but good enough, it is when you get to the edges that the wheels often come off, even fairly pricey eyepieces like Meade SWA, and I had the full set, cannot quite get to the edge preforance of the likes of TeleVue or Pentax, and possible some Vixen models I have not used.

    Some are not troubled by this but personally I am and are happy to pay the extra.

  6. Well again thank-you to all that tried to help, I removed this Reducer earlier and about 2 hours ago put it back, in doing so I saw something I had missed but then wasn't looking for it. There were a couple of areas, not large, but areas as opposed to scratches where the black was missing and the shinny metal was visible underneath. Who knows what been going on here.

    That said I could not make it repeat the arc lighting effect from other nights, so I covered them up with Matt black paint, one assumes job done, its a good job it was cheap, would have been well angry at 345 euros.

    Have to say though the corner are not good and the spacing for a Canon at 55mm is difficult to get wrong, and my scope is only 5mm F/L longer than the 800 they state which I would have though negligible.


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  7. 51 minutes ago, Ibbo! said:

    As a test can you rotate

    just the camera

    camera and flattener.



    I had to flock a very shiny extension tube many years ago that caused problems.

    Steve, I have taken it off now, the reducer that is. I will run the test in the next couple of days weather permitting and message you, I will have to do new flats now😀. It was not new but this was a pricey bit of kit at near 300 quid if new, the camera is the same one as the last 2 years.


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  8. 1 hour ago, wesdon1 said:

    Hi. It looks like diffracted light coming at you telescope from an angle, hence the diffracted colours of light showing. Has to be a source of light from somewhere? Unless your telescope needs blackening on inside in case it's reflected/diffracted light bouncing around inside telescope? Hope you resolve the issue sir. beautiful image by the way! 

    Wes, Liverpool, UK.

    I am beginning to feel it is something to do with the reducer, it I don't believe is the telescope as this is an expensive scope and never causes a problem with the other flattener, I also cannot see a problem with the camera albeit at 10 years old. Even light, what light as it is in my case there isn't any, lets see if the same happens tonight now I have removed the reducer.


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  9. 1 hour ago, Laurin Dave said:

    If the Hutech works use it! Shame about the TS one.. maybe some Matt black paint will sort it..  


    Just the sort of thing that one should do to an item that will cost you close to 300 quid if bought new. It may be interesting to see if placed in the sky in the same place, I synced it, whether the Hutech causes issues, I rather think it will not as I have use this now for a fair while and never seen anything.


  10. Flats look fine as far as I can see they look, well, flat. I thought Deneb, it is near and nothing change from one night to the next, can't say I am impressed with this TS reducer at all, about 350e new I believe, so not exactly cheap but if it does this not exactly good either. Checked everything else and basically seen nothing. I have taken it of and gone back to 805mm with the Hutech flattener, which in my books is better.

    The TS Reducer/ flat does not give round stars at the corners in my scope and it is set at 55mm, it is recommended by them I understand but that doesn't cut the mustard with me, I got this fairly cheap fortunately.


  11. Thought I had found what this problem was for about the length of a sub, I thought it was the laptop reflecting off the top front of the observatory roof which is white. So moved it back out the way and it was exactly the same as the picture directly above in the exact same part of the sky.

    Moved the telescope a fairly short distance, only about 5 degrees and nothing. All lights, dim as they are covered and laptop top covered too. There is not a light of any type for for a fair distance, even street lamps which are orange are shielded by trees and a good distance away from me. Pointing at the Pelican Nebular there is only stars above and the odd aircraft, can't work this out at all, never saw it before this TS .79 reducer was put in place.


  12. 22 minutes ago, Stub Mandrel said:

    It's not quite up to Hubble's 'Pillars of Creation' though is it? 🙂

    Er neither was mine, in fact I have to confess I didn't know they were there at all and even then can only just see them. I post my effort here so you can see how well you did do, mine was about 3 hours I think


    I tried to mask the stars in another but made a mess. must try again.

  13. Actually Dave on the back of this post I have just had a really good look at a number of subs at 100-200% and the edges are not very clever at all. This is in a rig where the correct back focus is 55mm , camera straight into Canon bayonette fitting, then screwed to Reducer, not impressed at all. Can't adjust anything.


  14. 37 minutes ago, Laurin Dave said:

    Hi Alan

    Some thoughts ..  Maybe an internal reflection ..  to check take the camera off, aim the scope at the sky and look through to see if there’s any unblackened bits showing.... maybe unlikely if it hasn’t happened before..  have you got the viewfinder cap on to prevent stray light getting in..  try taking a shot in daylight with the lens cap on and see whether you get the same pattern showing if so then figure out which bit is leaking light..  my filter wheel did from leds on the mount until I taped it all up ..  so are there any leds that come close to the scope/ camera when it’s pointing straight up ...



    There is the screen of the laptop but I stuck a piece of gaffer tape across the viewfinder, I wonder if a corner has worked loose. That though would not account for the M13 shot when the camera is on the other side but there are 3 LED's on the floor for cigar lighter plugs for mount camera etc. It could be them. It looks clear tonight I will turn everything away to ground, turn the laptop and check the gaffer tape, it will be the tape. Let you know.

    When the scope is up the LED's are at there closest to the camera.


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  15. 2 hours ago, david_taurus83 said:

    Does look like some sort of reflection. Is it there in all images over different targets?

    It was in images where the telescope was pointing almost upright to the east and not quite so much to the west as int he M13

    What ever caused this added one was in a different direction to the first one, this was the area of the Pelican and facing east but fairly high.

    I have image the exact same place many times this month and have not seen it before, the dew shield is fully extended and lights are few here. Note there are 3 on this  shot which was from the night before.




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