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alan potts

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Posts posted by alan potts

  1. 1 hour ago, tooth_dr said:

    Alan, what I mean I cannot see any difference between the first one and the modified one you have posted later in the thread?





    Ha ha, sorry I though you were saying it was still wrong, no I change the header as sometimes people look no further and I thought it did look a bit better, the other was a horrid colour with a yellow green caste, which if I'm honest I thought was OK this morning, easily pleased i guess, sorry I mis-understood you question

  2. 36 minutes ago, Laurin Dave said:

    Is it connected via USB3?  if so it should do 10fps .. 

    No I don't have a USB 3 laptop, 5 laptops but none USB 3, only my 2 desktops are USB3. I find it odd this should be required as my Canon 7D mk2 is more pixels and it does live view if I recall correctly, good while since I played with it on the scope.


  3. 5 minutes ago, Anthonyexmouth said:

    I shot the same target last night. Didnt quite nail the processing though, never do. 


    Yes I saw your and I believe left a like or maybe a comment. The processing I tend to rush when I don't have enough data, like last nigh, I am not bad a PS, about the only think I half understand, mind you that's taken 14 years. I feel yours needs a tad more contrast, lots of good things there though.


  4. 3 hours ago, Laurin Dave said:

    Looking good Alan, nicely framed and a good field of view,  I expect the green cast is a gradient caused by the Moon..  Are you using Focusing Aid in APT ?  its in the Tools tab or Alt+F shortcut it allows you to measure HFD or FWHM.


    I may have over stretched it a bit, green is easy enough to remove, don't know what caused it as the moon was only at 5 degrees when I stopped. I am using focus aid but not finding it easy, it is the 2,3 second delay in Live View, it's not really live, unless I am doing something wrong (again). I think the focus on mine is not good, since it feel off the mount one night, good for heart attacks, I am strongly considering a Baader focuser to replace it, just need to go out and measure the barrel, 90mm I think but I am not sure of thread , there is 1mm and 1,5, need to look.

    Looks like the weather is changed 43 nights clear, pretty good that.


  5. 3 hours ago, Davey-T said:

    Coming along nicely Alan, Steve posted a version last year ? practically all white Pelican that looked really good.

    Have you sorted all your gremlins ?


    Working on it Dave, but as I am just about to order, a CEM 60, 183MC Brat mask and some weights and tripod I am sure I can find plenty to keep you all busy. Feel I can deal with the tripod and counterweights.


  6. Had a few set backs and the Moon didn't help me much last night as I only got 17 x 4 minute subs and Biggles flew across 2 of them, in fact one looked like Bomber Command was out and about. So didn't know what to capture and ended up doing this, it is not focused very well at all, I believe this is moving a tad during capture, be it temperature of whatever.

    Stacked in DSS and a quick few stretches in PS. 115mm APO at 805mm F7 using most dynamic mode, shot at minus 5 degrees with ambient at about 22 degrees.



    Not keen on the colours so I think I will add to it by at least the same again and re process. If anyone reads the thread a see Green mentioned, I have removed it.




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  7. 2 hours ago, glowingturnip said:

    you can make a mask for yourself with a craft knife and some stiff black card - generate the pattern here:


    and then use it with Bahtinov Grabber (http://www.njnoordhoek.com/?p=660).  I get critical focus every time in just a few minutes.


    I have a delivery coming in the next couple of weeks from FLO, I have added a mask to the shopping list with all the other goodies. I was wondering if anyone had some good advice on the tools in APT.


  8. It is early days yet but I am struggling with focus, the focus seems to change, now whether this is focus slip or temperature change I am not sure.

    I don't yet seem to have the hang of the tools in APT as the live view isn't actually live but a 2,3,or 4 second shot, or whatever.

    Any tips from you guys as to the best way, I don't have one of those masks yet.


  9. I had full sets of both a while back and spent a very long time comparing like for like matches on a all my scope, these include a 115mm APO. I have to say my findings were Delos were slightly better in terms of how deep they see, a galaxy was just that tiny bit better. However i would say differences were subtle and nowhere near black and white. In terms of sharpness my findings were they were much the same. But on my 18 inch Dob Ethos shone due to the wide field of view.

    Both superb eyepieces in my view designed to do different jobs.


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