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alan potts

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Posts posted by alan potts

  1. 18 minutes ago, ShineOn said:

    Thanks Alan - the best thing I did for my 190 was replace the stock focuser with a Moonlite - but the connection is still a standard nosepiece into the tube connected to my Atik EFW  

    I must give it a try, it was about my favourite visual scope and in my view gave close to APO views with quality eyepieces, it's just sitting in the observatory covered over, just got too many scopes and there is no real secondhand market out here.


  2. A beautiful image there Olly, you always serve up the finest work. Briefly and as simple as you can how do you stack images from different scopes, I imagine you have to use the same camera but the FOV will be different, if the answer is complicated don't bother as i will never understand it.


    • Haha 1
  3. 1 minute ago, Skipper Billy said:

    Cheers Alan. I usually packup on or around my my birthday (8th April) as its usually a pointless exercise after that - its not really dark until midnight and too light again by 0300.

    But sadly I dont have to get up early for work at the moment - every cloud = silver lining etc 😉 

    I'm wrestling with odd weather at the moment, it was 30 degrees yesterday and 8 today, we may even get snow tomorrow.


  4. That is as good as I have seen on that target, the more I see from these scopes the more I want one but don't want to end up dead, maybe I can sneak one one day, I mean it is not as if I can afford it. I guess you are between a rock and a hard place up there ib Scotland, a lovely part of the world but does it actually get dark in summer.  Even here well over a 1000 miles south it is not dark until 10pm in June, the trouble is I am up very early most mornings and find it hard to stay out until much past 11.30.

    Great image Sir.


  5. Another beautiful image from you, make mine look a bit half baked and I thought it was decent too. I feel that H alpha and Olll really bring this out compared to my OSC, I intend to get a Optolong duel band filter in the next few weeks which may help.


  6. 1 hour ago, Brian28 said:

    Hi Alan ... I couldn’t agree more.👍 there’s nothing like using your own equipment and the satisfaction that brings .. .. though as I said it’s a target not obtainable from my location and it was much cheaper than the air fair to Chile 😉

    Lovely target it is too Brian, I can get one or two more down here that are really beyond may in the Uk, but there are some in Scorpios that even I can't get as they only get about 6-7 degree high.


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